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单词 flat/not flat
释义 flat/not flat1 flat and smooth2 not sloping or vertical3 to make something flat4 to lay something flat on a surface5 when a road, piece of land etc becomes flat6 not flat or smooth7 not level8 with lots of hills or mountainsrelated wordssee alsosquash,1. flat and smooth 平坦和平滑的 flat /flæt/ [adjective] a place that is flat has no hills or mountains; a surface or object that is flat has no raised or curved parts 平坦的;平滑的 cambridge is very flat and you can see for miles. 剑桥地势平坦,一眼能望好几英里远。 a flat, sandy beach 一处平坦的沙滩 we sat down on a big flat rock. 我们在一块平坦的大岩石上坐下。 focaccia, an italian flat bread, has become very popular for sandwiches. 这种名为佛卡夏的意大利扁平面包用来做三明治很受欢迎。 smooth /smuːð/ [adjective] a smooth surface feels completely flat and has no rough or raised parts, especially in a way that is pleasant and attractive 平滑的,光滑的 the marble table felt smooth and cold against her arm. 大理石桌子碰在她手臂上的感觉又滑又凉。 she has lovely smooth skin. 她的皮肤光滑可爱。 smoothness [uncountable noun] she sanded the edge of the board and rubbed her hand against it to test its smoothness. 她用砂纸把板边磨光,然后用手摸着看是否平滑了。 even /ˈiːvən/ [adjective] a surface such as a floor or road that is even is completely flat and all its parts are at the same height [地面、路面等]平坦的;平整的 the floor must be completely even before we lay the tiles. 我们铺地砖时地面必须完全平整。 after driving for so long on the gravel i was glad to get on an even stretch of road. 在砾石路上驾驶了那么长时间之后,我很高兴来到了一段平坦的路上。2. not sloping or vertical 不倾斜的或不垂直的 flat /flæt/ [adjective/adverb] in those days the houses all had flat roofs. 那时候所有的房子都是平屋顶的。 we lay flat on our backs and stared up at the sky. 我们平躺着凝望天空。 level /ˈlevəl/ [adjective] a surface or area that is level does not slope in any direction [表面或土地]平的,平坦的 he looked for a strip of level ground where he could land the plane. 他在找一块平地来降落飞机。 these shelves aren't level. 这些架子不平整。 horizontal /ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntl◂, ˌhɒrəˈzɒntl◂ǁˌhɑːrə̇ˈzɑːntl◂/ [adjective] a horizontal line, position, or surface is completely straight, flat, and not sloping, and is parallel with the ground or the bottom of something 水平的,与地面平行的 the cliff revealed horizontal layers of rock. 这座悬崖显示出水平岩层。horizontal line the teacher drew a long, horizontal line across the blackboard. 老师在黑板上画了一条长长的水平线。horizontal position the wine bottles should be kept in a horizontal position. 酒瓶应该平放。 on its side /ɒn ɪts ˈsaɪd/ [adverb] something that is on its side has been moved from its usual upright position to a horizontal position 横着地,平放地 one of the vehicles in the accident still lay on its side, blocking all four traffic lanes. 事故中的一辆车仍横倒在地上,堵住了所有四条车道。 place the chicken on its side in a baking dish and roast for 20 minutes. 把鸡平放在烤盘内烤20分钟。 a dog was pulling garbage out of a trash can which was lying on its side in the street. 一条狗把垃圾从一个翻倒在街上的垃圾筒里拖出。3. to make something flat 把某物弄平整 flatten /ˈflætn/ [transitive verb] to make something flat, especially something that is not usually flat 使…变平,[把]弄平 the wind and rain had flattened the crops. 这场风雨把庄稼弄倒了。 roll the dough into a ball and then flatten it with a rolling pin. 把面团揉成团状,然后用擀面杖把它压平。 level /ˈlevəl/ [transitive verb] to make a piece of land flat and stop it sloping in any direction 使成水平;夷平[土地] it is important to level the land before planting. 种植前把地弄平,这很重要。level something off/out the site of the explosion has now been levelled out and is going to be made into a memorial garden. 爆炸地点现已被夷平,准备建成一个纪念公园。 roll/press/squash etc something flat /ˌrəʊl something ˈflæt/ [verb phrase] to make something flat by rolling it, pressing it etc 把…滚平;把…压平 roll the pastry flat and cut out two 8-inch circles. 把面团压扁,然后切出两个8英寸的面饼。 please squash all aluminum cans flat before placing them in the bin. 请把铝罐都压扁后再放进垃圾箱。 smooth /smuːð/ [transitive verb] to make the surface of something such as paper or cloth completely flat and smooth 弄平;使平整 she removed her cap and smoothed her lush black hair. 她摘下帽子抚平她那浓密的黑发。smooth something down/out across the table, tanya smoothed down her skirt and looked at her watch. 桌子那边,塔尼娅把裙子理平,看了一下表。 every morning she smoothes the bedclothes out and dusts the room. 她每天早上都要将床单床罩理平,擦一擦房间的灰尘。4. to lay something flat on a surface 把某物平放在表面上 lay something/somebody flat /ˌleɪ something/somebody ˈflæt/ [verb phrase] lay the skirt flat on an ironing board and cover it with a damp cloth. 把连衣裙平放在烫衣板上并盖上一块湿布。 the fish are laid flat on a board and scraped with the back of a knife to remove the scales. 鱼被平放到板上并用刀背把鱼鳞刮掉。 realizing the man had a back injury, we laid him flat on the ground and waited for the ambulance to arrive. 看到那名男子背部受伤,我们把他平放在地上等救护车来。 lay down /ˌleɪ ˈdaʊn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to carefully put something or someone into a horizontal position [小心地把某物或某人]放平 lay something/somebody down we carried the injured child over to the bed and laid her down. 我们把那名受伤的儿童搬到床上并把她平放下来。lay something/somebody down on/in etc she folded her scarf and laid it down on the seat next to her. 她把领巾折好放在身边的座位上。lay down something/somebody ‘that thing weighs a ton,’ said ian, laying down the marble slab on the floor. “那玩艺儿重得要命。”伊恩边说边把大理石石板平放到地上。5. when a road, piece of land etc becomes flat 路、地面等变平整 flatten/flatten out /ˈflætn, ˌflætn ˈaʊt/ [intransitive verb/intransitive phrasal verb] the road widens and flattens as it nears the sea. 路靠近大海时变宽变平了。 towards the top of the hill the ground flattens out and the climb should be easier. 近山顶时地面变平整了,爬山应该更容易些。 level off/out /ˌlevəl ˈɒf, ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to become flat and level, especially after sloping 变平坦[尤指经过斜坡后] where the path levels out you will find an old cottage. 在路面变平坦的地方你会看到一间旧村舍。 after climbing steeply through woodland the lane levelled off. 爬过陡峭的林地后,小路变平坦了。6. not flat or smooth 不平坦或不平整的 rough /rʌf/ [adjective] not flat - use this about roads, walls, areas, land etc where the surface is not smooth because there are a lot of stones or small raised parts [路面、墙面、地方、土地等]粗糙的,不平整的 a rough gravel trail was the only way into town. 一条粗糙的碎石小路是进城的唯一的路。 rough mountain paths 起伏不平的山路 the rough stone walls of the old castle 老城堡的粗糙石墙 bumpy /ˈbʌmpi/ [adjective] a bumpy road, path, or area of land has a lot of holes and raised parts in it [路面等]坑坑洼洼的,崎岖不平的 the field was too bumpy to play football on. 这地面太不平整了,没法在上面踢足球。 neal drove the last mile down the bumpy road towards the highway. 尼尔在粗糙不平的路上开车驶最后一英里的路程,朝着公路驶去。bumpy ride when you are travelling in a vehicle on an uneven surface 颠簸的车程 fasten your seatbelt, this ride may be bumpy. 系好安全带,这趟旅程可能很颠簸。 uneven /ʌnˈiːvən/ [adjective] an uneven surface has areas that are not flat or not all at the same level 不平整的,凹凸不平的 his teeth were yellow and uneven. 他的牙齿又黄又不整齐。 the old uneven brick sidewalk was ripped up and replaced. 那条不平整的砖铺的旧人行道被掘开重新铺过了。 lumpy /ˈlʌmpi/ [adjective] a bed or chair that is lumpy has lumps under the surface so that it is uncomfortable to sit on or lie on [床或椅子]疙疙瘩瘩的,高低不平的 sandra lay on the lumpy mattress, unable to sleep. 桑德拉躺在疙疙瘩瘩的床垫上,难以入睡。 i paid $40 a week for a tiny room with a lumpy couch and a battered old desk. 我每周付40美元租这间小房间,里面有张布满团块的长沙发和破破烂烂的旧书桌。7. not level 不平的 sloping /ˈsləʊpɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] something that is sloping is higher at one end than at the other 倾斜的 an old hotel with lovely sloping lawns 一家有漂亮的斜草坪的古老酒店 a gently sloping bank led down to the stream. 一道缓缓倾斜的河岸伸向小溪。 slope /sləʊp/ [intransitive verb] if the ground or a surface slopes, it is not level but goes gradually upwards or downwards 倾斜,成斜坡 slope downwards/upwards/away/into etc the garden sloped down gradually towards the sea. 这座花园缓缓向海边倾斜。 tilt the board so that it is sloping upwards away from you. 把这块板翘一下,让它远离你的一端往上倾斜。8. with lots of hills or mountains 有许多山丘或大山的 hilly /ˈhɪli/ [adjective] an area of land that is hilly has lots of hills [地区]多小山的;起伏不平的 the hilly farmlands of new jersey 新泽西起伏不平的农田 the vineyards are hilly and difficult to cultivate. 这几片葡萄园起伏不平,很难耕种。 rolling /ˈrəʊlɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] rolling hills/fields/farmland etc with a lot of rounded, not very steep hills and valleys, especially when this looks attractive 起伏不平的小山/田野/农田等 the castle is set in rolling hills to the north of orvieto. 城堡坐落在奥尔维耶托北面绵延起伏的山区里。 he stood at the top of the hill, admiring the rolling landscape. 他站在小山顶上,欣赏着山丘绵延起伏的景观。 mountainous /ˈmaʊntɪnəs, ˈmaʊntənəs/ [adjective] an area of land that is mountainous has lots of high mountains [地区]多山的 the mainland of greece is mountainous and largely infertile. 希腊大陆地区多山,土地大多贫瘠。 fog and rain are common in the mountainous regions near the border. 靠近边境的山区雾和雨是很常见的。




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