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单词 deceit
释义 deceit /dɪsiːt/ (rather formal, especially written) behaviour that involves deliberately making sb believe sth that is not true欺骗;蒙骗;诓骗◆he did not want to get drawn into this web of deceit.他不想牵连到这起诈骗勾当之中。 ➡ see also deceitful → dishonest note 辨析 deception or deceit? deception is often used in legal contexts. * deception 常用于法律语境◆she admitted two charges of deception.她承认了两项诈骗指控。◆she admitted two charges of deceit. deceit is used more in fiction and literary writing, although deception can also be used in these contexts. they are used especially to describe behaviour that involves making sb believe sth that is not true, without actually telling lies. * deceit 较多用于小说和文学作品中,但 deception 亦可用于这些语境。这两个词尤用以指不靠说谎而使人相信不实之事的行为。deceit/dɪˈsi:t ||; dɪˈsit/noun [u] dishonest behaviour; trying to make sb believe sth that is not true 不诚实的行为;欺骗;诈骗: ◇their marriage eventually broke up because she was tired of his lies and deceit. 他们的婚姻终于破裂,因为她已经对他的谎言和欺骗感到厌倦。 deceitsee ⇨ trick/deceive 6 de·ceit /dɪ`sit; dɪˈsiːt/n [u]when someone tries to make people believe something that is not true 欺骗,欺诈:◇the government had a history of deceit. 这个政府耍欺骗手段是由来已久的。




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