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单词 efficiency
释义 efficiency nounadjective | verb + efficiency | efficiency + noun | preposition adjective➤ruthless决不放松的效率▸➤great, high高效◆attempts to achieve greater efficiency in the production process在生产过程中达到较高效率的努力➤improved, increased提高的效率➤increasing不断提升的效率▸➤maximum, peak (especially name) 最大效率;最高成效◆the optimum design allows bartenders to work at peak efficiency.最佳的设计使酒吧服务员的工作效率达到最高。➤low低效率➤reduced降低的效率➤overall整体效率➤relative相对效率▸➤cost成本效率▸➤energy, fuel, thermal能量效率;燃料效率;热效率▸➤mental, physical脑力劳动/体力劳动效率▸➤administrative, business, economic, industrial, management, mechanical, operational, organizational, production, technical行政/商业/经济/工业/管理/机械/运营/组织/生产/技术效率verb + efficiency➤achieve达到高效率➤maintain保持高效率➤demonstrate, show展示/显示高效➤bring, create, deliver, offer, provide带来高效率;创造高效率◆the internet's promise to bring more efficiency to the distribution chain is still materializing.通过因特网来提高经销链效率的这一前景还在继续显现出来。➤boost, enhance, gain, improve, increase, promote提高效率;增强效率➤maximize使效率最大化▸➤decrease, reduce降低效率➤lose丧失效率➤assess, calculate, determine, estimate, evaluate, examine, measure, test评估/计算/决定/预估/评价/检验/度量/测试效率efficiency + noun➤drive, measures效率动力;提高效率的措施◆new procedures had been introduced as part of an efficiency drive.已引入新的方法作为提高效率举措的一部份。➤benefits, gains, improvements, increases, savings效率增益/提高/改善/提升/节约◆the efficiency gains resulting from improved technology改善技术带来的效率提高➤losses效率亏损➤levels, standards效率水平/标准◆we have failed to improve fuel efficiency standards.我们试图提升燃料效能,结果失败了。➤rating, score效率评级/分值➤expert (especially name) 效率专家preposition➤with efficiency有⋯的效率◆the uprising was put down with ruthless efficiency.起义被迅速镇压下去了。➤efficiency in在⋯方面的效率◆greater efficiency in energy use能源使用方面的更高效率efficiency /ɪfɪʃnsi/ noun1. [uncountable] the ability to do sth well with no waste of time or money 效率◆improvements in efficiency at the factory 工厂效率的提高◆i was impressed by the speed and efficiency with which my order was processed. 他们处理我的订单的速度和效率给我留下了深刻的印象。◆the increase in profits was mainly due to efficiency gains. 利润的增加主要归因于效率的提升。⨁ to achieve / boost / improve / increase / maximize efficiency实现/促进/改进/提高/最大限度地提高效率 ⨁ efficiency gains / savings效率提升/增效节约 ⨁ an efficiency drive / programme效率导向/方案 efficiencies [plural] ways of wasting less time and money or of saving time and money 提高效率的方法◆we are looking at our business to see where efficiencies can be made. 我们正在研究我们的业务,看看是否有可以提高效率的地方。 (technical 技术) [uncountable] the relationship between the amount of energy that goes into a machine or an engine, and the amount that it produces 效率;功率◆the generator is running at only 40% efficiency. 这台发动机的运行效率只有 40%。 cost-efficiency ◇ technical efficiency ◇ x-efficiency ☞ efficiency efficiency nounefficiency ♦︎ order ♦︎ coherence ♦︎ organization ♦︎ structure ♦︎ methodthese are all words for the quality of being organized and working well.这些词均表示条理或效率。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆efficiency / coherence / method in sth◆great efficiency / coherence◆to bring / give order / coherence / structure to sth◆to have order / coherence / organization / structure◆to impose order / coherence / structure on sth◆to achieve efficiency / coherence◆to create order / coherence◆to lack order / coherence / organization / structure◆a lack of order / coherence / organization / structure■ efficiency /ɪfɪʃnsi/ [uncountable] the quality of doing sth well with no waste of time or money效率;效能;功效◆the new computer system will cut costs and increase efficiency.这一新的电脑系统可以降低成本,提高效率。◆new standards of energy efficiency (= not wasting energy) are being introduced.新的能源效率标准即将出台。opp inefficiency → ineffective ■ order [uncountable] the state of being well organized or neatly arranged条理◆get your ideas into some sort of order before you begin to write.落笔之前,先要理清思路。◆she always liked creating order out of chaos.她总是喜欢让无序变得有序。◆the house had been kept in good order.房子保持得井井有条。◆i felt it was time to put my life in order.我觉得到了该好好安排我自己生活的时候了。opp disorder → mess 1 , chaos → chaos  ➡ see also ordered , orderly → neat ■ coherence /kəʊhɪərəns; name koʊhɪrəns/ [uncountable] (formal) the situation in which all the parts of sth fit or work well together连贯性;条理性◆some of the points you make are good, but the essay as a whole lacks coherence.你提出的一些论点很好,但从整体上说文章缺乏连贯。◆the party tried to find some kind of ideological coherence.该党试图在意识形态上达成某种一致。 ➡ see also coherent → rational ■ organization (bre also organisation) [uncountable] the quality of being arranged in a neat, careful or logical way条理;系统性◆she's highly intelligent but her work lacks organization.她聪明绝顶,但工作缺乏条理。◆as a manager he's obsessed with organization.作为一名经理,他极为信奉系统性。note 辨析 order or organization? order is a state that can be created or that sth can be put into; organization is a quality that sth either has or lacks. * order 是一种状态,可以作 create 或 put into 的宾语; organization 是一种特质,作 have 或 lack 的宾语◆get your ideas into some sort of organization. ◆creating organization out of chaos ■ structure [uncountable, countable] the state of being well organized or planned with all the parts linked together精心组织;系统安排◆in terms of structure the novel has several flaws.就组织结构而言,这部小说有几处瑕疵。◆children need structure in their lives.儿童的生活需要有周密的安排。 ➡ see also structure → structure noun ■ method [uncountable] the quality of being well planned and well organized条理;有条不紊◆we have to apply some method to this investigation.做这项调查,我们必须要有条理。ⓘ method is used especially to talk about a way of doing a task or solving a problem. * method 尤指做事或解决问题的有条理的方法。 efficiency /ɪfɪʃnsi/ [uncountable] the quality of doing sth well with no waste of time or money效率;效能;功效◆the new computer system will cut costs and increase efficiency.这一新的电脑系统可以降低成本,提高效率。◆new standards of energy efficiency (= not wasting energy) are being introduced.新的能源效率标准即将出台。opp inefficiency → ineffective efficiencysee ⇨ efficient/not efficient 3     • • •• ⇨ improve/increase efficiency efficiencyn [u]




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