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单词 equity
释义 equity /ekwəti/ noun (finance 金融) [uncountable] the money for business activities (capital) that a company obtains by selling shares rather than from loans 股本◆the company has raised €7 million of fresh equity. 这家公司筹集了 700 万欧元新股本。◆holding equity in a company 持有一家公司的股权◆we have decided to reduce our equity capital. 我们已决定减少我们的股本金。◆they have taken a large equity stake in the airline. 他们已取得这家航空公司的一大部分股权。⨁ to issue / raise equity发行股票;筹集股本 ⨁ an equity interest / stake (in sth)(在某物中的)股本权益,股权,股份 ⨁ equity holdings / investments股份;股权投资 ⨁ equity markets / prices / values股票市场/价格/价值 ⨁ an equity analyst / investor / trader股票分析员/投资者/交易者  ➡  debt (finance 金融; stock exchange 证券交易(所)) equities [plural] shares in companies, especially ordinary shares ; the business of trading shares 股票;普通股;股票买卖◆investing in equities carries a fairly high risk. 投资于股票有相当高的风险。◆many investors are switching from equities to bonds. 许多投资者正从股票转向债券。◆equities fell 8.4% in june. 股票价格六月份下跌了 8.4 % 。◆the equities market 股票市场⨁ to buy / hold / invest in / sell / trade equities购买/持有/投资于/出售/买卖股票 (also home equity [uncountable]) the value of a property after all debts have been paid 资产净值◆they have 10 years of mortgage payments left and about $75 000 equity in their home. 他们家房子还剩 10 年的按揭贷款,资产净值大约 7.5 万元。⨁ to have / take out / use equity拥有/扣除/使用资产净值 book equity ◇ brand equity ◇ employment equity ◇ external equity ◇ home equity ◇ horizontal equity ◇ internal equity ◇ owners' equity ◇ private equity ◇ return on equity ◇ shareholder equity ◇ stockholder equity ◇ sweat equity ◇ vertical equity ☞ equityequity /ekwəti/ [uncountable] (formal) a situation in which everyone is treated fairly and equally公平;公正◆they envisaged a society in which justice and equity prevailed.他们设想出一个正义与公平大行其道的社会。opp inequity → inequality eq·ui·ty /`ɛkwətɪ; ˈekwɪti/n [u]formal when everyone is fairly treated 【正式】 公平,公正:◇the principles of justice and equity 公正和公平的原则




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