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单词 force sb to do sth
释义 force sb to do sth1 to force someone to do something2 to force someone do something by using threats or violence3 to be forced to do something because of a bad situation4 to force someone to accept something they do not wantrelated wordssee alsomust/don't have to,threaten,1. to force someone to do something 强迫某人做某事 force /fɔːʳs/ [transitive verb] you don't have to come if you don't want to. nobody's forcing you. 你不想来就不用来,没人逼你。force somebody to do something women's organizations are trying to force the government to appoint more women to senior positions. 一些妇女组织正试图促使政府在高级职位上任命更多的妇女。force somebody into doing something her parents are trying to force her into marrying a man she hardly knows. 她父母试图逼她嫁一个她几乎不认识的男人。force somebody into something i had never thought of buying an insurance policy, and i wasn't going to be forced into it by some young salesman. 我从未想过要买保险,也不想让自己被某个年轻的推销员勉强去买。force somebody out of eddie feels that he was forced out of his job in order to make way for a younger man. 埃迪觉得他是被逼辞职,让位给一个比他年轻的人的。 make /meɪk/ [transitive verb] to force someone to do something that they do not want to do. make is less formal than force 迫使;使…一定要[make不如force那样正式 i really didn't want to go, but she made me. 我其实不想去的,但是她一定要我去。make somebody do something i wanted to watch the film, but dad made me do my homework. 我想看这部电影,可爸爸一定要我做家庭作业。 karen made him promise never to discuss the subject again. 卡伦一定要他答应永远不再谈论这个话题了。 put pressure on /ˌpʊt ˈpreʃər ɒn/ [verb phrase] to keep trying to persuade someone to do something, for example by saying that it is their duty or that it will help other people 给…施加压力[如说这样做是负责任,会对别人有帮助等] put pressure on somebody to do something our parents were putting pressure on us to get married. 我们的父母给我们施加压力要我们结婚。 advertising puts pressure on parents to work long hours, in order to buy things that their children don't need. 广告给父母亲们施加了压力,让他们延长工作时间以便为子女购买不必要的东西。 pressurize also pressurise british /pressure american /ˈpreʃəraɪz, ˈpreʃəʳ/ [transitive verb] to try to make someone do something by persuading them very strongly and making them feel that they should do it 对…施加压力;强迫 i'll get this done as soon as i can -- just don't pressure me, ok! 我会尽快把这做好的—只是别逼我,好吗! if she feels you're trying to pressurize her, she won't do it. 如果她觉得你想强迫她,她就不肯做了。pressurize/pressure somebody into doing something school children are often pressurized into studying very hard from an early age by their parents. 学童常在很小的时候起就被父母逼着很刻苦地学习了。 the committee pressured him into resigning. 委员会迫使他辞职了。pressure somebody to do something her boyfriend is pressuring her to have an abortion. 她男朋友逼着她去做人工流产。 push /pʊʃ/ [transitive verb] to strongly encourage someone to do something 催促,逼迫 push somebody to do something my parents keep pushing me to get a good job. 我父母不停地催我去找份好工作。push somebody into doing something don't let them push you into a making a decision before you're ready. 你还未准备好之前,别让他们逼迫你作出决定。push somebody into something are you sure you want to marry me? i don't want to push you into anything. 你确定要娶我吗?我可不想催逼你做任何事。 browbeat /ˈbraʊbiːt/ [transitive verb] to force someone to do what you want them to do by repeatedly asking them to do it until they finally agree 威慑;催逼 the salesman tried browbeating me but it didn't work. 那个推销员企图逼我买东西,但未能成功。browbeat somebody into (doing) something the miners were browbeaten into working in a part of the mine that the company knew to be dangerous. 矿工在威逼下在矿下一个公司知道有危险的区域工作。 i really didn't want to make this speech -- i was browbeaten into it by my colleagues. 我实在不想发言——是同事们逼我的。 emotional blackmail /ɪˌməʊʃənəl ˈblækmeɪl/ [uncountable noun] an attempt to force someone to do something, by making them feel guilty for not doing it 利用感情进行的胁迫[让人觉得不做就内心有愧] she's always using emotional blackmail and playing on other people's feelings. 她老是用感情来胁迫别人,玩弄人家的感情。 any relationship that has to depend on emotional blackmail can't be a healthy one. 必须靠以感情作胁迫维持的关系不可能是健康的。 be breathing down somebody's neck /biː ˌbriːðɪŋ daʊn somebodyˈs ˈnek/ [verb phrase] informal if someone is breathing down your neck about something, they keep asking you to do it in order to make you do it sooner 【非正式】紧催某人 i'm already really busy today, and now paul's breathing down my neck saying he wants the paris deal completed. 我今天已经非常忙了,现在保罗又紧紧催着我,说他希望谈妥巴黎那桩生意。have somebody breathing down your neck we'd better start sending out those letters soon -- i've had the sales manager breathing down my neck about it all week. 我们最好赶快去把那批信寄出去—销售经理已催了我整整一个星期了。 be on somebody's back /biː ɒn somebodyˈs ˈbæk/ [verb phrase] informal to be trying to make someone do something they do not want to do, especially by telling them several times to do it 【非正式】盯着某人不放,与某人没完[尤催迫多次] nick knew that the coach would be on his back if he missed another training session. 尼克知道如果再漏掉一堂训练课的话,教练就会和他没个完。be on sb's back about aunt mimi was always on his back about him ‘wasting time playing that silly guitar’. 咪咪姑妈老是盯着他不放,说他是在“浪费时间拨弄那把愚蠢的吉他”。2. to force someone do something by using threats or violence 用威胁或暴力手段强迫某人做某事 force /fɔːʳs/ [transitive verb] if you don't comply i'm afraid we'll have to force you. 如果你不服从,恐怕我们就得强迫你了。force somebody to do something thieves had tied him up and forced him to lie on the floor. 窃贼将他绑了起来并强迫他躺在地上。 all the hostages were forced to hand over their passports. 所有人质都被迫交出护照。force somebody into (doing) something she claimed she was forced to take part in the robbery by her husband. 她说她是被丈夫逼着参与了这次抢劫的。 make /meɪk/ [transitive verb] to force someone to do something by using violence or threats 强迫,逼迫 i didn't want to take part in the attack but the soldiers made me. 我不想参与这次袭击,可是那些士兵逼迫我参与。make somebody do something they made sales staff open the safe. 他们逼着销售人员打开保险箱。be made to do something the couple were made to hand over all their money and jewellery. 这对夫妇被逼交出所有的钱和珠宝。 coerce /kəʊˈɜːʳs/ [transitive verb] written to force someone to do something that they do not want to do by threatening that something bad might happen to them if they do not do it 【书面】迫使,胁迫 ray withdrew his confession, saying that he had been coerced by the police. 雷收回了自己的供词,说是被警察逼供的。coerce somebody into doing something the mine owners coerced the workers into going back to work, by threatening to close down the mines completely. 矿主威胁要关闭全部矿井,迫使工人复工。 officials coerced peasants into voting for the government candidates. 官员威逼农民投票给政府推荐的候选人。coerce somebody to do something the company paid the workers the minimum rate of $4.86 an hour, but coerced some to give back half their pay in cash. 该公司支付给工人最低的时薪4.86美元,却胁迫一些工人以现金归还一半工资。 coercion /kəʊˈɜːʳʃənǁ-ʒən/ [uncountable noun] when peaceful methods of persuasion had failed, the government tried using coercion. 和平劝说无效时,政府试着采用高压手段。 compel /kəmˈpel/ [transitive verb] formal to make someone do something by using force or official power 【正式】强迫,逼迫 compel somebody to do something all the young men in the area were compelled to work in the quarries and coal mines. 这一地区的所有年轻男子都被迫在采石场和煤矿工作。 the attorney general has the right to compel witnesses to appear in court. 检察长有权强迫证人到庭作证。 bully /ˈbʊli/ [intransitive/transitive verb] informal to force someone to do something by shouting at them, treating them badly, or using threats 【非正式】威吓;胁迫 don't let the salesman bully you -- it's your choice. 别让推销员吓唬你—买不买是你自己的事。bully somebody into doing something if you try and bully him into giving you the money he's sure to say no -- you should try and persuade him gently. 如果你想胁迫他给你钱,他肯定不会给—你应该试着温和地说服他。bully somebody into something ben didn't want to study law, but his father bullied him into it by threatening to cut off his allowance. 本不想学习法律,但他父亲以断绝他的生活费作威胁强迫他学。 blackmail /ˈblækmeɪl/ [transitive verb] to force someone to give you money or do what you want, by threatening to tell embarrassing secrets about them 敲诈,勒索 gina tried to blackmail him, by threatening to tell his wife about their affair. 吉娜企图敲诈他,威胁说要把两人之间的婚外恋告诉他妻子。blackmail somebody into doing something the fbi blackmailed her into informing on the other members of the gang. 联邦调查局官员威迫她告发了团伙中的其他成员。 use force /ˌjuːz ˈfɔːʳs/ [verb phrase] if someone uses force, they hit, shoot, or use other forms of violence against people in order to make them do something or stop them from doing something 使用武力[逼迫别人做某事] the regime was quite willing to use force and terror against its enemies. 该政权动不动就以武力和恐怖手段来对付反对者。 the law permits every citizen to use reasonable force to defend themselves or their property. 法律准许每个公民合理地使用武力来保护自己或自己的财产。use force against the police have recently had to defend their policy of using force against rioters. 警方最近不得不维护动用武力来对付暴乱者的政策。 strongarm tactics/methods /ˈstrɒŋɑːʳm ˌtæktɪks, ˌmeθədzǁˈstrɔːŋ-/ [plural noun] violence or the threat of violence, used to force someone to do something 高压手段/方法 the police have been accused of using strongarm tactics when breaking up strikes and public demonstrations. 警察已被指责在制止罢工和民众示威时采用了高压手段。use strongarm tactics/methods to do something more and more credit companies are using strongarm methods to collect debts. 越来越多的信贷公司采用高压手段来收回欠款。 under duress /ʌndəʳ djʊˈresǁ-dʊˈres/ [adverb] if someone does something under duress, they only agree to do it because they have been threatened, not because they want to do it 在胁迫之下,在威逼下 the defendants claimed that their confessions were made under duress. 被告称他们是被逼供的。 judge mershon ruled that the agreement was signed under duress, and was therefore null and void. 梅尔尚法官判定该协议是在胁迫下签署的,因而无效。3. to be forced to do something because of a bad situation 因情况不佳而被迫做某事 force /fɔːʳs/ [transitive verb] force somebody to do something they had so little money that they were forced to sell the farm. 他们钱那么少,只得被迫把农场卖了。 they were halfway up the mountain, when the weather became so bad that they were forced to turn back. 他们已爬到半山腰,天气变得很糟,他们被迫返回。force somebody into something here, girls are often forced into prostitution because they have no other means of earning money. 这里的女孩子常常被逼得要卖淫,因为她们没有其他办法赚钱。 drive /draɪv/ [transitive verb] if something, especially someone else's behaviour drives someone to do something, it has such a bad effect on them that it forces them to take extreme action [尤指他人的行为]逼迫[某人做出极端的事] drive somebody to do something at the trial, she claimed that years of abuse from her violent husband had driven her to kill him. 审判时,她称多年来被暴戾的丈夫虐待,这逼得她杀了他。drive somebody to despair/desperation etc many farmers claim that they have been driven to desperation by the latest blow to the industry. 许多农民称他们被最近该行业遭受的打击逼入了绝境。drive somebody to drink make someone drink alcohol all the time in order to forget their situation 逼某人借酒浇愁 this job's enough to drive anyone to drink! 这工作足以逼得任何人借酒浇愁!drive somebody into doing something her mother's continual nagging drove her into running away from home. 她母亲无休止的唠叨迫使她离家出走。 have no choice/option /ˌhæv nəʊ ˈtʃɔɪs, ˈɒpʃənǁ-ˈɑːp-/ [verb phrase] to be forced to do something because it is the only thing you can do even though you may not want to do it 别无选择 we had to leave them there. we had no choice. 我们只得把他们留在那里了。我们没别的选择。 firefighters said they had to knock down the remaining walls - they have no other option. 消防员说他们只得把余下的墙砸倒—他们别无选择。leave somebody with no choice/option but to do something you leave me with no option but to resign. 你使我别无选择,只有辞职了。leave somebody with no choice/ option the business was failing, and in the end we had to close it down. we were left with no choice. 这个企业越来越不行了,最后我们只得关闭了它,实在没别的办法。 compel somebody to do something /kəmpel somebody tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] formal if a bad situation compels someone to do something they do not want to do, they are forced to do it because they feel there is nothing else they can do 【正式】迫使某人做某事 the high cost of materials will compel manufacturers to increase their prices. 材料成本高将迫使制造商提高价格。 these people are compelled by poverty to commit crime. 这些人因贫穷而被迫去犯罪。 be condemned to /biː kənˈdemd tuː/ [verb phrase] to be forced to accept a very unhappy situation because there is nothing else you can do 被迫[接受极不愉快的状态] be condemned to do something the rich lived in luxury while thousands were condemned to live a life of poverty and despair. 富人过着奢侈的生活,而成千上万的人都不得不过着贫穷和绝望的生活。be condemned to something the island was condemned to centuries of colonial rule. 该岛被殖民统治了几个世纪。 the accident condemned her to a lifetime of pain and disability. 那次事故使她终生受着痛苦和残疾的折磨。4. to force someone to accept something they do not want 强迫某人接受不想要的某物 force something on /ˈfɔːʳs something ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] he thinks that just because he's the head of department he can force his opinions on everybody. 他以为自己是部门的领导,就可以把自己的想法强加给每个人。 you shouldn't blame your father -- the decision was forced on him by his situation. 你不应该怪你父亲—他处在这种境况下,作出这个决定是迫不得已的。 elaine kept forcing drinks on him all evening, and he wondered if she was trying to seduce him. 伊莱恩整晚都在不停地强劝他喝酒,他怀疑她是否想勾引他。 impose /ɪmˈpəʊz/ [transitive verb] if you impose your ideas and beliefs on other people, you try to force them to have the same ideas and beliefs as you 把[观念或信仰]强加于 within days of being appointed office manager he had imposed his own working methods. 他被任命为办公室经理后才几天,就开始强制推行他自己的工作方式。impose something on somebody teachers should try to avoid imposing their own beliefs on their students. 教师应避免把自己的信念强加给学生。 imposition /ˌɪmpəˈzɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] there has been widespread protest against the imposition of religious teaching in schools. 强制在学校推行宗教教育引发了广泛的抗议。 inflict something on /ɪnˈflɪkt something ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to force someone to accept something that causes them harm or suffering 迫使…接受[带来伤害或痛苦的事] as time progressed, the king inflicted harsher and harsher measures on the people. 随着时间的推移,国王采取了越来越严厉的措施来对付人民。 the new policy means that even higher bills will be inflicted on the taxpayer. 新的政策意味着将强迫纳税人支付更昂贵的账单。 foist something on /ˈfɔɪst (something) ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to get rid of a thing or piece of work that you do not want by giving it to someone else 将某物转嫁于,将某事推卸给 it's no use trying to foist your work on me. 想把你自己的工作推给我是行不通的。foist something off on to somebody he's always trying to foist the children off on to me while he goes out and enjoys himself. 他老是想把孩子们推给我,自己却出去逍遥自在。




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