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单词 although
释义 although/ɔ:lˈðəʊ ||; ɔlˈðo/conj 1. in spite of the fact that 虽然;尽管: ◇although she was tired, she stayed up late watching television. 她虽然很累,但仍然看电视,很晚还不睡觉。 2. and yet; but 然而;但是: ◇i love dogs, although i wouldn't have one as a pet. 我很喜欢狗,但我不愿意把狗当作宠物来饲养。 though and although are the same but at the end of a sentence it is only possible to use though she knew all her friends would be at the party. she didn't want to go, though. even though can be used for emphasis she didn't want to go, although/though/even though she knew all her friends would be there. though 和 although 的意思相同,但句末只能用though:she knew all her friends would be at the party. she didn't want to go, though. 她知道她所有的朋友都会出席那个聚会,但是她不想去。even though 用于加强语气:she didn't want to go, although/though/even though she knew all her friends would be there. 虽然她知道她所有的朋友都会出席,但是她不想去。although1 when it is surprising that two different things are both true2 when a particular fact does not prevent something from happeningrelated wordssee alsobut,1. when it is surprising that two different things are both true 对两件不同的事均属实而表示惊讶 although/though /ɔːlˈðəʊ, ðəʊ/ [conjunction] i really need some time alone, although i know i'll miss the kids while i'm gone. 我非常想要有自己的时间,尽管我也知道,我走了之后会想念孩子们的。 he won several medals, though he was only 15 years old. 他年仅15岁,却已经得了好几枚奖章。 you've been here before, though you might not remember because you were pretty little. 你以前来过这里,不过你不一定记得,因为那时你还小。 although milan is an industrial city, it still has enormous charm. 虽然米兰是一个工业城市,但它还是有巨大的魅力。even though use this when you want to emphasize what you are saying 虽然[用于强调] we bought tickets to go to france, even though this isn't really the best time of year to go. 我们买了票去法国,虽然现在不算是去那里的最好季节。though old/tired/brief etc the marriage, though brief, was a happy one. 这段婚姻虽然短暂,但很幸福。 while also whilst british formal /waɪl, waɪlst/ [conjunction] use this to introduce a statement that makes your main statement seem surprising or says something different from it 【英,正式】虽然,尽管[用于陈述的开首,表示惊讶或要说一些截然不同的事] while i like carter personally, i don't think what he's doing is right. 虽然我喜欢卡特本人,但我认为他做得不对。 whilst a rolls royce is a very nice car, it is extremely expensive to maintain. 劳斯莱斯虽然是非常不错的车,但保养这种车花费极大。 while six percent of ordinary homes were damaged in the earthquake, only three percent of mobile homes were damaged. 这次地震中虽然有6%的普通住宅遭到破坏,但活动住房中却只有3%被破坏。 may be ... but ... /ˈmeɪ biː ... bət .../ use this when you are telling someone that although what they have said may be true, something else that seems very different is a fact 也许…但是…[用于告诉某人虽然他们所说的也许正确,但另一种情况也是事实] he may be intelligent but he has no common sense. 他也许是很聪明,但缺乏常识。 bechler may be behind some of the problems, but he is not the only person responsible. 有些问题可能是贝希勒的责任,但要负责的并非只有他一人。2. when a particular fact does not prevent something from happening 某个事实并不妨碍某事发生 although/though /ɔːlˈðəʊ, ðəʊ/ [conjunction] although i missed my train, i still arrived at work on time. 我虽没赶上火车,但还是准时上班了。 although we are a small company, we produce over 10,000 cars a year. 我们虽然是一家小公司,但每年能生产一万多辆汽车。even though use this when you want to emphasize what you are saying 虽然[用于强调] she always buys us expensive presents, even though she can't really afford them. 她常常给我们买一些昂贵的礼物,尽管她并不是真的有这个能力。 in spite of/despite /ɪn ˈspaɪt ɒv, dɪˈspaɪt/ [preposition] even though something happens or is true, especially something bad 尽管[有不好的事] in spite of everything, i still enjoyed the trip. 尽管有这样那样的事,这次旅行我还是很开心。 he wore a black leather jacket, despite the heat. 尽管天气很热,他还是穿了一件黑色皮外套。 the stock price has remained strong, in spite of the problems the company is having. 尽管公司面临着这些问题,股价走势依然强劲。 in spite of the language difficulty, we soon became friends. 我们之间尽管存在着语言障碍,但还是很快就成了朋友。 despite my misgivings, i took the job. 我尽管心存疑虑,但还是接受了这份工作。despite yourself despite efforts to behave or feel differently 尽管不是自己本意 at the end of the movie, liz began to cry despite herself. 在电影的最后,莉兹禁不住哭了起来。in spite of the fact that/despite the fact that many poor people give quite a bit of money to charities, despite the fact that they do not have that much themselves. 许多穷人捐出不少善款,尽管他们自己并没有很多钱。 al·though /ɔl`ðo; ɔːlˈðəʊ/linking word 1. in spite of the fact that something is true 虽然,尽管:◇although it was raining we decided to go for a walk. 虽然在下雨,我们还是决定去走走。 2. but 然而,但是:◇we only spent $800, although that doesn't include the hotel bill. 我们只花了 800 元,但那不包括旅馆费。 ☞ although




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