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单词 begrudge
释义 begrudge /bɪgrʌdʒ/ [transitive] (often used in negative statements常用于否定陈述) to feel unhappy that sb has sth because you do not think that they deserve it; to feel unhappy about having to do, pay or give sth嫉妒;对(某人所享有的)感到不满;对(要做某事、付钱或提供某物)不乐意◆you surely don't begrudge him his happiness.你肯定不是嫉妒他的幸福吧。◆i don't begrudge her being so successful.我并没有因她如此成功而怏怏不乐。◆i begrudge every second i spent trying to help him.我为了帮助他而花掉的每一秒钟都令我不痛快。◆many people begrudge paying so much money for a second-rate service.付出这么多钱,得到的却是二流服务,很多人都不乐意。  ➡ see also grudging → reluctant begrudge/bɪˈgrʌdʒ ||; bɪˈgrʌdʒ/verb [t] begrudge (sb) sth 1. to feel angry or upset because sb has sth that you think that he/she should not have 嫉妒: ◇he's worked hard. i don't begrudge him his success. 他工作很努力,我并不嫉妒他的成功。 2. to be unhappy that you have to do sth 不愿意: ◇i begrudge paying so much money in tax each month. 我不愿意每个月拿那么多钱来缴税。 be·grudge /bɪ`grʌdʒ; bɪˈɡrʌdʒ/v [t]to feel upset because someone else has something you would like 妒忌[某人]:◇honestly, i don't begrudge him his success. 说实话,我不妒忌他的成功。




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