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单词 equip
释义 equip verbadverb | verb + equip | preposition | phrases adverb➤lavishly, splendidly, superbly, well耗资巨大地装备;装备优异;配备精良◆the resort is well equipped for sailing.这个度假地备有完善的航行装备。➤badly, poorly装备差;装备不足▸➤comprehensively, fully, properly全面地/充分地/恰当地配备▸➤adequately, suitably充分地配备;恰当地装备▸➤specially特别配备verb + equip➤seek to, try to试图/尽力配备preposition➤for设有⋯◆the hostel is specially equipped for wheelchair access.这家旅馆特别设有轮椅通道。➤with设有⋯◆the car is fully equipped with all the latest gadgets.这辆汽车装备了所有最新的装置。phrases➤be equipped to deal with, be equipped to handle sth准备好处理⋯◆people have to be emotionally equipped to handle their success.人们务必在感情上准备好面对他们的成功。➤come equipped with配备有⋯◆rooms vary in size and come equipped with television and telephone.房间大小各异,均配有电视和电话。 equip /ɪkwɪp/ verb [transitive] (-pp-) (often be equipped) to supply sb/sth with what is needed for a particular purpose or task 装备;配备◆we needed €650 000 to build and equip the manufacturing plant. 我们需要 65 万欧元建设和装备制造厂。◆a fully equipped office 一间设施齐全的办公室◆the phone comes equipped with a built-in digital camera. 这款电话配备了一个内置数码相机。☞ equipequip verb 1➤equip yourself with a map为自己备一张地图➤equip students for a career in nursing使学生胜任护理工作equip ♦︎ arm ♦︎ stock ♦︎ outfit ♦︎ fit sb/sth out ♦︎ provision ♦︎ kit sb/sth outthese words all mean to provide sb/sth/yourself with the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity.这些词均表示配备、装备。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to equip sb / sth / arm sb / stock sth / fit sb / sth out / provision sth / kit sb out with sth◆to equip / arm yourself◆to equip / outfit / fit out / provision a ship◆to equip / arm soldiers◆to equip / provision an army◆to be well equipped / armed / stocked / provisioned◆to be fully / properly / poorly equipped / armed / stocked■ equip /ɪkwɪp/ (-pp-) [transitive] (rather formal) to provide sb/sth/yourself with the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity配备;装备◆she got a bank loan to rent and equip a small workshop.她向银行贷款,为成立一个小工作室租地方和买设备。◆he equipped himself with a street plan.他随身带着一张街道平面图。◆we travelled in a specially equipped medical jeep.我们乘坐一部有特别配置的医疗吉普车出行。◆the centre is well equipped for canoeing and mountaineering.本中心备有齐全的皮划艇和登山运动设施。■ arm [transitive, intransitive] to provide weapons for sb/yourself in order to fight a battle or war武装;装备;备战◆the crowd armed themselves with sticks and stones.人群以棍棒和石头作为武器。◆the country was arming against the enemy.这个国家正在备战迎敌。 ➡ see also arms → weapon ■ stock [transitive, often passive] to fill sth with food, books, plants, fish, etc.贮备,贮存(食物、书籍、植物、鱼等)◆the pond was well stocked with fish.池塘里养了好多鱼。◆the college has a well-stocked library.这个学校的图书馆藏书甚丰。ⓘ stocked and well stocked are typically used to describe a garden or pond, a shop or library, or a place in the home where food is kept, such as a fridge. * stocked 和 well stocked 一般用于描述花园、池塘、商店、图书馆,或冰箱等家中贮存食物之处。  ➡ see also stock → supply noun ■ outfit /aʊtfɪt/ (-tt-) [transitive, often passive] (especially name) to supply sb/sth with equipment or clothes for a special purpose装备;(为⋯)配置设备,供给服装◆the ship was outfitted with a 12-bed hospital.这艘船上配置了一个有 12 个床位的医疗室。◆they had enough swords and suits of armour to outfit an army.他们有足以装备一支军队的利剑和盔甲。ⓘ outfit is often used to talk about providing equipment for a ship, or for soldiers or sportspeople. * outfit 常指为船只、士兵或运动员提供装备。■ fit sb/sth out -->phrasal verb(-tt-) [often passive] (bre) to supply sb/sth with all the equipment they need向⋯提供所需的装备◆it was their job to fit out ships before long voyages.他们的工作是给远航轮船供及必需品。◆the room has been fitted out with a stove and a sink.房间装有炉子和洗涤槽。ⓘ people usually fit out rooms, houses and vehicles. * fit out 通常后接 room、house 和 vehicle。■ provision /prəvɪʒn/ [transitive, often passive] (formal) to supply sb/sth with enough of sth, especially food, to last for a particular period of time为⋯提供充足物资(尤指食品)◆the main business of the port is to provision passing ocean liners.港口的主要业务是为过往海轮供应食品。ⓘ provision is usually used to talk about supplying food for ships, but it can also be used to talk about supplying food to a city, an army or some other group of people. * provision 通常指为船只供应食品,但也可以指为城市、军队或其他群体供应食品。  ➡ see also provisions → supplies noun ■ kit sb/sth out -->phrasal verb(-tt-) [usually passive] (bre, rather informal) to give sb/sth the correct clothes and/or equipment for a particular activity(为特定活动)使⋯装备起来◆they were all kitted out in brand new ski outfits.他们都一身全新的滑雪装备。◆the london studio is lavishly kitted out with six cameras.伦敦演播室配置豪华,共有六部摄像机。ⓘ you kit sb/sth out with equipment, and you kit sb out in particular clothes.表示“配置设备”用 kit sb/sth out with,表示“提供某人服装”用 kit sb out in。equip verb 2➤equip yourself with a map为自己备一张地图➤equip students for a career in nursing使学生胜任护理工作equip ♦︎ fit ♦︎ qualifythese words all mean to make sb/sth suitable for a particular job or role.这些词均表示使适合、使胜任。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to equip / fit / qualify sb for sth◆to be equipped / fitted / qualified to do sth◆to be well / perfectly equipped / fitted / qualified for sth◆to be suitably equipped / qualified for sth■ equip (-pp-) [transitive] (rather formal, especially business尤用于商业) to prepare sb for an activity or task, especially by teaching them what they need to know(教导以)使有准备,使有能力◆the programme is designed to equip students for a career in nursing.此课程旨在使学生能够胜任护理工作。◆here he received the education that would equip him to take his place in society.他在这儿所受的教育能让他在社会中自立。ⓘ skills, professional training and education are typical things that equip people for sth or to do sth. * skills、professional training 和 education 是常见的 equip 的行为主语,表示使人有能力做某事。■ fit (-tt-) [transitive, often passive] (bre) to make sb/sth suitable for a particular job, role or purpose使适合,使胜任(某工作、角色或目标)◆his experience fitted him perfectly for the job.他的经验使他完全能胜任这项工作。◆she was well fitted to the role of tragic heroine.她非常适合演这一悲情女主角。◆natural selection will see to it that animals are well fitted to survive in their environment.自然选择将确保动物适应自身的生存环境。ⓘ things which typically fit sb for a particular job are expertise, personality, background, experience, skills, life, education, manners and appearance. in the context of jobs, american english would use equip; sb might be suited to a particular role; animals might be well adapted to survive in an environment. these words can all be used in british english as well. * expertise、personality、background、experience、skills、life、education、manners 和 appearance 是常见的 fit 的行为主语,表示使人适合做某工作。在工作语境中,美式英语用 equip ; sb be suited to 表示某人适合某角色;动物适应某种生存环境用 be well adapted to survive。这些说法也都适用英式英语。■ qualify [transitive] (rather formal) to provide sb with the skills and knowledge they need to do sth使合格;使具有资格◆the training should qualify you for a better job.本培训课程应能使你可胜任更好的工作。◆the test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles.通过这一考试就有资格驾驶重型车辆。◆are you qualified to administer drugs?你有施用药物的资格吗?ⓘ qualify is usually used to talk about the result of a particular course, programme or course of training, or a test or examination. students usually receive a certificate to show that they are qualified to do a particular job. * qualify 的主语通常是 course、programme、training,或 test、examination,指通过课程、培训、考试等使某人具备资格,完成或通过后通常获得资格证书以兹证明。equip /ɪkwɪp/ (-pp-) [transitive] (rather formal) to provide sb/sth/yourself with the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity配备;装备◆she got a bank loan to rent and equip a small workshop.她向银行贷款,为成立一个小工作室租地方和买设备。◆he equipped himself with a street plan.他随身带着一张街道平面图。◆we travelled in a specially equipped medical jeep.我们乘坐一部有特别配置的医疗吉普车出行。◆the centre is well equipped for canoeing and mountaineering.本中心备有齐全的皮划艇和登山运动设施。equip(-pp-) [transitive] (rather formal, especially business尤用于商业) to prepare sb for an activity or task, especially by teaching them what they need to know(教导以)使有准备,使有能力◆the programme is designed to equip students for a career in nursing.此课程旨在使学生能够胜任护理工作。◆here he received the education that would equip him to take his place in society.他在这儿所受的教育能让他在社会中自立。ⓘ skills, professional training and education are typical things that equip people for sth or to do sth. * skills、professional training 和 education 是常见的 equip 的行为主语,表示使人有能力做某事。equip/ɪˈkwɪp ||; ɪˈkwɪp/verb [t] (equipping;equipped)equip sb/sth (with sth) 1. (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) to supply sb/sth with what is needed for a particular purpose 装备;配备: ◇we shall equip all schools with new computers over the next year. 明年我们要让所有学校都配备新计算机。◇the flat has a fully-equipped kitchen. 这套房间有一个设备齐全的厨房。 2. to prepare sb for a particular task 使有所准备: ◇the course equips students with all the skills necessary to become a chef. 这门课程使学生具备当一名厨师所必需的全部技能。 equipsee ⇨ can/can't 5 ⇨ prepare 4 ⇨ provide/supply 1 e·quip /ɪ`kwɪp; ɪˈkwɪp/v [t] -pped, -pping 1. to provide someone or something with the things that are needed for a particular purpose 配备,装备:◇the boys had equipped themselves with ropes and torches before entering the cave. 男孩们进入洞穴前带上了绳索和手电筒。◇be equipped with sth all their soldiers were equipped with assault rifles. 他们的士兵全部配备了冲锋枪。 2. to prepare someone for something by giving them the necessary skills 使[某人]有准备,使有能力:◇equip sb to do sth his training had not equipped him to deal with this kind of emergency. 他受过的训练未能使他有能力处理这类紧急情况。




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