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单词 burst
释义 burst nounadjective | preposition adjective➤short短促迸发◆a short burst of energy能量的短促迸发➤sudden突然的爆发◆a sudden burst of enthusiasm热情的突然迸发➤quick, rapid急促的爆发◆a rapid burst of gunfire一阵急促的炮火➤occasional偶尔的爆发➤initial最初的爆发➤final最后的爆发➤single一次爆发▸➤explosive, intense强烈的爆发◆an intense burst of anger勃然大怒➤great, huge大爆发preposition➤in bursts一阵一阵地◆he works in short bursts.他工作起来一阵一阵地。➤burst of⋯的爆发burst verbadverb | verb + burst | preposition adverb➤suddenly突然爆发➤almost, nearly几乎爆发➤finally终于爆发▸➤apart, forth, out爆开;爆发出;冲出◆there was a danger that the engine would burst apart.发动机有炸裂的危险。verb + burst➤be about to, be going to, be ready to就要爆炸◆my whole head felt ready to burst.我整个头快要裂开了。preposition➤out of从⋯爆裂出来◆i felt as though my heart would burst out of my chest.我感觉好像心要从胸腔里爆裂出来。➤with (figurative) 充满⋯◆he felt he would burst with anger.他感觉要气炸了。burst verb ●burst into sthadverb➤suddenly突然⋯起来▸➤immediately, instantly, promptly立即⋯起来◆she took one look at the mess and promptly burst into tears.她看了一眼那一片狼藉的景象,立即大哭起来。verb + burst into➤be about to, be going to, be ready to马上就要⋯起来◆he was just about to burst into song.他正要唱起歌来了。 burst [countable] a short period of a particular activity or strong emotion that often starts suddenly突发;猝发;迸发◆i had a sudden burst of energy and cleaned the house from top to bottom.我突然觉得浑身是劲,就把整座房子从上到下打扫了一遍。◆i tend to work in bursts.我的工作劲头往往是一阵一阵的。◆her breath was coming in short bursts.她的呼吸急迫短促。◆there was a spontaneous burst of applause.掌声自发地响起。ⓘ burst is usually used to talk about short periods of positive things such as energy, enthusiasm, laughter and applause, but it is also possible to talk about a burst of negative feelings such as pain, jealousy, irritation, impatience and frustration. * burst 通常指正面事物的迸发,搭配的词有 energy、enthusiasm、laughter 和 applause 等,但同时也可以指负面情感的发作,搭配的词有 pain、jealousy、irritation、impatience 和 frustration 等。 burst(burst, burst) [intransitive, transitive] to break open or apart, especially because of pressure from inside; to make sth break in this way(使)爆裂,胀开◆the dam burst under the weight of water.大坝在水的巨大压力下决口了。◆shells were bursting all around us.炮弹在我们四周爆炸。◆don't burst that balloon!别把那气球弄爆了!◆he burst a blood vessel during a fit of coughing.一阵剧烈的咳嗽声中,他的血管爆裂了。burst¹/bɜ:st ||; bɝst/verb (past tense past participle burst) 1. [i,t] to break open suddenly and violently, usually because there is too much pressure inside; to cause this to happen (使)爆裂;(使)爆破: ◇the ball burst when i kicked it. 我踢球的时候球破了。◇you'll burst that tyre if you blow it up any more. 再往那个轮胎打气它准要爆裂。 (figurative 比喻) ◇if i eat any more i'll burst! 再吃我肚子要撑破了。◇if it rains much more, the river will burst its banks. 雨再下个不停,河堤就要崩决了。 2. [i] burst into, out of, through, etc to move suddenly in a particular direction, often using force 冲进;冲出;冲过: ◇she burst into the manager's office and demanded to speak to him. 她冲入经理室要求跟他说话。 be bursting (with sth) to be very full of sth 满得快裂开: ◇i packed so many clothes that my suitcase was bursting. 我的手提箱塞了这么多衣服,快要撑破了。◇she was bursting with pride when she won the race. 她赢了比赛觉得神气得不得了。 be bursting to do sth to want to do sth very much 渴望做某事: ◇i'm bursting to tell someone the news but it's a secret. 我真想把这个消息告诉别人,无奈这是个秘密。 burst (sth) open to open or make sth open suddenly or violently (使)猛然打开;用力打开: ◇suddenly the doors burst open and five police officers rushed in. 门突然被打开,几名警察冲了进来。 burst in on sb/sth to interrupt sb/sth by arriving suddenly 突然出现打扰某人或打断某事: ◇the police burst in on the gang as they were counting the money. 匪徒们数钱的时候警方突然出现。 burst into sth to start doing sth suddenly 突然做起某事: ◇on hearing the news she burst into tears (= started crying). 她一听见这消息就哭了起来。◇the lorry hit a wall and burst into flames (= started burning). 卡车撞在墙上立即着火焚烧。 burst out 1. to start doing sth suddenly 突然做起某事: ◇he looked so ridiculous that i burst out laughing. 看他傻里傻气的,我禁不住大笑起来。 2. to say sth suddenly and with strong feeling 突然激动地说: ◇finally she burst out, ‘i can't stand it any more!’ 她终于冲口喊了出来:“我实在忍无可忍!” burst²/bɜ:st ||; bɝst/noun[c] 1. a short period of a particular activity, that often starts suddenly 一阵突如其来的活动: ◇a burst of energy/enthusiasm/speed 突然来劲;热情迸发;骤然加速◇a burst of applause/gunfire 一阵掌声/炮火◇he prefers to work in short bursts. 他比较喜欢干一下停一下。 2. an occasion when sth bursts or explodes; a crack or hole caused by this 爆裂;裂口;裂缝: ◇a burst in a water pipe 水管上的裂口 burstsee ⇨ break 6☞ burst¹☞ burst²☞ burst³




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