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单词 alter
释义 alter verbadverb | phrases adverb➤completely, considerably, dramatically, drastically, fundamentally, greatly, profoundly, radically, significantly, substantially完全改变;变化相当大;剧变;根本性改动;极大地改变;彻底改变;重大改变;实质上有所改变◆he had not altered greatly in the last ten years.过去 10 年中他变化不大。➤slightly有所改变▸➤forever, irreversibly, irrevocably, permanently永远/不可逆转地/无法更改地/永久改变phrases➤not alter the fact that没有改变⋯的事实◆unemployment has come down slightly but this does not alter the fact that it is still a major problem.失业率下降了一点儿,但这不能改变失业问题仍是一大困扰的事实。 alter /ɔːltə(r)/ verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to make sb/sth different; to become different 改变;改动◆the company has since altered its accounting policies. 公司自那时起改变了会计方针。 (law 法律) [transitive] to change part of a legal agreement after it has been prepared or signed 修改(法律协议)  ➡  amend ☞ alter alter /ɔːltə(r)/ [transitive] to make sb/sth different改变;更改;改动◆this development will alter the character of the town.这项开发将改变城区的风貌。◆nothing can alter the fact that we are to blame.错在我们,这是无法改变的事实。note 辨析 change or alter?sometimes you can use either word.这两个词有时可通用◆fame hasn't really changed / altered him.名声并没有使他有丝毫改变。however, change often suggests a complete change, whereas alter can suggest a smaller change.不过,change 常指彻底的改变,而 alter 可指小的改变◆this law needs to be altered (= changed slightly in order to improve it).这项法律需要修改。◆this law needs to be changed (= changed completely or got rid of).这项法律需要更改。 alter is often used when sth does not change * alter 常用否定陈述◆it doesn't alter the way i feel.这改变不了我的感觉。or to talk about making changes to particular aspects of sth.或指改变事物的某些方面◆they can alter the programme until success is achieved.他们可以改变程序直至成功为止。 change can also be used in all of these cases, but its range of uses is much wider, including particular collocations such as change your mind, change your name, change colour, change tack and change the subject. * change 可用于以上所有情况,且其使用范围更广,固定搭配有 change your mind,change your name,change colour,change tack 和 change the subject。 alter /ɔːltə(r)/ [intransitive] to become different改变;变化◆property prices did not significantly alter during 2007.2007 年,房产价格没有大的变化。◆he had not altered greatly in the last ten years.在过去的十年间,他变化不大。note 辨析 change or alter?sometimes you can use either word.这两个词有时可通用◆rick hasn't changed / altered much.里克没怎么改变。however, change is much more frequent and has a much wider range than alter: it often suggests a complete change to sth important.不过,change 比 alter 使用更频繁也更广泛,常指重要事物发生彻底的改变◆her life changed completely when she won the lottery.她彩票中奖后生活彻底改变了。◆her life altered completely. it can also be used to talk about things that are in the process of changing. * change 还可用于谈论变化中的事物◆changing attitudes to education对于教育不断变化的看法◆altering attitudes to education alter is often used when sth has changed only slightly or not at all. * alter 常在事物发生微小的改变或根本没变时使用◆the party's policies have hardly altered, but public opinion has.该党的政策几乎没变,但是公众舆论变了。alter/ˈɔ:ltə(r) ||; ˈɔltɚ/verb [i,t] to make sth different in some way, but without changing it completely; to become different 改变;更动;修改: ◇we've altered our plan, and will now arrive at 7.00 instead of 8.00. 我们改了计划,现在将于7点钟而不是8点钟到达。◇the village seems to have altered very little in the last twenty years. 这个村子在过去二十年里似乎没有什么变化。 altersee ⇨ change/not change 1,5 al·ter /`ɔltə; ˈɔːltə/v [i,t]to change or make something or someone change (使)改动,变更:◇when she went back to her hometown, she found it had hardly altered. 她回到家乡,发现那里几乎没什么变化。◇they had to alter their plans. 他们必须更改计划。




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