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单词 compose
释义 compose verbadverb➤specially特别创作◆music specially composed for the occasion专门为这个场合谱写的乐曲 compose /kəmpəʊz; name kəmpoʊz/ [transitive] (rather formal) to write music; to write a letter, speech, poem, etc. with a lot of care and thought作曲;撰写(信函、讲稿、诗歌等)◆mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died.莫扎特在创作了他最后一部歌剧后不久便去世了。◆she composed a letter of protest.她写了一封抗议信。  ➡ see also composition → work noun 4 compose/kəmˈpəʊz ||; kəmˈpoz/verb1. [t] to be the parts that together form sth 组成;构成: ◇the parties that compose the coalition government 组成联合政府的政党 2. [i,t] to write music 作曲;编曲: ◇mozart composed forty-one symphonies. 莫扎特创作了四十一首交响曲。 3. [t] to produce a piece of writing, using careful thought (仔细思考后)撰写: ◇i sat down and composed a letter of reply. 我坐下来写了一封回信。 4. [t] to make yourself, your feelings, etc become calm and under control 控制;使(自己、思绪等)平静;克制(自己): ◇the news came as such a shock that it took me a while to compose myself. 这消息令人震惊,我听后好一会儿才平静下来。 composesee ⇨ music 5 ⇨ write 5,12 com·pose /kəm`poz; kəmˈpəʊz/v 1. [t] if something is composed of a group of things or people, it consist of them 由…组成; 由…构成:◇be composed of the workforce is composed largely of women. 劳动力主要由妇女构成。 2. [i,t] to write a piece of music 创作(乐曲):◇nyman composed the music for the film 'the piano'. 尼曼为电影《钢琴别恋》谱曲。 3. compose yourself to become calm after feeling angry, upset, or excited 使自己镇定下来 4. [t] to write the words of a letter or speech after thinking carefully about them [仔细考虑后]写[信或演讲稿]




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