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单词 capitalize
释义 capitalize , capitalise /kæpɪtəlaɪz/ verb (finance 金融; stock exchange 证券交易(所)) [intransitive, transitive] (often be capitalized at) to get enough money to start to function as a company; to provide a company with the money it needs to function 为…提供营运资本◆the company could not sell enough shares and so failed to capitalize. 公司未能出售足够的股份,因此无法提供营运资本。◆the firm is being capitalized at about €3.5 billion. 公司正筹集大约 35 亿欧元的营运资本。 (accounting 会计) [transitive] to record money spent on machines, equipment, buildings, etc. as an asset in a company's financial records rather than as an expense 以资产入账(将机器、设备、建筑物等作为资产而非支出入账)◆it is company policy to capitalize assets over €5 000. 超过 5 000 欧元的资产作为资产入账是公司的政策。  ➡  capitalized ●capitalize on/upon sthto gain an advantage for yourself from a situation 充分利用;由于…而获益◆the company have capitalized on their successes by putting up prices. 公司由于提价而获益。☞ capitalizecapitalize/ˈkæpɪtəlaɪz ||; ˈkæpətḷˌaɪz/(also -ise) verb [t] 1. to write or print a letter of the alphabet as acapital; to begin a word with a capital letter 将某字母大写;将某词的首字母大写 2. (technical术语) to sell possessions in order to change them into money 出售财产(使其变成钱) 3. (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) (technical术语) to provide a company etc with the money it needs to function (为公司等)提供运转所需的钱,提供资本 ➔capitalization(also -isation) /ˌkæpɪtəlaɪˈzeɪʃn ||; ˌkæpətḷaɪˈzeʃən/ noun [u] capitalize on sth to use sth to your advantage 乘机利用: ◇we can capitalize on the mistakes that our rivals have made. 我们可以利用对手所犯的错误。 cap·i·tal·ize /(also 又作 -ise bre 【英】) /`kæpətḷˏaɪz; ˈkæpɪtl-aɪz//v [t]capitalize on sthphr v [t]to use something in order to get an advantage 利用[某物]:◇she capitalized on his mistake and won the game. 她利用他的失误赢得了比赛。capitalize on sthto use something in order to get an advantage 利用[某物]:◇she capitalized on his mistake and won the game. 她利用他的失误赢得了比赛。




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