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单词 begin
释义 begin verbadverb | verb + begin | preposition | phrases adverb➤again, all over again, anew (especially name) 重新开始◆once it has finished, the dvd automatically begins again.数字激光视盘放完后会自动从头再开始播放。◆we had to begin all over again.我们不得不从头再来。➤immediately, quickly, suddenly立即/迅速/突然开始◆research into the problem began immediately.立即展开了对这个问题的研究。➤gradually, slowly逐渐/慢慢开始◆he took a deep breath and slowly began.他深吸一口气,缓缓开始。➤shortly, soon很快/马上开始◆the concert will begin shortly.音乐会快要开始了。➤finally终于开始◆work on the building finally began in the summer.夏天大楼终于开工了。verb + begin➤be due to, be expected to, be scheduled to预定开始;预期开始◆the entertainment was due to begin at 8.30.娱乐活动预定 8 点 30 分开始。➤be ready to准备开始▸➤be about to, be going to就要开始◆a new life was about to begin for him.他即将开始新生活。preposition➤by以⋯开始◆let's begin by writing down a few ideas.我们先写出几种想法,以此作为开始。➤with以⋯开始◆we will begin with a brief discussion of the problems.我们开始先简单讨论一下这些问题。◆can you think of a word beginning with v?你能想出一个以字母 v 开头的词吗?phrases➤begin at the beginning从头开始◆ok, let's just begin at the beginning.好吧,我们就从头开始吧。➤be just beginning, be only beginning才刚开始◆their troubles are only beginning.他们的麻烦才刚刚开始。 begin verb  ➡ see also the entries for establish, introduce 1 and start verb 另见 establish 条、introduce 条第 1 义和 start 动词词条begin ♦︎ start ♦︎ open ♦︎ embark on/upon sth ♦︎ take sth up ♦︎ set about sth ♦︎ go about sth ♦︎ commencethese words all mean to do the first part of sth, or to do sth or make sth happen or exist for the first time.这些词均表示开始、着手。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to begin / start / take up / set about / go about / commence doing sth◆to begin / start to do sth◆to begin / start sth by doing / with sth◆to begin / start / open / embark on a / an campaign / enquiry◆to begin / start / open a discussion / conversation◆to begin / start / embark on a war / scheme◆to begin a / start a / commence battle◆to begin / start / take up / commence work◆to begin / start / open a story / letter / sentence◆to begin / start / open a day / year / meeting◆to begin / start / embark on / take up / commence a career / life◆to begin / start / embark on a journey / search / relationship◆to begin / start / take up a / your employment / duties / hobby◆to begin / start / commence production◆to immediately begin / start / embark on / set about / commence / launch into sth◆to have just begun / started / opened / embarked on / taken up / launched into sth■ begin (beginning, began, begun) [intransitive, transitive] to do the first part of sth; to do sth that you were not doing just before开始;启动;着手做◆she began by thanking us all for coming.她首先对我们大家的到来表示感谢。◆we began work on the project in may.我们于五月份开始了这个项目。◆i began (= started reading) this novel last month and i still haven't finished it.我上个月开始读这本小说,到现在还没读完。◆she began to cry.她哭了起来。◆i was beginning to think you'd never come.我开始以为你不会来了。◆everyone began talking at once.大家同时开始讲话。opp end → end verb  ➡ see also beginning → start noun , begin → start verb ■ start [transitive, intransitive] to begin doing sth; to make sth begin to happen开始;着手做;使发生◆i start work at nine.我九点开始工作。◆the kids start school next week.孩子们下星期开学。◆we need to start (= begin using) a new jar of coffee.我们得新开一罐咖啡了。◆it started to rain.下起雨来了。◆mistakes were starting to creep in.不知不觉间,开始出错了。◆she started laughing.她笑了起来。◆let's start by reviewing what we did last week.我们先来复习一下上星期所学的内容。◆it's time you started on your homework.你该做功课了。◆who started the fire?谁放的火?◆do you start the day with a good breakfast?你早晨起来会先好好吃一顿早饭吗?opp finish , stop → end verb , finish → finish , stop → stop verb 3  ➡ see also start → start noun , start → start verb note 辨析 begin or start?there is not much difference in meaning between these words. start is more frequent in spoken english and in business contexts; begin is more frequent in written english. start, but not begin, can also mean 'to make sth start happening' or 'to make a machine start working'.这两个词意思差别不大。start 较常用于英语口语和商务语境中,begin 较常用于书面英语中。start 还可表示使某事发生或发动机器,但 begin 无此用法◆who began the fire? ◆i can't begin the car. ■ open [transitive] to make an activity or event begin; to make a story, piece of writing or period of time begin in a particular way着手;开始;(故事、文章)以⋯开篇;(一段时期)以⋯开头◆who is going to open the conference?谁来宣布会议开幕?◆the police have opened an investigation into the death.警方已开始调查这桩命案。◆they will open the new season with a performance of 'carmen'.他们将上演《卡门》,以此拉开新戏剧季的帷幕。◆i opened the story with viola because i wanted the reader to 'meet' everybody through her eyes.我把薇奥拉作为故事的开场人物,因为我想让读者通过她的眼睛去“结识”每个人。 opp close → end verb  ➡ see also open → start verb , opening → launch noun , opening → start noun , opening → first det. adj. ■ embark on sth-->■ embark upon sth -->phrasal verb (rather formal) to begin doing sth new or difficult从事,着手,开始(新的或艰难的事情)◆she is about to embark on a diplomatic career.她即将开始外交生涯。◆remember these basic rules before embarking upon major home improvements.在着手进行重大家居装修之前要记住这些基本准则。■ take sth up phrasal verb(took, taken) [no passive] to begin sth such as a job or hobby开始从事(某项工作或业余爱好)◆he takes up his duties next week.他下周开始履行职责。◆she has taken up (= started to learn to play) the oboe.她学起吹双簧管来了。opp give sth up → stop verb 1 ■ set about sth -->phrasal verb(setting, set, set) [no passive] to begin doing sth开始做;着手做◆she set about the business of cleaning the house.她动手打扫起房子来。◆we need to set about finding a solution.我们得着手寻找一个解决办法。■ go about sth -->phrasal verb(goes, went, gone) [no passive] (often used in negative statements and questions with how 常用于否定陈述和以 how 引导的疑问句中) to begin working on sth, especially in a particular way(尤指以特定的方式)开始做◆you're not going about the job in the right way.你一开始做这事的方法不对。◆how should i go about finding a job?我该怎样着手找工作呢?■ commence /kəmens/ [transitive] (formal) to begin sth开始;着手◆the company commenced operations in april.公司四月份开业了。 ➡ see also commence → start verb begin(beginning, began, begun) [intransitive, transitive] to do the first part of sth; to do sth that you were not doing just before开始;启动;着手做◆she began by thanking us all for coming.她首先对我们大家的到来表示感谢。◆we began work on the project in may.我们于五月份开始了这个项目。◆i began (= started reading) this novel last month and i still haven't finished it.我上个月开始读这本小说,到现在还没读完。◆she began to cry.她哭了起来。◆i was beginning to think you'd never come.我开始以为你不会来了。◆everyone began talking at once.大家同时开始讲话。opp end → end verb  ➡ see also beginning → start noun , begin → start verb begin(beginning, began, begun) [intransitive] to start to happen or exist; to start in a particular way or from a particular point; to start speaking开始发生(或出现);(以某方式或从某事物)开始;开始讲话◆when does the concert begin?音乐会什么时候开始?◆the evening began well.晚会开始得很顺利。◆use 'an' before words beginning with a vowel.在以元音开始的单词前要用 an。◆'ladies and gentlemen,' he began, 'welcome to the town hall.'“女士们、先生们,”他开始发言说,“欢迎光临市政厅。”opp end → end verb  ➡ see also begin → begin verb note 辨析 start or begin?there is not much difference in meaning between these words. start is more frequent in spoken english and in business contexts; begin is more frequent in written english and is often used when you are describing a series of events.这两个词含义差别不大。start 较多用于口语和商务语境; begin 较多用于书面语,常用于描述一系列事件◆the story begins on the island of corfu.这个故事从科孚岛上开始。 start is not used to mean 'begin speaking'. * start 不表示开始讲话◆'ladies and gentlemen,' he started. begin/bɪˈgɪn ||; bɪˈgɪn/verb (present participle beginning;past tense began /bɪˈgæn ||; bɪˈgæn/ past participle begun /bɪˈgʌn ||; bɪˈgʌn/) 1. [i,t] to start doing sth; to do the first part of sth 开始做;着手: ◇shall i begin or will you? 我先开始还是你先开始?◇i began (= started reading) this novel last month and i still haven't finished it. 我上个月开始看这本小说,到现在还没看完。◇when did he begin his lesson? 他什么时候开始上课的?◇when do you begin work? 你什么时候开始工作?◇we began writing to each other in 1980. 我们从1980年开始通信。◇the carpet is beginning to look dirty. 地毯开始显得有点脏。 2. [i] to start to happen or exist, especially from a particular time 开始发生,开始存在(尤指在特定时间): ◇what time does the concert begin? 音乐会什么时候开始? 3. [i] begin (with sth) to start in a particular way, with a particular event, or in a particular place (以某个方式、事件或在某个地方)开始: ◇my name begins with ‘w’ not ‘v’. 我的名字以 w 开头,不是以 v 开头。◇the fighting began with an argument about money. 先是为了钱发生争执,继而动手。◇this is where the footpath begins. 小路就从这里开始。 begin and start are very similar in meaning but start is more often used in informal speech. they can be followed by to or by the -ing form of a verb the baby began/started crying/to cry. when begin or start are themselves in the -ing form they must be followed by to the baby was just beginning/starting to cry. in some meanings only start can be used i couldn't start the car. we'll have to start (= leave) early if we want to be in dover by 8 o'clock. begin 和 start 的意思很相近,但非正式口语多用 start。两词后面均可接 to 或动词的 -ing 形式:the baby began/started crying/to cry. 娃娃开始哭了。begin 或 start 本身用 -ing 形式时,其后必须接 to:the baby was just beginning/starting to cry. 娃娃刚开始哭。某些意思只能用 start 来表达:i couldn't start the car. 我不能发动这辆汽车。we'll have to start early if we want to be in dover by 8 o'clock. 我们要在8点钟之前到达多佛尔就必须早一点动身。 to begin with 1. at first 起初: ◇to begin with they were very happy. 起初,他们很高兴。 2. used for giving your first reason for sth or to introduce your first point (用于举出第一个理由或引出第一点)首先,第一: ◇we can't possibly go. to begin with it's too far and we can't afford it either. 我们不可能去。一来那里太远了,二来我们也没有那么多钱。 ➔beginner noun [c]beginsee ⇨ start 1     • • •• ⇨ start by/begin by• ⇨ start with/begin with• ⇨ start/begin• ⇨ to start with/to begin with be·gin /bɪ`gɪn; bɪˈɡɪn/v began /bɪ`gæn; bɪˈɡæn/, begun /bɪ`gʌn; bɪˈɡʌn/, beginning 1. [i,t] to start doing or feeling something, or to start to happen or exist 开始:◇the meeting will begin at 10:00. 会议将在十点钟开始。◇begin to do sth it's beginning to rain. 天开始下雨了。◇begin doing sth nicola began learning english last year. 妮可拉去年开始学英语。◇begin with let's begin with exercise 5. 让我们从练习五开始做起。◇begin by doing sth may i begin by thanking you all for coming. 首先我要感谢大家的光临。 2. to begin with a) used to introduce the first or most important point 首先[用以引出第一个或最重要的观点]:◇to begin with, you mustn't take the car without asking. 首先,你不准问都不问就取车。 b) used to say what something was like at the start 原先,本来:◇i didn't break it! it was like that to begin with. 不是我弄坏的! 它本来就是那样子。 c) in the first part of an activity or process 起初:◇the children helped me to begin with, but they soon got bored. 起初孩子们都来帮忙,但很快他们就感到厌烦了。 3. begin with if a book, speech, word etc begins with something, that is how it starts 以[某种方式]开始:◇it begins with a description of the author's home. 它是以描述作者的家开始的。 ☞ begin




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