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单词 allowance
释义 allowance noun¹ 1amount of sth that you are allowed允给量adjective | verb + allowance | phrases adjective➤baggage行李重量限额➤tax免税额▸➤holiday (bre) 规定的休假天数verb + allowance➤be entitled to, get, have有权享受定量;得到定量的配额;有定量的配额◆you're entitled to a baggage allowance of 28 kilos.你可以免费携带 28 公斤的行李。◆i get four weeks' holiday allowance a year.我 1 年有 4 周的假期。phrases➤recommended daily allowance每日的建议摄取量◆the recommended daily allowance of vitamin c is 60-90 milligrams.维生素 c 的每日建议摄取量是 60 - 90 毫克。allowance noun² 2amount of money sb receives regularly定期获得的钱adjective | verb + allowance | preposition adjective➤generous, large丰厚的补贴;大笔的津贴▸➤meagre/meager, small微薄的津贴;少量的补贴▸➤annual, daily, monthly, weekly每年的/每天的/每月的/每周的补贴▸➤attendance, child, disability, family (especially bre) (国家支付的)护理津贴;子女津贴;伤残津贴;家庭补贴▸➤clothing, housing, travel服装/住房/差旅补贴verb + allowance➤be entitled to有权享受补贴◆you may be entitled to a clothing allowance if your job requires it.如果工作对服装有要求,你也许可以享受服装补贴。➤get, receive获得/得到补贴➤claim索要津贴▸➤give sb, grant给某人补贴;给予津贴◆the company gives me a travel allowance.公司给我一笔出差补助。➤spend花费津贴◆she spends her allowance on clothes.她用津贴来买衣服。preposition➤allowance of⋯的津贴◆an allowance of $25一笔 25 美元的补贴➤allowance for给⋯的补贴◆the weekly allowance for each child is £15.每个孩子 1 周的补贴是 15 英镑。allowance /əlaʊəns/ noun [countable] amount of money that is paid to someone regularly or on particular occasions by their employer or by the state, to help them pay for travel, food, somewhere to live or other expenses 津贴;补贴◆the company gives me a travel allowance. 公司给我发放差旅津贴。◆a low-income allowance for child care 低收入托儿津贴  ➡  weighting ⨁ a car / clothing / an entertainment / a housing / relocation / travel allowance汽车/服装/娱乐/住房/搬迁/差旅津贴 ⨁ to give sb / pay an allowance给某人津贴;给津贴 ⨁ to be entitled to / claim an allowance有权享受津贴;索取津贴 (accounting 会计) (especially bre) an amount of money that you can take away from your income when calculating the amount of tax you have to pay (个人)免税额◆the party wants to reintroduce a married couples' tax allowance. 这政党想再次建议推行已婚夫妇免税额的措施。 syn tax allowance (bre) (accounting 会计) an amount of money that a business can take away from its profit when calculating the amount of tax it must pay (公司)免税额◆the capital allowance for investment in plant and machinery 工厂和机器投资的资本免税额4.a possible future expense or change in circumstances that a person or a company pays or plans for now 预留额;预期的变化◆the insurance premium includes an allowance for the effects of future inflation. 保险费包括考虑未来通货膨胀影响的预留额。◆you need to make proper allowance for marketing costs. 你必须把适当的数额预留作营销成本。  ➡  provision (1) capital allowance ◇ cost-of-living allowance ◇ depreciation allowance ◇ display allowance ◇ investment allowance ◇ personal allowance ◇ subsistence allowance ◇ tax allowance ☞ allowance allowance /əlaʊəns/ [countable] the amount of sth that is allowed in a particular situation限额;定量◆there is a maximum baggage allowance of 20 kilos.行李限重 20 公斤。allowance/əˈlaʊəns ||; əˈlaυəns/noun[c] 1. an amount of sth that you are allowed 容许的数量: ◇most flights have a 20kg baggage allowance. 大部份航班可容许携带20公斤的免运费行李。 2. an amount of money that you receive regularly to help you pay for sth that you need 津贴 make allowances for sb/sth to judge a person or his/her actions in a kinder way than usual because he/she has a particular problem or disadvantage 顾及某人的特殊情况;体谅 allowancesee ⇨ money 7 al·low·ance /ə`laəns; əˈlaʊəns/n 1. [c] money that you are given regularly or for a special reason [定期或出于特别原因而给予的]补助,津贴:◇his father gives him a small monthly allowance. 他父亲每月给他少量零用钱。◇a travel allowance 旅行津贴 2. make allowances for to consider someone's behaviour or work in a sympathetic way because they have a problem or disadvantage 考虑到…; 体谅




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