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单词 envy
释义 envy nounadjective | ... of envy | verb + envy | preposition | phrases adjective➤extreme极度的嫉妒▸➤unconscious不自觉的嫉妒▸➤class, social阶级/社会妒羡➤penis阴茎嫉妒◆the freudian concept of penis envy弗洛伊德的阴茎妒羡观念... of envy➤tinge, touch略带/少许嫉妒◆i detected a tinge of envy in her tone.我觉察出她的语气中有一丝嫉妒。➤pang, stab, twinge一阵嫉妒;一时的嫉妒◆i felt a twinge of envy for the people who lived there.我对住在那儿的人产生过一阵嫉妒。verb + envy➤be consumed with, be green with, feel, have充满羡慕之情;眼红;感到嫉妒;心怀嫉妒◆i had no envy of his success.我对他的成功一点儿也不嫉妒。➤express, show表现出嫉妒▸➤arouse, excite, fill sb with, inspire引起嫉妒;使某人充满嫉妒;激起嫉妒心◆her youth and looks aroused extreme envy in her rivals.她的青春美貌使她的对手非常嫉妒。preposition➤with envy羡慕地◆i look with envy on those lucky people with big families.我羡慕地看着那些有大家庭的幸运儿。➤envy at对⋯的嫉妒◆i was filled with envy at their adventurous lifestyle.我很羡慕他们敢于冒险的生活方式。➤envy for对⋯的嫉妒◆the envy she felt for her sister她对姐姐怀有的嫉妒phrases➤be the envy of sb/sth令⋯嫉妒◆british television is the envy of the world (= is admired by everyone).英国的电视令世人羡慕。➤an object of envy令人羡慕的事物◆her car was an object of envy among her friends.她的汽车是朋友们羡慕的对象。envy verbadverb | preposition adverb➤greatly, really极为/十分羡慕▸➤secretly暗暗羡慕➤almost几乎嫉妒preposition➤for羡慕⋯◆i secretly envied her for her good looks.我暗暗羡慕她姣好的容貌。 envy [uncountable] the feeling of wanting to be in the same situation as sb else; the feeling of wanting sth that sb else has羡慕;忌妒◆she felt a pang of envy at the thought of his success.她一想到他的成功便感到一阵忌妒。◆her colleagues were green with envy (= they had very strong feelings of envy).她的同事们都特别眼红。▸ envious adjective◆everyone is so envious of her having the chance to study abroad.人人都那么羡慕她能有机会出国深造。▸ enviously adverb◆they look enviously at the success of their european counterparts.看着欧洲同行的成功,他们羡慕不已。▸ envy verb [transitive] ◆he envied her-she seemed to have everything she could possibly want.他羡慕她要什么有什么。◆i don't envy ed that job (= i am pleased i do not have it).我可不羡慕埃德干的那份工作。envyverb [transitive] ◆he envied her-she seemed to have everything she could possibly want.他羡慕她要什么有什么。◆i don't envy ed that job (= i am pleased i do not have it).我可不羡慕埃德干的那份工作。envyverb [transitive] ◆he envied her-she seemed to have everything she could possibly want.他羡慕她要什么有什么。◆i don't envy ed that job (= i am pleased i do not have it).我可不羡慕埃德干的那份工作。envy¹/ˈenvi ||; ˈɛnvɪ/noun [u]: envy (of sb);envy (at/of sth) the feeling that you have when sb else has sth that you want 妒忌;羡慕: ◇it was difficult for her to hide her envy of her friend's success. 看见朋友的成就,她难以掩藏心中的妒忌。 be the envy of sb to be the thing that causes sb to feel envy 令人妒忌或羡慕的事物: ◇the city's transport system is the envy of many of its european neighbours. 这个城市有完善的运输系统,使邻近多个欧洲城市十分羡慕。 ☞look at enviable and envious. 参看 enviable 及 envious。envy²/ˈenvi ||; ˈɛnvɪ/verb [t] (present participle envying third person singular present envies;past tense past participle envied)envy (sb) (sth) to want sth that sb else has; to feel envy 妒忌;羡慕: ◇i've always envied your good luck. 我一向羡慕你运气好。◇i don't envy you that job (= i'm glad that i don't have it). 我不希罕你那工作。 envysee ⇨ jealous 2,2☞ envy¹☞ envy²




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