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单词 album
释义 album noun¹ 1book本;册adjective | preposition adjective➤family, wedding家庭/结婚纪念相册▸➤photo, photograph相册;影集▸➤stamp集邮簿preposition➤in an/the album在⋯册中◆i keep the photographs in an album.我把照片放在相册里。album noun² 2music音乐adjective | verb + album | album + verb | album + noun adjective➤best-selling, good, great最畅销的/不错的/出色的唱片◆their best-selling album has won three awards.他们最畅销的唱片赢得了 3 个奖项。➤debut, first首张专辑;首张唱片▸➤double双张专辑▸➤live, studio现场/录制室中录制的唱片➤concept概念专辑◆the band is working on a concept album about nostradamus.这个乐队正在录制一张关于诺斯特拉达穆斯的概念唱片。➤solo独唱唱片◆it's the singer's first solo album.这是这位歌手的首张独唱专辑。➤compilation音乐合辑➤latest, new最新的唱片;新唱片◆their new album has been getting good reviews.他们的新唱片一直好评不断。➤greatest-hits精选专辑verb + album➤make, produce, record制作音乐专辑;录制音乐专辑◆the singer recorded her second album in los angeles.这位歌手在洛杉矶录制了她的第二张专辑。➤put out, release发布/发行音乐专辑◆she has not put out a new album this year.她今年没有推出新专辑。➤download下载音乐专辑◆you can download an entire album with a click of a mouse.点击一下鼠标就可以下载整张音乐专辑。album + verb➤come out唱片出版◆his latest album comes out in the spring.他的最新专辑将在春天问世。album + noun➤chart唱片销量排行榜➤track专辑曲目➤cover, sleeve音乐专辑的封面/封套album/ˈælbəm ||; ˈælbəm/noun[c] 1. a collection of songs on one cd, cassette, etc (收录在激光唱片或盒式录音带上的)歌曲集,专辑: ◇the band are about to release their third album. 这支乐队快要发行他们的第三张唱片。 ☞look at single. 参看 single。 2. a book in which you can keep stamps, photographs, etc that you have collected 保存邮票、照片等收藏品的册子;集邮簿;相簿 al·bum /`ælbəm; ˈælbəm/n [c] 1. a group of songs recorded by a particular performer or group on a record, cd or tape [某一歌手或演唱组合录制的]歌曲专辑:◇do you have the clash's first album? 你有“碰撞”乐队的第一张专辑吗? 2. a book in which you put photographs, stamps etc [存放照片、邮票等的]簿册




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