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单词 downfall
释义 downfall nounadjective | verb + downfall | downfall + verb | phrases adjective➤eventual, ultimate最终的垮台➤dramatic, tragic戏剧性的/悲剧性的失败verb + downfall➤bring about, cause, lead to造成垮台;导致垮台◆a scandal that brought about his downfall导致他垮台的丑闻➤contribute to, hasten促使垮台;加速衰落◆the failure of this plan contributed to her eventual downfall.这个计划的失败促使她最终垮台。➤plot密谋推翻◆they were found guilty of plotting the downfall of the government.他们被判犯有密谋推翻政府罪。downfall + verb➤come失败来临◆the movement's downfall came with the failed coup d'état.政变流产了,这场运动也随之失败。phrases➤be sb's downfall是某人垮台的原因◆his greed was eventually his downfall.贪婪最终导致了他的垮台。downfall /daʊnfɔːl/ [singular] the loss of sb's power, money or social position; the thing that causes this衰败;垮台;衰败(或垮台)的原因◆the sex scandal finally led to his downfall.这桩性丑闻最终使他身败名裂。◆greed was her downfall.贪得无厌就是她堕落的缘由。downfall/ˈdaʊnfɔ:l ||; ˈdaυnˌfɔl/noun [sing] a loss of a person's money, power, social position, etc; the thing that causes this 衰落;垮台;引致衰落或垮台的原因: ◇the government's downfall seemed inevitable. 这个政府看来免不了要倒台。◇greed was her downfall. 贪婪是她失败的原因。 down·fall /`danˏfɔl; ˈdaʊnfɔːl/n [singular 单数]a situation in which you suddenly stop being successful, rich, important 失败,没落,垮台(的原因):◇greed will be his downfall. 贪婪会导致他没落。




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