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单词 bury
释义 bury verb¹ 1dead person死人phrases➤be dead and buried早已过世;被遗忘◆those people are now all dead and buried.那些人现在都已死了。◆their ambitions were finally dead and buried. (figurative) 他们的抱负最终已成昨日烟云。➤bury sb alive, lie buried, remain buried (often figurative) 活埋某人;被埋葬;埋藏着◆the king lies buried at jedburgh abbey.国王葬在杰德堡修道院里。◆what secrets lie buried in the past?过去隐藏着什么秘密?bury verb² 2hide in the ground藏在地下adverb➤deep埋藏得很深▸➤underground埋藏在地下◆the waste is buried deep underground.垃圾被深埋在地下。bury verb³ 3cover遮盖起来adverb | phrases adverb➤completely完全掩盖◆a fallen tree trunk almost completely buried in the long grass几乎完全埋没在深草里的倒下的树干➤partially部份埋藏phrases➤be buried alive被活埋◆the miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed.坑道塌方,矿工都被活埋了。➤buried beneath sth, buried under sth被掩埋在⋯下面◆the building was now buried under ten feet of soil.这幢大楼现在已被埋在 10 英尺深的泥土下。◆your letter got buried under a pile of papers.你的信压在一堆文件下面了。➤be buried up to your chin in sth, be buried up to your neck in sth, etc.深陷在⋯之中◆he was buried up to his neck in sand.他被沙子一直埋到脖子。bury verb⁴ 4put sth deeply into sth深深放进adverb➤deep, deeply深深插入;深深掩藏◆he slumped forward, the knife buried deep in his chest.他向前扑倒,刀子深深没入胸膛。◆her deeply buried pain (figurative) 她深深掩藏着的痛苦 bury [transitive] to hide sth in the ground; to ignore or hide a feeling, mistake, etc.埋藏;无视,掩藏(感情、错误等)◆we used to dig for hours, looking for buried treasure.我们过去为了寻找埋在地下的财宝曾连续挖了几个小时。◆she had learnt to bury her feelings.她学会了不让感情外露。bury/ˈberi ||; ˈbɛrɪ/verb [t] (present participle burying third person singular present buries;past tense past participle buried) 1. to put a dead body in the ground 下葬;掩埋: ◇she wants to be buried in the village graveyard. 她死后希望葬在村子教堂侧的墓地里。 2. to put sth in a hole in the ground and cover it 埋藏在地下: ◇our dog always buries its bones in the garden. 我家的小狗爱把骨头埋在园子里。 3. (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) to cover or hide sth/sb 遮盖;隐藏: ◇at last i found the photograph, buried at the bottom of a drawer. 那张照片我终于找到了,原来给压在抽屉最底下。 (figurative 比喻) ◇aisha was buried in a book and didn't hear us come in. 艾莎正埋头看书,没听见我们进来。 burysee ⇨ hide 1 bur·y /`bɛrɪ; ˈberi/v [t] 1. to put a dead body into a grave 埋葬[死者]:◇auntie jo was buried in woodlawn cemetery. 乔姑母安葬在伍德朗公墓。 2. to cover something so that it cannot be seen 掩埋,埋藏[某物]:◇the dog was burying a bone. 狗在埋一块骨头。◇+ under dad's glasses were buried under a pile of newspapers. 爸爸的眼镜掩埋在一堆报纸下面。 3. bury the hatchet to become friends with someone again after an argument 言归于好 4. bury your face/head in sth to press your face into something soft, usually when you are upset [常指沮丧时]把脸/头埋在某(柔软)物中 ☞ bury




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