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单词 brave
释义 brave adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, feel, seem, sound勇敢;觉得勇敢;好像勇敢;听起来勇敢▸➤make sb使某人勇敢◆the vodka had made me brave.伏特加酒给我壮了胆。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常勇敢▸➤exceptionally, terribly (especially bre) 异常/非常勇敢▸➤amazingly, incredibly勇敢得令人惊讶/令人难以置信 brave adjective  ➡ see also the entry for bold另见 bold 条brave ♦︎ courageous ♦︎ heroic ♦︎ gallant ♦︎ fearless ♦︎ gutsythese words all describe sb who is willing to do difficult or dangerous things.这些词均表示人勇敢的、无畏的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a brave / courageous / heroic / gallant attempt / effort / action / resistance / struggle◆a brave / courageous decision◆brave / heroic deeds◆a brave / courageous / gallant / fearless soldier◆a brave / fearless warrior■ brave (of a person) willing to do things which are difficult, dangerous or painful; (of an action) showing no fear of doing sth difficult, dangerous or painful(人)勇敢的;(行为)英勇的,无惧的◆be brave!勇敢一些!◆i wasn't brave enough to tell her what i thought of her.我当时没有勇气告诉她我对她的看法。◆she died after a brave fight against cancer.她在同癌症进行顽强的搏斗后死去了。◆i had to put on a brave face and try to show him that i wasn't worried.我不得不装出若无其事的样子,在他面前尽量不露出愁容。opp cowardly → coward  ➡ see also bravery → courage ▸ bravely adverb◆though they fought bravely, they were no match for the trained mercenaries.尽管他们作战英勇,但还是打不过训练有素的雇佣兵。■ courageous /kəreɪdʒəs/ willing to face danger, pain or opposition, especially when doing sth that you believe to be right勇敢的,无畏的(尤指认为所做之事正确时)◆i think he made a very courageous decision to resign.我认为他决定辞职很有勇气。◆i hope people will be courageous enough to speak out against this injustice.我希望人们能大胆说出来,反对这种不公。  ➡ see also courage → courage ■ heroic /hərəʊɪk; name həroʊɪk/ showing extreme courage and admired by many people英勇的;英雄的◆she is a heroic figure we can all look up to.她是我们都会敬仰的英雄人物。◆rescuers made heroic efforts to save the crew.救援人员不畏艰险,努力营救全体船员。  ➡ see also heroism → courage ▸ heroically adverb■ gallant /gælənt/ (old-fashioned or literary) brave, especially in war or a very difficult situation(尤指在战争或困境中)勇敢的,英勇的◆our gallant soldiers have had to endure many hardships in the field.我们英勇的战士在战场上必须忍受很多磨难。◆she made a gallant attempt to hide her tears.她强掩泪水。▸ gallantly adverb■ fearless (written) not afraid, in a way that people admire不怕的;无畏的;大胆的◆he was known as a powerful king and a fearless warrior.他是公认的强有力的国王和无畏的武士。◆she was fearless and full of energy.她勇敢无畏,充满活力。 opp fearful → afraid ■ gutsy /gʌtsi/ (informal) showing strength, courage and determination坚毅勇敢的◆her gutsy performance in the game impressed everyone, even her teammates.她在比赛中勇猛顽强的表现打动了每个人,甚至是她的队友。  ➡ see also guts → courage brave(of a person) willing to do things which are difficult, dangerous or painful; (of an action) showing no fear of doing sth difficult, dangerous or painful(人)勇敢的;(行为)英勇的,无惧的◆be brave!勇敢一些!◆i wasn't brave enough to tell her what i thought of her.我当时没有勇气告诉她我对她的看法。◆she died after a brave fight against cancer.她在同癌症进行顽强的搏斗后死去了。◆i had to put on a brave face and try to show him that i wasn't worried.我不得不装出若无其事的样子,在他面前尽量不露出愁容。opp cowardly → coward  ➡ see also bravery → courage ▸ bravely adverb◆though they fought bravely, they were no match for the trained mercenaries.尽管他们作战英勇,但还是打不过训练有素的雇佣兵。 brave [transitive] (written) to show that you are willing to deal with sth difficult or unpleasant in order to achieve sth勇敢面对;冒(风险);经受(困难)◆he did not feel up to braving the journalists at the airport.他怯于在机场直接面对记者。◆over a thousand people braved the elements (= went out in bad weather) to attend the march.一千多人不顾天气恶劣参加了游行。brave¹/breɪv ||; brev/adj1. ready to do things that are dangerous or difficult without showing fear 勇敢的;英勇的: ◇the brave soldiers who fought in the war 在战场杀敌的英勇战士◇‘this may hurt a little, so try and be brave,’ said the dentist. 牙医说:“这可能有点痛,勇敢一点熬一熬就是了。” 2. needing or showing courage 需要勇气的;显出勇气的: ◇a brave decision 勇敢的决定 ➔bravely adv ◇the men bravely defended the town for three days. 这些人英勇捍恒该镇三天。 put on a brave face;put a brave face on sth to pretend that you feel confident and happy when you do not 装出信心十足或很愉快的样子 brave²/breɪv ||; brev/verb [t] to face sth unpleasant, dangerous or difficult without showing fear 勇于面对(危险或困难): ◇she braved the rain and went out into the street. 她冒雨往街上走去。 ☞ brave/not brave☞ brave¹☞ brave²




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