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单词 gather
释义 gather verb¹ 1come together in a group聚集adverb | preposition adverb➤quickly迅速聚集▸➤about, around, round, together围拢;聚集起来preposition➤around, round (especially bre) 聚集在⋯周围◆the boys gathered around the car.男孩们围拢在那辆汽车周围。➤for因⋯集合◆they are all gathering for a major conference.他们集合起来准备开大会。gather verb² 2bring people/things together使聚拢adverb➤hastily, hurriedly, quickly匆忙召集;迅速聚拢◆she hastily gathered all her belongings together.她把自己的东西匆忙收拾了起来。➤carefully仔细收集▸➤together, up集拢gather verb³ 3increase增加adverb | verb + gather adverb➤quickly, rapidly迅速/快速聚集◆the movement for reform rapidly gathered momentum.改革运动迅速蓬勃地开展起来。➤slowly缓慢积聚verb + gather➤begin to, start to开始积聚◆as the weeks passed, charlie began to gather strength.几周以后,查利逐渐开始恢复元气。➤continue to继续聚集gather [transitive] to bring things together that have been spread around; to collect information from different sources收拢,归拢(分散的东西);搜集,收集(情报)◆i waited while he gathered up his papers.他整理文件时我在一旁等待。◆she gathered her things together and got to her feet.她把她的东西归拢在一起,站了起来。◆detectives have spent months gathering evidence.侦探花了数月时间搜集证据。note 辨析 collect or gather?both collect and gather can be used in the same way to talk about bringing together data, information or evidence. when talking about things, gather is used with words like things, belongings or papers when the things are spread around within a short distance. collect is used to talk about getting examples of sth from different people or places that are physically separated. * collect 和 gather 均可指收集数据、信息或证据。表示收集物品时,gather 可以和 things、belongings 或 papers 等搭配,表示归拢分散在不远处的东西。collect 可指从较为分散的人或地方采集样本。gather [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (rather informal, especially spoken) to think or believe that sth is true because you have been told that it is得知;据信;认为◆i gather you wanted to see me.我猜你想见我。◆'there's been a delay.' 'so i gather.'“已经耽搁了。”“我也这么认为。”◆as far as i can gather, he got involved in a fight.据我了解,他卷入了一场斗争。◆from what they could gather, there had been some kind of problem back at the base.从他们了解的情况看,事情的根源出了点问题。note 辨析 understand or gather?both of these words are often used in spoken english, but understand is more formal than gather. gather can suggest greater activity than understand: what you understand is what you have been told, usually without asking; what you gather is either what you have been told, or what you have found out by asking people. gather, but not understand, is often used with can/could.这两个词均常用于英语口语,但 understand 比 gather 正式。相比 understand,gather 暗指付出更多的努力才得知信息:understand 表示所知悉的情况是别人告知的,通常不用主动询问; gather 表示所知悉的情况可能是别人告知的,也可能是主动打听到的。gather,而非 understand,常和 can/could 连用◆as far as i can understand... ◆from what they could understand... gather [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to pull a piece of clothing tighter to your body收紧,拢起(衣服)◆she gathered up her skirts and ran.她提起裙摆就跑。gather [transitive] (rather formal or literary) to pick or cut and collect crops to be stored; to collect wild plants or fruit from a wide area收获,收割(庄稼,以作贮备);采集(野生植物或果实)◆it was late august and the harvest had been safely gathered in.已是八月下旬,庄稼都妥善收割完毕。◆they lived in the forest, gathering mushrooms and berries to eat.他们住在森林里,采食蘑菇和野莓。gather [intransitive] to come together in one place to form a group聚集;集合◆a crowd soon gathered.很快就聚集了一群人。◆can you all gather round? i've got something to tell you.你们都围过来好吗?我有事要告诉你们。◆his supporters gathered in the main square.他的支持者聚集在主广场上。gather/ˈgæðə(r) ||; ˈgæðɚ/verb1. [i,t] gather (round) (sb/sth);gather sb/sth (round) (sb/sth) (used about people) to come or be brought together in a group (指人)(使)聚集: ◇a crowd soon gathered at the scene of the accident. 事故现场很快聚集了一群人。◇we all gathered round and listened to what the guide was saying. 我们大家围拢过来听导游的解说。 2. [t] gather sth (together/up) to bring many things together 收集;收拾: ◇he gathered up all his papers and put them away. 他把文件都收拾起来放好。◇they have gathered together a lot of information on the subject. 他们收集了不少资料,都是关于这个题目的。 3. [t] (formal 正式) to pick wild flowers, fruit, etc from a wide area (从野地里)采集(野花、水果等): ◇to gather mushrooms 采蘑菇 4. [t] to understand or find out sth (from sb/sth) 从…得知: ◇i gather from your letter that you have several years' experience of this kind of work. 从你信里看来,你有多年做这种工作的经验。◇‘she's been very ill recently.’ ‘so i gather.’ “她近来病得很厉害。”“我也这么想。” 5. [i,t] to gradually become greater; to increase (使)积累起来;增加 · ◇i gathered speed as i cycled down the hill. 我骑自行车下山,速度越来越快。 gathersee ⇨ crowd 4 ⇨ find out 1 ⇨ get 8 ⇨ increase 5 ⇨ meet 4 gath·er /`gæðə; ˈɡæðə/v 1. [i,t] if people gather, or if someone gathers them somewhere, they come together in the same place 聚集,集合; 使集拢,召集:◇dozens of photographers gathered outside jackson's hotel. 许多摄影记者聚集在杰克逊下榻的酒店外面。◇if you gather the kids, i'll start the car. 你把孩子们召集过来,我来发动汽车。◇+ around/round a crowd gathered around to watch the fight. 人群聚集过来围观打架。 2. [t] also 又作 gather up to collect things into one pile or place 收集[东西],收拢:◇"wait for me," said anna, gathering up her books. “等等我。”安娜说着,把书收了起来。 3. [t] to get information, ideas etc over a period of time 收集,搜集[资料、意见等]:◇i'm trying to gather new ideas for my next novel. 我正在为下一部小说找一些新的题材。 4. [t] to believe that something is true based on the information you have 推断,推测,认为:◇+ (that) i gather you've not been well recently. 我估计你近来身体不好。 5. gather force/speed/intensity etc to become stronger, faster etc 增加力量/速度/强度等:◇the car gathered speed quickly as it rolled down the hill. 汽车驶下山时马上加快了速度。 ☞ gather




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