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单词 effort
释义 effort noun¹ 1physical/mental energy needed to do sth力量;精力adjective | ... of effort | verb + effort | effort + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤considerable相当大的努力▸➤hard艰苦的努力◆it took a whole day of hard effort to knock down the wall.努力苦干了一整天才把墙拆掉。➤constant, sustained不断的/持续的努力▸➤extra额外的努力➤minimal最小的付出◆an outfit which enables you to look good with minimal effort不费什么劲儿就会让你看上去得体的行头➤wasted白费劲儿▸➤physical体力付出▸➤intellectual, mental脑力付出... of effort➤amount努力的量◆the amount of effort required所需要的努力verb + effort➤demand, need, require, take需要努力◆it takes constant effort to become fluent in a language.需要不断的努力才能流利地讲一种语言。➤devote, exert, expend, invest, put in付出努力;作出努力◆all the team members have put in a great deal of effort.所有队员都付出了极大的努力。➤waste白费功夫▸➤spare no不遗余力◆no effort has been spared to make this hotel a welcoming, comfortable place.尽了一切努力将这个酒店打造成为受欢迎的舒适之所。➤be worth值得努力◆the walk is difficult but well worth the effort.这段路是难走点儿,但是值得费这功夫。effort + verb➤go into精力投入到⋯◆a lot of effort went into making the costumes.做这些戏装花了很多的精力。preposition➤with effort, without effort费力;不费力◆this can be done quickly and with very little effort.这事不用费多少劲儿就能很快完成。phrases➤a great deal of effort巨大的努力▸➤time and effort时间和精力◆senior leaders are investing time and effort in studying the issue.高层领导正在投入时间和精力研究这件事。◆the staff spent considerable time and effort developing a national policy.全体职员投入了相当多的时间与精力以制订一项全国性政策。effort noun² 2attempt to do sth尝试adjective | verb + effort | effort + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤ambitious, big, enormous, great, herculean, huge, major, massive, remarkable, special, tremendous雄心勃勃的努力;巨大的努力;主要的努力;杰出的努力;特殊的努力◆i can see you have made a big effort to clean up.我能看出你很努力地做了清理打扫。➤brave, heroic, superhuman, valiant无畏的/英勇的/超人的/勇敢的努力➤all-out, concentrated, determined, strenuous, tireless全部的/集中的/坚决的/费力的/不倦的努力➤painstaking辛勤的努力▸➤desperate, frantic拚命的努力◆their frantic efforts to put out the fire他们拚命扑火➤final, last, last-ditch最后的努力◆the un general secretary flew in in a last-ditch effort to save the talks.联合国秘书长乘飞机到达,试图为挽救会谈作最后的努力。➤continuing, ongoing, sustained持续的努力◆the continuing effort to find the missing girls为寻找失踪女孩作出的持续努力➤renewed再度的努力➤pioneering开创性的努力◆pioneering efforts to restructure the industry为产业结构重组所作的开创性努力➤genuine, good-faith, positive, real, serious, sincere真正的/诚心的/积极的/实在的/严肃的/真心的努力◆districts have not made a good-faith effort to implement public school choice.各区并没有诚心去努力行使公立学校选择权。➤feeble, half-hearted微弱的/敷衍的努力◆she made a feeble effort to smile, then started crying again.她勉强想挤出一丝笑容,却又开始哭起来。➤successful成功的尝试➤worthwhile值得的努力▸➤failed, fruitless, futile, unsuccessful, vain失败的努力;无结果的努力;徒劳➤misguided被引入歧途的努力▸➤collaborative, collective, combined, concerted, cooperative, coordinated, joint, team共同努力;协同努力;齐心协力;团队协作◆students, teachers and families got together in a team effort to decorate the school.学生、老师和家长一起协作布置学校。➤international国际间的努力▸➤conscious, deliberate有意识的努力◆i have to make a conscious effort to be polite so early in the morning.大清早的时候我要特别提醒自己礼貌待人。➤voluntary自愿的行为◆the museum relies on the voluntary efforts of enthusiasts.这个博物馆靠的是志愿者热心的帮助。➤diplomatic外交上的努力◆diplomatic efforts to end the crisis failed.为结束危机而作的外交努力失败了。➤grass-roots草根阶层的努力◆a grass-roots effort by workers to transform their country基层工人们为改造自己的国家所作的努力➤get-out-the-vote (name) 动员投票的努力◆the democratic get-out-the-vote effort placed heavy emphasis on the youth vote.民主党将拉票重点放在了青年人身上。➤fund-raising, marketing, outreach, recruitment筹款/营销/跨区/招聘行动➤humanitarian, recovery, relief, rescue人道主义/恢复性/救灾/营救努力➤anti-terrorism, counterterrorism反恐的努力➤clean-up, conservation, rebuilding, reconstruction, restoration净化/保护/再建/重建/复原的努力verb + effort➤make作出努力➤initiate, launch开始努力;积极开展◆they launched an aids education effort.他们发起了艾滋病教育行动。➤mount, undertake采取行动◆the report outlines the efforts undertaken by the industry.报告概述了该行业所作出的努力。➤fund资助行动▸➤accelerate, expand, increase, intensify, redouble, renew, step up加速/扩大/增加/增强/倍加/恢复/加紧努力◆the police have renewed their efforts to find the murderer.警方重新开始寻找谋杀凶手。➤continue继续努力▸➤channel, concentrate, focus引导努力于;集中精力于◆the police tried to channel their efforts into searching the forest.警方试图集中力量搜查森林。➤redirect, refocus重新调整努力的方向➤coordinate, orchestrate, organize协调/结合/组织力量➤combine, pool合并/汇集力量◆governments are pooling their efforts to stem international terrorism.政府正汇集力量遏制国际恐怖主义。➤duplicate付出双倍的努力◆we tried to ensure that efforts were not duplicated.我们尽力确保不会重复费劲儿。➤lead, spearhead将精力引导到◆he spearheaded efforts to raise money for the school.他集中精力为学校筹款。➤target致力于◆we're targeting our efforts at making our website appealing to younger people.我们正致力于使网站能吸引年轻人。➤fail in失败◆he failed in his efforts to give up smoking.他戒烟失败了。➤resist抗拒努力◆the wound resisted all my efforts to stop it from bleeding.我怎么都止不住伤口流血。➤abandon放弃努力➤complicate使努力复杂化➤derail, frustrate, hamper, hinder, impede, sabotage, stymie (informal, especially name) , thwart, undermine使努力受挫;使努力受阻;使努力遭破坏◆critics said the plan would undermine efforts to address the current crisis.批评者说,此计划会使为处理当前危机所作出的努力受挫。➤be rewarded for, reward付出的努力得到回报;回报努力◆her efforts were rewarded when she won an oscar.获得奥斯卡奖是她付出努力的回报。➤applaud, praise称赞努力◆the gallery owner applauded the efforts of firefighters to save the exhibits.画廊主人赞扬了消防队员为挽救展品所付出的努力。➤appreciate赞赏努力◆we all appreciate your efforts.我们都很感激你作出的努力。➤oppose, support反对/支持努力effort + verb➤come to nothing, fail, fall flat, fall short努力无果而终;努力失败;努力不够➤pay off, succeed, work努力获得了回报/获得了成功/起作用➤culminate in sth, produce sth, result in sth努力最终取得⋯/产生⋯/获得⋯➤be aimed at sth, be targeted at sth, focus on sth在⋯方面作出的努力◆educational efforts targeted at children from ethnic minorities在少数民族儿童教育方面作出的努力➤earn sb sth努力为某人获得⋯◆her efforts earned her a nobel prize.她的努力使她获得了诺贝尔奖。preposition➤in an/your effort为了⋯◆the club has changed the rules in an effort to make them fairer.为了更公平一些,俱乐部调整了规则。➤through sb's effort通过某人的努力◆through their efforts, enough money was raised to buy the equipment.通过他们的努力,已经筹措了足够的资金购买设备。phrases➤your best efforts最大的努力◆despite our best efforts, we didn't manage to win the game.尽管我们尽了最大努力,还是没能赢得比赛。➤a reward for your efforts努力所得的回报◆second prize was a fair reward for his efforts.获二等奖是他付出努力应得的回报。➤make every effort竭尽全力◆we are making every effort to obtain the release of the hostages.我们竭尽全力争取人质获释。 effort nouneffort ♦︎ hard work ♦︎ struggle ♦︎ endeavour ♦︎ energy ♦︎ exertionthese are all words for the physical or mental energy that you need to do sth, or sth that takes a lot of energy.这些词均表示心气、努力或费力的事。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆(a) great effort / struggle / endeavour / exertion◆(a) physical effort / struggle / exertion◆(a) mental effort / struggle / exertion◆(a) creative effort / endeavour / energies◆to need effort / hard work / your energies / exertion◆to take / demand effort / hard work◆to put effort / hard work / your energies into sth◆to expend effort / your energies■ effort [uncountable, countable] the physical or mental energy that you need to do sth; sth that takes a lot of energy心力;努力;费力的事◆it's a long climb to the top, but well worth the effort.爬到顶部的路程很长,虽然费力,却很值得。◆a lot of effort has gone into making this event a success.为了使这次活动取得成功已经付出了很多努力。◆getting up this morning was quite an effort (= it was difficult).今天早晨起床相当费劲。■ hard work [uncountable] the use of physical strength or mental effort over a period of time in order to do or achieve sth(一段时间的)努力,费力◆she earned her grades through sheer hard work.她完全靠刻苦努力取得了好成绩。◆they put in a lot of hard work to achieve this result.他们付出了很多努力才取得这一成果。◆it's hard work trying to get him to do anything for himself.要想让他为自己做点事,真是不容易。■ struggle [singular] something that is difficult for you to do or achieve难事◆it was a real struggle to be ready on time.要按时做好准备确非易事。◆they face an uphill struggle to get to the finals of the competition.要进入决赛,他们面临巨大的挑战。  ➡ see also struggle → try verb 1 ■ endeavour (bre) (name endeavor) /ɪndevə(r)/ [uncountable] (formal) the act of trying to do sth, especially sth new or difficult(尤指新的或艰苦的)努力,尝试◆there have been great advances in the field of scientific endeavour.在科学探索领域已经取得了巨大的进步。  ➡ see also endeavour → try verb 1 ■ energy [uncountable] (also energies [plural]) the physical and mental effort that you use to do sth心力;精力◆she put all her energy into her work.她把全部精力都投入到工作中去了。◆provide a means of channelling your child's creative energies.找个方法来引导您的孩子发挥创造力。ⓘ energy or energies is usually used after a possessive pronoun, that is his, her, my, your, our or their. verb collocates include concentrate, devote, direct, focus and channel. * energy 或 energies 前通常有物主代词,即 his、her、my、your、our 或 their。与 energy 或 energies 搭配的动词包括 concentrate、devote、direct、focus 和 channel。■ exertion /ɪgzɜːʃn; name ɪgzɜːrʃn/ [uncountable] (also exertions [plural]) (rather formal) physical or mental effort; the act of making an effort努力;尽力;费力◆she was hot and breathless from the exertion of cycling uphill.她骑车上山累得全身发热,喘不过气来。◆he needed to relax after the exertions of a busy day at work.他忙碌工作了一天后需要休息。note 辨析 effort or exertion? exertion is usually used to talk about the act of using energy to carry out an activity, or the result of doing this. * exertion 通常指费力做某事的行为或结果◆his voice was breathless from exertion.他累得说话上气不接下气。 effort tends to be used to talk about the work people do to achieve sth. * effort 往往指为实现某个目标所作的努力◆a lot of effort has gone into achieving this result.为取得这一结果已经付出了很多努力。 effort [countable] an act of trying to do sth, especially sth difficult that needs energy or determination艰难的尝试;试图;尽力◆i'll make a special effort to finish on time this week.我会加倍努力争取本周完成。◆i didn't really feel like going out, but i'm glad i made the effort.我当时并不很想出去,不过我很庆幸还是出去了。◆the local clubs are making every effort to interest more young people.地方俱乐部正在尽一切努力吸引更多的年轻人。◆despite our best efforts, we didn't manage to win the game.尽管我们尽了最大的努力,却没能赢得这场比赛。note 辨析 attempt or effort?in many cases you can use either word.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用◆they met once more in an attempt / effort to find a solution.他们再次会面,试图找到解决办法。 attempt often emphasizes the event or action involved in trying to do or achieve sth. * attempt 常强调尝试中所涉及的事件或行动◆a coup / assassination / suicide attempt政变/刺杀/自杀的企图◆a coup/assassination/suicide effort effort especially emphasizes the work or energy that sb puts into trying to do sth. * effort 尤其强调尝试中所付出的劳动或精力◆a great / enormous / strenuous effort伟大/巨大/艰苦的努力◆a great/enormous/strenuous attempt effort [uncountable, countable] the physical or mental energy that you need to do sth; sth that takes a lot of energy心力;努力;费力的事◆it's a long climb to the top, but well worth the effort.爬到顶部的路程很长,虽然费力,却很值得。◆a lot of effort has gone into making this event a success.为了使这次活动取得成功已经付出了很多努力。◆getting up this morning was quite an effort (= it was difficult).今天早晨起床相当费劲。effort/ˈefət ||; ˈɛfɚt/noun1. [u] the physical or mental strength or energy that you need to do sth; sth that takes a lot of energy 体力;脑力;精力;努力: ◇they have put a lot of effort into their studies this year. 今年他们在学习上倾注了不少心血。◇he made no effort to contact his parents. 他没有尝试跟他父母联系。 2. [c] an effort (to do sth) something that is done with difficulty or that takes a lot of energy 难办的或费力的事: ◇it was a real effort to stay awake in the lecture. 要在那堂课上不打瞌睡,真得费很大的劲。 effortsee ⇨ try 7 ⇨ work 5     • • •• ⇨ make an effort• ⇨ put a lot of effort into sth• ⇨ put some effort into it ef·fort /`ɛfət; ˈefət/n 1. [u] the physical or mental energy needed to do something 力气; 精力:◇it takes a lot of time and effort to organize a concert. 组织一场音乐会需要大量的时间和精力。◇i put a lot of effort into this project. (=i worked very hard) 我在这个项目中投入了大量精力。 2. [c,u] an attempt to do something 努力的尝试,尽力:◇all my efforts at convincing him failed miserably. 我试图让他信服的一切努力全都白费了。◇make an effort (to do sth) you could at least make an effort to be polite! 你起码也该尽量礼貌些!◇in an effort to do sth we've been working night and day in an effort to finish this on time. 我们一直夜以继日地工作,以便能按时完成这项工作。◇be an effort (=be difficult or painful) 费力; 痛苦: i was so weak, even eating was an effort. 我虚弱得连吃东西都很费力。 ☞ effort




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