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单词 alternate
释义 alternate /ɔːltɜːnət; name ɔːltərn-/ noun [countable] (name) a person who is chosen to do sb else's job when that person is ill/sick or away from their office, etc. 代替者;候补者;替工◆four delegates and four alternates were selected. 四名代表和四名候补人入选。◆she is alternate director to mr xue, the deputy managing director. 她是副执行董事薛先生的候补董事。☞ alternate alternate /ɔːltəneɪt; name ɔːltərneɪt/ [intransitive] (always followed by between 总是后接 between) to keep changing from one thing to another and back again交替;变换◆her mood alternated between happiness and despair.她一会儿高兴,一会儿绝望。alternate¹/ɔ:lˈtɜ:nət; us ˈɔ:ltərnət ||; ˈɔltɚnət/adj1. (used about two types of events, things, etc) happening or following regularly one after the other (指两种事物)轮流的: ◇there will be alternate periods of sun and showers tomorrow. 明天时晴时雨。 2. one of every two 每两个中的一个的;间隔的: ◇he works alternate weeks (= he works the first week, he doesn't work the second week, he works again the third week, etc). 他隔周工作。 ➔alternately adv ◇the bricks were painted alternately white and red. 砖块交替漆成白色和红色。 alternate²/ˈɔ:ltəneɪt ||; ˈɔltɚˌnet/verb1. [i] alternate with sth;alternate between a and b (used about two types of events, things, etc) to happen or follow regularly one after the other (指两种事物)轮流发生: ◇busy periods in the hospital alternate with times when there is not much to do. 医院工作时忙时闲。◇she seemed to alternate between hating him and loving him. 她似乎时而恨他,时而爱他。 2. [t] alternate a with b to cause two types of events or things to happen or follow regularly one after the other 使交替;使轮流发生: ◇he alternated periods of work with periods of rest. 他让生活劳逸相间。 ➔alternation /ˌɔ:ltəˈneɪʃn ||; ˌɔltɚˈneʃən/ noun [c,u] alternatesee ⇨ change/not change 13 ⇨ series 3 ⇨ share 2☞ alternate¹☞ alternate²




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