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单词 inhumane
释义 inhumane (rather formal) not caring about the suffering of other people or animals, especially in the way they are treated or punished(对他人或动物的痛苦)无动于衷的;残忍的;不人道的◆they protested about the inhumane treatment of the prisoners.他们抗议对囚犯的非人对待。 opp humane → sensitive 1 inhumane/ˌɪnhju:ˈmeɪn ||; ˌɪnhjuˈmen/adj very cruel; not caring if people or animals suffer 残酷的;不人道的: ◇the inhumane conditions in which animals are kept on some large farms 一些大农庄里动物受到的不人道待遇 [opp] humane 反义词为humaneinhumanesee ⇨ cruel 2 in·hu·mane /ˏɪnhju`men; ˌɪnhjuːˈmeɪn◄/adjtreating people or animals in a cruel and unacceptable way 不人道的,残忍的:◇inhumane living conditions 非人的生活条件




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