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单词 burst¹
释义 burst¹ /bɜst; bɜːst/v burst, burst, bursting 1. [i,t] to break open or apart suddenly and violently, or to make something do this (使)爆炸; (使)破裂; (使)爆裂; (使)胀破:◇the kids burst all the balloons with pins. 孩子们用大头针把所有的气球都戳破了。 2. be bursting to be very full of something 充满[某物]:◇+ with florence is always bursting with tourists. 佛罗伦斯总是挤满了游客。◇be bursting at the seams (=be too full) 胀满: classrooms are bursting at the seams. 教室里的人挤得水泄不通的。 3. [i] to move suddenly and with a lot of energy or violence 冲; 闯:◇+ into/through etc jenna burst into the room. 珍纳闯进房间。◇burst open the door burst open and 20 or 30 policemen rushed in. 门猛然打开,二、三十个警察闯了进来。 4. be bursting to do sth extremely keen to do something 急不及待地做某事:◇becky's just bursting to tell you her news. 贝姬急不及待地要告诉你她的消息。 5. be bursting with pride/confidence etc to be extremely proud, confident etc 充满自豪/信心等burst in on sb/sthto interrupt someone suddenly and noisily 突然插嘴; [吵吵嚷嚷地]打断[某人]:◇i'm sorry to burst in on you like this. 我很抱歉这样打断你。burst into sthburst into tears/ flames/song etc to suddenly start crying, burning, singing etc 突然哭起来/起火/唱起来等:◇the car hit a tree and burst into flames. 汽车撞到树上,一下子燃烧起来。burst out1 burst out laughing/crying to suddenly start to laugh or cry 突然大笑/大哭起来2 [i] to say something suddenly and loudly [大声地]突然说出:◇"i don't believe it!" duncan burst out. “我不相信!”邓肯突然喊道。




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