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单词 hour
释义 hour noun¹ 1period of sixty minutes小时adjective | verb + hour | hour + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤full, solid整整一个小时◆i slept for eight solid hours.我睡了整整八个小时。➤contact, credit (name, both education教育) 面授课时;学分◆the number of contact hours per week每周的面授课时数verb + hour➤take用⋯小时◆it takes two hours to get to vancouver.去温哥华要两个小时。➤spend花⋯小时▸➤waste浪费⋯小时▸➤last持续⋯小时◆the performance lasted three hours.演出历时三个小时。➤gain, lose快⋯小时;慢⋯小时◆you lose five hours when you fly from new york to london.乘飞机从纽约到伦敦时间上会慢五个小时。hour + verb➤go by, pass⋯小时过去◆an hour passed and she still hadn't arrived.一个小时过去了,她还没有到。preposition➤by the hour按小时◆they're paid by the hour.他们工作按小时计酬。➤for an hour一小时◆she worked for three hours.她工作了三个小时。➤in an hour, within an hour在一小时之内◆i should be back within a couple of hours.两三个小时之内我就会回来。➤over an hour, under an hour超过/不到一小时◆he's been gone for over an hour.他已经走了一个多小时了。➤per hour每小时◆top speed is 120 miles per hour.最高速度为每小时 120 英里。➤within the hour在一个小时之内◆we hope to be there within the hour (= in less than an hour).我们希望能在一个小时之内到达那里。➤hour of⋯小时的⋯◆there are still two hours of daylight left.白天的时间还剩下两个小时。phrases➤half an hour半个小时▸➤hour after hour一个又一个小时▸➤in an hour's time (especially bre) 一小时后▸➤with every passing hour随着时间一小时一小时的流逝◆she grew more worried with every passing hour.时间一小时一小时地过去,她越来越担心。  ➡ note at measure hour noun² 2the hour time when a new hour starts整点verb + the hour | preposition verb + the hour➤chime, strike整点报时;敲响整点时钟◆the clock struck the hour.钟整点报时。preposition➤on the hour整点时◆buses leave every hour on the hour.公共汽车每小时一班,整点发车。➤past the hour整点过⋯◆ten minutes past the hour整点过十分➤to the hour (especially bre) 差⋯分到整点◆ten minutes to the hour差十分到整点hour noun³ 3time when you do a particular activity时段adjective | verb + hour | preposition adjective➤lunch午餐时间▸➤peak, rush高峰时段◆rush-hour traffic高峰时段的交通➤happy (= time in the early evening when a bar sells alcoholic drinks at lower prices than usual) 欢乐时光(酒吧的酒水减价时间)verb + hour➤spend度过⋯时间◆i spent my lunch hour shopping.我利用午餐时间买东西。preposition➤hour of⋯时间◆an hour of rest休息时间hour noun⁴ 4hours time when sb is working/a business is open工作或营业时间adjective | verb + hours | preposition adjective➤office, opening, visiting, working办公/开放/探视/工作时间◆the hospital's visiting hours医院的探视时间➤flexible弹性上班时间▸➤long很长的工作时间▸➤regular有规律的作息时间▸➤licensing (bre) 酒吧营业时间◆britain's licensing hours (= when pubs are allowed to open) 英国酒吧的营业时间verb + hours➤work工作⋯时间◆she works very long hours.她上班的时间很长。➤keep保持⋯的作息时间◆he keeps regular hours.他的作息时间很有规律。preposition➤after hour下班后◆he spends a lot of time in his office after hours.下班后他还要在办公室里待很长时间。➤out of hour (especially bre) 在上班时间以外◆doctors often have to work out of hours.医生经常要在正常上班以外的时间工作。hour noun⁵ 5time when sth happens某时刻adjective | hour + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤darkest, finest最黑暗的时刻;最美好的时光◆the war years were often thought of as the country's finest hour.人们常常把战争年代视为这个国家最美好的时期。➤antisocial, unearthly, ungodly, unsocial (especially bre) 不通人情的/反常的/十分不便的/非正常的时间◆i apologize for calling you at this ungodly hour.原谅我这种时候给你打电话。◆bakers have to work unsocial hours.面包师不得不在非正常工作时间工作。➤early, early-morning, small, wee small hours (= the hours after midnight) 凌晨时分;午夜后◆the party continued well into the early hours.聚会一直持续到第二天凌晨。➤late很晚的时分▸➤waking醒着的时候◆she spends every waking hour at the gym.除了睡觉的时候,她都在健身房度过。hour + verb➤come⋯时刻来临◆the hour had come for us to leave.我们离开的时间到了。preposition➤between the hours of从⋯点到⋯点◆the office is closed between the hours of twelve and two.办事处十二点到两点之间关门。➤hour of⋯的时刻◆the hours of darkness黑暗的时刻phrases➤your hour of need困难的时候◆she helped me in my hour of need.她在我困难的时候帮助过我。hour [singular] a particular point in time; the time when sth important happens某个时间;重要时刻◆you can't turn him away at this hour of the night.天这么晚了,你不能把他赶走。◆she thought her last hour had come.她以为她生命的最后时刻到了。◆don't desert me in my hour of need.不要在我困难的时候离开我。hour/ˈaʊə(r) ||; aυr/noun1. [c] a period of 60 minutes 小时;钟头: ◇he studies for three hoursmost evenings. 大多数夜晚他要学习三个小时。◇the programme lasts about half an hour. 那个节目长半小时。◇i'm going shopping now. i'll be back in about an hour. 我要去买些东西,大约一个钟头后回来。◇ in two hours' timei'll be having lunch. 我两个钟头后吃中饭。◇a four-hour journey 四个小时的路程◇japan is eight hours ahead of the uk. 日本比英国早八个小时。◇i get paid by the hour. 我是按钟点计酬的。◇how much do you get paid per/an hour ? 你的时薪多少? 2. [c] the distance that you can travel in about 60 minutes 一小时行程: ◇london is only two hours away. 去伦敦只要两个小时。 3. hours [pl] the period of time when sb is working or a shop, etc is open 工作时间;营业时间: ◇employees are demanding shorter working hours. 雇员要求缩短工作时间。 4. [c] a period of about an hour when sth particular happens 约一小时的时间: ◇i'm going shopping in my lunch hour. 午饭时候,我要去买东西。◇the traffic is very bad in the rush hour. 上下班的时候交通很混乱。 5. the hour [sing] the time when a new hour starts (= 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, etc) …点钟: ◇buses are on the hour and at twenty past the hour. 公共汽车在每个钟头正点及其后二十分开出一班。 6. hours [pl] a long time 长时间: ◇he went on speaking for hours and hours. 他不停地讲了很长很长时间。 at/till all hours at/until any time 在╱到任何时候: ◇she stays out till all hours (= very late). 她很晚才回来。 the early hours→earlyhoursee ⇨ time 4     • • •• ⇨ at the eleventh hour hour /ar; ˈaʊə/n 1. [c] a period of 60 minutes 小时:◇the meeting lasted an hour and a half. 会议开了一个半小时。◇i'll be home in about an hour. (=an hour from now) 我大概一小时之后到家。◇the lake is an hour from hartford. (=it takes an hour to go there from hartford) 这湖离哈特福德有一小时路程。 2. [c] a period of time in the day when something happens [某事发生的]时间:◇opening hours (=when a shop is open) 营业时间: opening hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 营业时间从早上九点到晚上八点。◇lunch hour (=the time when you stop working and have lunch) 午餐时间 3. hours informal a long time 【非正式】 很长的时间:◇she spends hours on the phone. 她花很长时间打电话。 4. [singular 单数] the time of day when a new hour starts, for example 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock etc 钟点,…点钟:◇on the hour classes begin on the hour. 每堂课都在整点开始。 5. [c] a particular time during the day or night [一天内的某个]时刻,时候:◇the subway doesn't run at this hour of the night. 晚上这个时候地铁不开。◇at all hours (=at any time, even very late at night) 在任何时候,随时: the baby keeps them awake at all hours. 那婴儿白天黑夜都让他们没得睡。 6. after hours after the time when a company, shop etc is usually open 办公[营业等]时间之后,下班后:◇the key is usually kept with the caretaker after hours. 下班以后钥匙通常由门房保管。 7. [c] an important time in history or in your life [历史上或某人一生中的]重要时刻:◇you were there in my hour of need. (=when i needed help) 在我需要的时候你帮了我。 ☞ hour




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