单词 | exact/not exact |
释义 | exact/not exact1 an exact number/amount/time2 an exact description/translation/copy3 exactly how, what, where etc4 exactly in a particular place5 doing something in exactly the right way6 exactly the right thing7 not exact1. an exact number/amount/time 准确的数/量/时间 exact /ɪgˈzækt/ [adjective usually before noun] an exact number, amount, or time is completely correct and is no more and no less than it should be 准确的,确切的 ‘can you tell me the exact time?’ ‘it's 6.37.’ “你能告诉我准确的时间吗?”“6时37分。” the exact weight of the baby at birth was 3.2 kg. 这个婴儿出生时的确切体重是3.2公斤。 i don't suppose you have the exact amount of money, do you? 我想你不会正好有这些钱吧? you need to give me the exact measurements of the room. 你需要给我房间的准确尺寸。to be exact used after a number to give an exact answer, statement etc 准确地说 it took her about an hour - 58 minutes to be exact. 她花了一个小时——准确地说是58分钟。 precise /prɪˈsaɪs/ [adjective usually before noun] precise information is based on clear and exact figures or measurements, especially when it is important that no mistakes are made [信息]准确的,精确的,确切的 we need to know your precise location. 我们需要知道你的准确位置。 each plane has to follow a precise route. 每架飞机都必须按精确的航线飞行。to be precise to give precise information or figures 精确地说 it's difficult to be precise about the number of deaths caused by smoking. 死于吸烟的人数难以准确估算。 precisely [adverb] at 3 o'clock precisely, the ceremony began. 3时整,庆典开始。 she couldn't describe the car very precisely. 她无法很准确地描述那辆汽车。 exactly /ɪgˈzæktli/ [adverb] use this to emphasize that a number, amount, or time is no more or less than a particular time or figure 准确地,确切地;正好[表示强调] it's exactly 5 o'clock. 现在正好是5点钟。 the bill came to exactly $1000. 账单正好是1,000美元。 on the dot /ɒn ðə ˈdɒtǁ-ˈdɑːt/ [adverb] informal at an exact time, no earlier and no later 【非正式】准时地,正好在某时 she always leaves the office at 5.30 p.m. on the dot. 她总是5点半准时离开办公室。 sharp /ʃɑːʳp/ [adverb] at nine o'clock/six/ten-thirty sharp at exactly nine o'clock etc - used especially to emphasize that something will not be delayed or that someone should not be late 在9时/6时/10时30分整[尤用于强调某事不会延迟或某人不应该迟到] the performance starts at 8 o'clock sharp. 演出8点整开始。 on the stroke of seven/nine etc/at the stroke of seven/nine etc /ɒn ðə ˌstrəʊk əv ˈsevən, ət ðə-/ at exactly seven o'clock, nine o'clock etc 在7点/9点整等 on the stroke of midnight, the british flag was lowered for the last time over delhi. 午夜12点整,英国国旗最后一次在德里的上空降下。 the judge entered the courtroom at the stroke of nine. 9点整,法官进入法庭。 bang on six/midnight etc/dead on six/midnight etc /ˌbæŋ ɒn ˈsɪks, ded ɒn-/ british informal use this to emphasize that it is exactly a particular time or at exactly the right time 【英,非正式】正好6点/午夜等[表示强调] ‘what time is it?’ ‘bang on midnight.’ “现在几点了?”“正好是午夜。” we finished dead on eight, and we were back home for nine. 我们正好8点钟结束,9点钟回到了家里。 luckily, he arrived dead on time. 幸好他准时赶到。2. an exact description/translation/copy 准确的描述/翻译/拷贝 accurate /ˈækjɑrət/ [adjective] completely correct because all the details are true 准确的 the witness tried to give an accurate description of what she had seen. 证人试图把她所见的准确地描述出来。 accurate financial forecasts 准确的金融预测 accuracy [uncountable noun] we double checked the figures to ensure their accuracy. 我们把这些数据复查了一下,以确保其准确性。 exact /ɪgˈzækt/ [adjective] an exact copy, model etc of something is like it in every possible way 精确的;一模一样的 an exact replica of a 900-year-old buddhist shrine 一个有900年历史的佛龛的精确复制品 i can't remember her exact words, but this is the gist of what she said. 我记不得她的原话了,但这是她所说的要点。exact likeness use this about a painting or drawing of someone that looks very much like that person [指画像跟本人]完全相像 it's not an exact likeness, but it's recognisable as my father. 画得不完全像,但是认得出是我父亲。exact same spoken she's wearing the exact same dress i bought last week! 她身上穿的裙子和我上个星期买的那条完全一样! literal /ˈlɪtərəl/ [adjective usually before noun] a literal translation gives the exact meaning of a word, or each word in a sentence, instead of translating the word or whole sentence in a natural way [翻译]逐字的,字面上的 the literal meaning of the yiddish word ‘mensch’ is ‘person’. 意第绪语mensch的字面意思是人。 it's rare to use a literal translation of a film title when it is sold abroad. 电影在国外发行时片名很少直译。 literally [adverb] ‘vino de tavola' literally means ’table wine'. 的字面意思是佐餐酒。 word for word /ˌwɜːʳd fəʳ ˈwɜːʳd/ [adverb] if you repeat, copy, or translate something word for word, you use the exact words that are in it 逐字逐句地[重复、抄写];一字对一字地[翻译] he asked me to repeat word for word the instructions he'd just given me. 他叫我把他刚给我的指示逐字逐句地重复一遍。 the footnote gave a word for word translation of the quotation. 脚注逐字翻译了引语。 faithful /ˈfeɪθfəl/ [adjective usually before noun] a faithful copy of something is as close as possible to the original 忠于原作的;如实的 his model cars are faithful copies of the originals. 他的车模非常逼真。 this is a faithful interpretation of shakespeare's original text. 它忠实地诠释了莎士比亚的原作。 a faithful reconstruction of an anglo-saxon village 一个按照原貌重现的盎格鲁一撒克逊村落模型 faithfully [adverb] the tv version follows the original novel faithfully. 这部电视剧忠实于原著的小说。 strict /strɪkt/ [adjective usually before noun] exact and correct according to accepted rules or an accepted system 严格的 dates must be listed in strict chronological order. 日期必须严格按时间顺序排列。 under a strict interpretation of the rules, she would be suspended. 如果严格按规章制度解释,对她要作停学处理。 in the strictest sense of the word, all popular fiction is ‘romantic’. 按最严格的字面意思,所有的通俗小说都是“浪漫的”。 verbatim /vɜːˈbeɪtɪm, vɜːˈbeɪtəmǁvɜːr-/ [adjective/adverb] formal repeating the exact words that were spoken or written 【正式】一字不差的[地],逐字的[地] the government released a verbatim transcript of the pilot's last words. 政府逐字公布飞行员最后的通话记录。 he lifted passages almost verbatim from an earlier essay he had written. 他整段整段地照搬他以前写的一篇论文中的文字,几乎是一字不差。3. exactly how, what, where etc 准确地 exactly /ɪgˈzæktli/ [adverb] use this to give or ask for exact details or information 准确地;恰好 glue the pieces together, exactly as shown in the diagram. 按照图示准确地把拼块粘贴起来。 it took us exactly two hours to get here. 我们来这里正好用了两小时。exactly who/what/where etc the police want to know exactly when you left the building. 警察想知道你离开大楼的准确时间。 the doctors can't say exactly what's wrong with my mother. 医生也说不清楚我母亲得的是什么病。exactly the same it tastes exactly the same as meat. 它的味道和肉一模一样。who/what/where exactly? where exactly are you from? 确切地说,你是从哪里来的? what exactly did you want to see? 你到底想看什么? just /dʒʌst/ [adverb] especially spoken use this to say exactly how, what, where etc something is 【尤口】正好,恰好 that's just the right place for the painting, don't you think? 那个地方放画正好,你说是不是?just what/how/where etc a new handbag! that's just what i wanted. 一个新手提包!那正是我想要的。 just who does he think he is, coming in here and shouting like that? 他以为自己是谁啊,跑到这里来大呼小叫的?just the same he and his brother are just the same -- lazy. 他和他弟弟一个样——都懒。 precisely /prɪˈsaɪsli/ [adverb] exactly - use this when it is important to describe something very carefully or to get very exact information 准确地,精确地 precisely what/where/who etc we need to know precisely how much this is going to cost. 我们需要确切地知道这要花多少钱。 can you tell us more precisely what happened? 你能再准确一点,告诉我们发生了什么事情吗?where/what/who precisely? what precisely do you mean by ‘relativity’? 你的“相对性”确切点儿是什么意思?4. exactly in a particular place 正好在某个地方 right /raɪt/ [adverb] right in/on/up etc use this when something is in an exact position or place 就在里面/上面等 that hit me right in the eye! 那一下正好打中了我的眼睛! i got a mosquito bite right on the end of my nose. 蚊子就叮了我的鼻尖。 there's the house, right in front of you. 就是那房子,就在你面前。 he sat down right beside her. 他就在她身边坐下了。 smack in the middle of something/smack in front of something /ˌsmæk ɪn ðə ˈmɪdl əv, something, ˌsmæk ɪn ˈfrʌnt əv, something/ [adverb] informal use this to say that something is exactly in a place, especially when this is unpleasant in some way 【非正式】在某物的正中间/正前面[尤指一个令人不舒服的位置] they live smack in the middle of a huge housing estate. 他们就住在一个大住宅区的正中央。 a garbage truck had parked smack in front of our house. 一辆垃圾车就停在我们家门前。smack dab american use this to emphasize that you are being exact 【美】正好 the ball hit me smack dab in the middle of my forehead. 那球正好打在了我的额头中央。 bang /bæŋ/ [adverb] british informal bang in/on/up etc use this when something is in an exact point or position, especially if it falls there 刚好[正好]落在里面/上面等[尤指落下的物体] he landed bang in the middle of the roof, and it collapsed. 他刚好落在屋顶的正中央,屋顶就塌了。 the eraser hit him bang on the top of his head. 黑板擦正巧打到他的头顶。right/slap bang the arrow hit the target right bang in the middle. 箭射中靶子的正中心。 they've put an ornamental fountain slap bang in the middle of the roundabout. 他们在环岛的正中央放置了一个装饰性喷泉。5. doing something in exactly the right way 完全按正确的方法做某事 exactly /ɪgˈzæktli/ [adverb] use this to talk about doing something in exactly the right way 完全地;精确地 assemble the table exactly as shown in the diagram on the left. 严格按照左图把桌子组装起来。 i don't exactly know how to dry herbs, could you show me? 我具体不知道怎样把这草药弄干,你教教我好吗? you must do exactly as i say. 你必须完全按照我说的去做。 strictly /ˈstrɪktli/ [adverb] done exactly according to a set of rules or instructions 严格地 the work is strictly on a volunteer basis. 这工作仅限于在自愿的基础上进行。 the immigration laws have been strictly implemented. 移民法执行得非常严格。 martha and joan kept strictly to their part of the house. 玛莎和琼严格地限制在屋子里属于自己的地方活动。 religiously /rɪˈlɪdʒəsli/ [adverb] if you do something religiously, you do it in exactly the way that you are supposed to do it 严格地;严谨地[按照应该做的方式做某事] he counted his money up religiously every night. 他每天晚上都要认认真真地数一遍钱。 julia has been sticking religiously to her diet. 朱莉娅严格按规定进餐。6. exactly the right thing 正是某个事物 exactly /ɪgˈzæktli/ [adverb] use this to emphasize that something is the particular thing that you want or mean 正好,恰好[表示强调] this is exactly the kind of job that computers are good at. 这正是电脑擅长的工作。 that's exactly the sort of material i'm looking for. 这正是我要找的那种材料。exactly what the earrings are beautiful! they're exactly what i wanted. 这耳环好漂亮啊!正是我想要的。 that's exactly what happened to me! 我也碰到过这样的事情呢! precisely /prɪˈsaɪsli/ [adverb] exactly - use this to emphasize exactly what the situation is, exactly what happened, exactly what you meant etc 正是,恰好[表示强调] that is precisely the point i was trying to make earlier. 这就是我开头想说的一点。 the new legislation won't solve the problem - it will do precisely the opposite. 新的立法解决不了这个问题——它只会适得其反。 just /dʒʌst/ [adverb] informal use this to talk about exactly the thing, person, or place you mean, want etc 【非正式】正好,恰恰正是 we want just the same rights as everyone else. 我们想要的只是和别人一样的权利。 he said he was leaving her and proceeded to do just that! 他说要离开她,而且确实那样做了!just who/what/how etc i'm not sure just who you mean. 我不敢肯定你到底指谁。 mallorca? that's just where we want to go. 马略卡岛吗?我们要去的就是那里啊。7. not exact 不准确的 rough /rʌf/ [adjective only before noun] not exact, or not containing exact details 粗略的 he gave us a rough outline of the course. 他给我们大概讲了一下这门课程的提纲。rough estimate/guess i've got a rough estimate here of what it might cost. 这个要多少钱,我这里有个粗略的估计。rough idea she had a rough idea of where harry lived, but she didn't know the exact street. 她知道哈里大概住哪里,但不知道具体是哪条街。 approximate /əˈprɒksɪmət, əˈprɒksəmətǁəˈprɑːk-/ [adjective] formal an approximate number, amount, or time is close to the true number, amount, or time but does not need to be completely correct 【正式】[数、数量或时间]大约的,大致的,大概的 our approximate time of arrival will be 10.30. 我们到达的大概时间是10点30分。 please state on the form the approximate value of all your household goods. 请在表格上写明你家中所有物品大概的价值。 vague /veɪg/ [adjective] an explanation, promise, reason etc that is vague is not exact, but you think that it should be 含糊的,不清楚的[解释、承诺、理由等] the doctor's vague explanations only increased clara's fears. 医生含糊不清的解释反而加深了克拉拉的忧虑。 i've only got a vague idea of what he wants for this project. 他做这个项目的目的,我只隐约知道一点。be vague about explain something in a vague way 对…不明确 officials were vague about the number of weapons that were uncovered. 查获的武器数量有多少,官员们含糊其辞。 vaguely [adverb] they murmured something vaguely when i asked how long they had been there. 我问他们到了有多久了,他们含含糊糊地咕哝了一句什么。 hazy /ˈheɪzi/ [adjective] a hazy memory, understanding, idea etc is not clear and not exact [记忆、理解、观念等]模糊的,不清晰的 she had a hazy recollection of being carried out of the room. 她模模糊糊地记得被人抬出了房间。 the details are still a little hazy. 细节方面仍然有些模糊不清。 loose /luːs/ [adjective usually before noun] loose translation/interpretation/sense etc a record, explanation etc of something that includes parts that are not exactly like what was said, written, or decided originally 不精确的翻译/解释/意义等 this is only a loose translation of the original paper. 这不过是对原文件粗略的翻译。 a looser interpretation of the law would lead to more convictions. 对法律的解释如果不严谨,就会导致更多的人被定罪。 loosely [adjective] the term "empire' is often loosely applied to a federation of states. “帝国”一词常常笼统地指联邦国家。 |
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