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单词 editorial
释义 editorial nounadjective | verb + editorial | preposition adjective➤newspaper报纸社论➤front-page头版社论➤lead (especially name) 头条社论◆the lead editorial in today's new york times criticized the policy.今天《纽约时报》的头条社论批评了这一政策。➤full-page整版社论➤lengthy冗长的社论➤guest (especially name) 特邀社论➤anonymous, unsigned (name) 匿名/不署名社论verb + editorial➤write写社论▸➤carry, publish, run刊登社论;发表社论◆the paper only occasionally carries editorials.这份报纸只偶尔发表社论。◆the newspaper ran a hard-hitting editorial criticizing the government's economic policies.这份报纸刊登了一篇直言不讳的批评政府经济政策的社论。preposition➤in an/the editorial在社论中◆he declared his support for the president in an editorial.他在社论中公开支持部长。➤editorial on有关⋯的社论◆an editorial on the problem of crime一篇针对犯罪问题的社论 editorial /edɪtɔːriəl/ [countable] an article in a newspaper that expresses the editor's opinion on a subject of particular interest at the present time(报刊的)社论◆in a scathing editorial, the paper called on the director to resign.这家报纸发表一篇措辞严厉的社论,要求那名董事辞职。ⓘ in the us an editorial can also be part of a radio or television broadcast that expresses the opinion of the station or its owner.在美国 editorial 还可以指电台或电视台代表自己立场的评论。editorial/ˌedɪˈtɔ:riəl ||; ˌɛdəˈtɔrɪəl/noun [c] an article in a newspaper, usually written by the head of the newspaper (editor), giving an opinion on an important subject 社论;社评 editorialsee ⇨ newspapers 2 editorial /ˏɛdə`tɔrɪəl; ˌedɪˈtɔːriəl/adj ed·i·to·ri·al /ˏɛdə`tɔrɪəl; ˌedɪˈtɔːriəl◄/n [c]a piece of writing in a newspaper that gives the editor's opinion [报纸上反映编者观点的]社论,社评:◇an editorial on gun control laws 有关枪支管制法规的社论




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