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单词 downbeat
释义 downbeat /daʊnbiːt/ adjectivenot feeling much hope about the future 前途无望的;悲观的◆the group remained downbeat about the outlook for next year. 这个集团对明年的前景依然感到渺茫。◆a downbeat assessment of the group's trading prospects 对这个集团交易前景的悲观评价 opp upbeat ☞ downbeatdownbeat /daʊnbiːt/ (rather informal) (of an attitude) dull or depressing; not hopeful about the future(态度)沉闷的,令人沮丧的;悲观的◆the overall mood of the meeting was downbeat.会议气氛总体上是沉闷的。◆their assessment of the uk's economic prospects is downbeat.他们对英国经济前景的看法是悲观的。 opp upbeat → optimistic downbeat/daʊnbi:t ||; ˈdaunˌbit/adj (informal 非正式) 1. dull or depressing; not having much hope for the future 沉闷的;令人沮丧的;悲观的: ◇the overall mood of the meeting was downbeat. 整个会议的气氛是沉闷的。 [opp]upbeat 反义词为 upbeat 2. not showing strong feelings or enthusiasm 感情不强烈的;无热情的downbeatsee ⇨ expect 6




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