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单词 oblivion
释义 oblivion nounadjective | verb + oblivion | preposition adjective➤political政治上默默无闻➤total完全被遗忘verb + oblivion➤fade into, fall into, pass into, sink into, slide into被遗忘▸➤rescue sb/sth from, save sb/sth from使⋯免于被遗忘◆a minor masterpiece, saved from oblivion免于湮灭的次要代表作➤consign sb/sth to淡忘⋯◆most of his work has now been consigned to oblivion.他的大部份作品现在都已被遗忘了。preposition➤in oblivion不为人知◆he died in oblivion.他悄然离世。oblivion/əˈblɪviən ||; əˈblɪvɪən/noun[u] 1. a state in which you do not realize what is happening around you, usually because you are unconscious or asleep 不察觉周遭发生的事(通常因昏迷或睡着): ◇i was in a state of complete oblivion. 我的脑海里一片空白。 2. the state in which sb/sth has been forgotten and is no longer famous or important 被遗忘;湮没: ◇his work faded into oblivion after his death. 他死后,他的作品渐渐被人遗忘了。 o·bliv·i·on /ə`blɪvɪən; əˈblɪviən/n [u] 1. when someone is unconscious or does not notice what is happening around them 无知觉的状态; 漠视:◇he spent the night drinking himself into oblivion. 他整晚酗酒,醉得不省人事。 2. when someone or something is completely forgotten 被完全遗忘:◇old movie stars who have faded into oblivion 被遗忘了的昔日影星




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