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单词 alliance
释义 alliance nounadjective | verb + alliance | preposition | phrases adjective➤broad广泛的联盟◆the organization is a broad alliance of many different groups.这个组织是许多不同团体的广泛联盟。➤grand大联盟▸➤close紧密的联盟▸➤powerful, strong强大的/强有力的联盟▸➤fragile, loose, uneasy脆弱的/松散的/不稳定的联盟◆a loose alliance of opposition groups反对派团体的松散联盟◆the uneasy alliance between such different people just cannot last.如此不同的人之间不稳定的联盟维持不了很长的时间。➤shifting变换的同盟◆the shifting alliances among the various political groups各个政治团体间不断变换的同盟➤formal, informal正式/非正式联盟▸➤strategic, working战略/工作同盟▸➤unholy邪恶的联盟◆an unholy alliance between the fascists and the communists法西斯分子和共产党员间的邪恶联盟➤unlikely不大可能的联盟▸➤temporary暂时的同盟▸➤global, transatlantic, western全球/跨大西洋/西方联盟▸➤defensive, military防御/军事同盟▸➤electoral, political竞选/政治联盟➤opposition抵抗同盟▸➤marriage联姻verb + alliance➤have具有同盟关系◆they have alliances with other companies.他们与其他公司具有同盟关系。➤seek寻求联盟➤announce宣布结盟▸➤build, build up, create, develop, enter into, establish, forge, form, make, strike up建立联盟;结盟;形成同盟◆the government has tried to forge alliances with environmentalists.政府试图与环保主义者结成联盟。➤join加入联盟◆seven more countries have been invited to join the alliance.另有 7 个国家受邀加入该联盟。➤cement, strengthen巩固/加强联盟◆the marriage was meant to cement the alliance between the two countries.这次联姻旨在巩固这两个国家之间的联盟。◆to cement the alliance with england, charles married margaret, sister of the english king.为了巩固与英格兰的联盟,查理娶了英格兰国王的妹妹玛格丽特。➤maintain维持同盟preposition➤in alliance with与⋯结成联盟◆the government, in alliance with the army, has decided to ban all public meetings for a month.政府和军队结成联盟,决定禁止所有公众集会,为期一个月。➤alliance against反对⋯的联盟◆old alliances against enemies that no longer exist针对不复存在的敌方的旧联盟➤alliance between⋯之间的同盟◆an alliance between the ussr and india苏联与印度之间的同盟➤alliance with与⋯的联盟◆an alliance with china与中国的联盟phrases➤alliance of convenience基于利益的联盟◆it was an alliance of convenience, not of conviction.这是一个基于利益而非信任的联盟。alliance /əlaɪəns/ noun [countable] agreement between countries, companies, etc. to work together in order to achieve sth that they all want (国家、公司等的)联盟,结盟,同盟◆the two companies formed an alliance to improve shipping and distribution networks. 两家公司结盟以改进航运和经销网络。◆the proposed alliance between the two airlines has been widely criticized. 两家航空公司的结盟建议受到广泛批评。◆the training department runs the course, in alliance with the university. 培训部与大学联合开设这课程。⨁ to enter into / form / make an alliance达成/形成/缔结同盟 2.a group of countries, companies, etc. who work together in order to achieve sth that they all want 联盟;结盟团体◆there are eight members of the alliance. 联盟共有八个成员。◆the organization is a broad alliance of many different groups. 这组织是由多个不同群体组成的广泛联盟。 strategic alliance ☞ alliance alliance /əlaɪəns/ [countable] a group formed by several different people or groups, especially political parties, who work together for a particular purpose(尤指政党的)结盟团体,联盟◆the movement for multiparty democracy was a loose alliance of opposition parties.多党制民主运动是各反对党的一个松散的联盟。alliance/əˈlaɪəns ||; əˈlaɪəns/noun [c] an agreement between groups, countries, etc to work together and support each other 联盟;同盟: ◇the two parties formed an alliance. 两党结成联盟。 ☞look at ally. 参看 ally。 alliancesee ⇨ with/together 7 al·li·ance /ə`laɪəns; əˈlaɪəns/n [c]an agreement between countries or groups of people to work together or support each other [国家、团体间的]联盟:◇+ between the alliance between students and factory workers in 1968 1968 年学生与工厂工人结成的联盟◇+ with britain's alliance with its nato partners 英国与其北大西洋公约组织成员国的联盟




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