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单词 all/everything
释义 all/everything1 all of a group of things or people2 all of something3 affecting or including all of somethingrelated wordsoppositenone/nothing,throughout a period of time 在整个时期 always,see alsocompletely,everyone,everywhere,1. all of a group of things or people 一组人或物中的全部 all /ɔːl/ [predeterminer/quantifier] all the things or people in a group 全部[的],所有[的] there was no one in the office -- they were all having lunch. 办公室里没有人—他们都吃午饭去了。 the new government has banned all political parties. 新政府取缔了所有的政治党派。we/you/them etc all he thanked us all for coming. 他对我们大家的到来表示感谢。 i've read five of his books, and i'm not going to stop until i've read them all. 他的书我已看过五本,我要全部看完了才罢休。all the/these/their/my etc did you take all these pictures yourself? 这些照片都是你自己拍的吗? all his clothes were spread around the room. 他所有的衣服都摊在房间里。 all the teachers in my school are women. 我学校里所有的老师都是女的。all of i've used up all of my traveler's checks. 我已把我所有的旅行支票都用完了。 she invited all of her friends to the party. 她邀请了所有的朋友参加聚会。almost/nearly all the prime minister's plan would cut almost all subsidies to state-run industries. 首相的计划将差不多削掉国营企业的所有补贴。 nearly all news organizations have refused to broadcast the victim's name during the trial. 庭审期间,几乎所有的新闻机构都拒绝报道受害人的姓名。all dogs/cars/children etc use this to make a general statement about things or people of the same kind 所有狗/汽车/孩子等 all mammals are warm-blooded. 所有哺乳动物都是温血动物。 all cars over 5 years old must have a test certificate. 超过五年车龄的所有汽车都必须有检验合格证。 everything /ˈevriθɪŋ/ [pronoun] all the things in a group, or all the things that someone says or does 每件事[东西];[所说或所做的]每样事物;所有事物 the customs officer asked us to take everything out of our suitcases. 海关官员要我们把旅行箱里的每样东西都拿出来。 don't believe everything you read in the newspapers. 报纸上看到的不要全都相信。 everything in the store costs less than $10. 店里所有的东西都不到十美元。everything else all other things 其他所有事物 i have a tent and a sleeping-bag, and ben said he'd lend me everything else i need for the camping trip. 我有一个帐篷和一个睡袋。本说,我野营还需要什么其他东西他都会借给我。 everyone/everybody /ˈevriwʌn, ˈevribɒdiǁ-bɑːdi/ [pronoun] all people or all the people in a particular group 人人;[某一群体中的]每个人 i think everyone enjoyed the party. 我觉得聚会上大家都很开心。 if everybody is ready, i'll begin. 如果大家都准备好了,我就开始了。 why is everyone so excited about this tax cut? 这次减税,为什么大家都这么兴奋? the lot /ðə ˈlɒtǁ-ˈlɑːt/ [singular noun] british informal all the things in a group or set, considered together 【英,非正式】[一组中的]全部 i left my purse with my cheque book and car keys on the kitchen table and thieves broke in and stole the lot. 我把皮夹子、支票簿和汽车钥匙都放在厨房的桌子上,小偷进来把它们统统偷走了。 janine bought four cream cakes, but her friends didn't turn up for dinner so she ate the lot herself. 贾宁买了四个奶油蛋糕,但是她的朋友没来吃晚饭,所以她就自己全部吃了。 every /ˈevri/ [determiner] all -- used only with singular nouns 每个;每一的[只与单数名词连用] every room in the house was painted white. 这房子里的每一个房间都刷成了白色。 she bought presents for every member of her family. 她给家里的每一个人都买了礼物。every single use this to emphasize that you really mean everyone or everything, especially when this is surprising 每一[用于强调,尤表示出人意料] it rained every single day of our vacation. 我们的假期里每一天都在下雨。every single one/every last one the police questioned every single one of the passengers on the plane. 警察一个不漏地盘问了飞机上所有乘客。 each /iːtʃ/ [determiner/pronoun] all -- use this to emphasize that you mean every separate person or thing in a group 每一的;各自[用于强调整体中的各个个体] she had a ring on each finger of her right hand. 她的右手每个手指都戴了戒指。 they read through each job application very carefully. 他们仔细阅读了每一封求职信。 the president shook hands with each member of the team. 主席和每一位队员都握了手。each of we will consider each of these questions in turn. 我们会逐一考虑每一个问题。 she gave each of them a plate of food. 她给他们每个人都盛了一盘食物。each one george and elizabeth had visited 15 apartments and had found something wrong with each one. 乔治和伊丽莎白看了15套公寓,发现每套都有问题。in/for/to etc each she dug several tiny holes in the soil, planting a seed in each. 她在土里挖了几个小洞,每个洞里都种上一颗种子。we/they/us etc each my brother and i each have our own room. 我和弟弟各有自己的房间。 she gave us each a pen and a piece of paper. 她给我们每人各一支笔和一张纸。 without exception /wɪðˌaʊt ɪkˈsepʃən/ [adverb] formal use this to say that something is true of every single one of the people or things in a large group 【正式】无一例外 every department in this city, without exception, has experienced cutbacks. 本市各政府部门无一例外,都遭到裁员。almost without exception economists agreed on the president's proposal, almost without exception. 经济学家几乎无一例外地都赞成总统的提议。 the works /ðə ˈwɜʳks/ spoken informal everything in a group of similar things or all the things that are needed for a particular activity 【口,非正式】[一组类似事物中或从事某种活动所需的]所有的东西,全部 ‘what would you like on your hotdog -- mustard, ketchup, relish?’ ‘give me the works.’ “你的热狗里想放些什么东西—芥末、番茄酱,还是调味汁?”“我全都要。” the school needs new computers, calculators, chairs, cooking utensils...basically, the works. 学校需要新的电脑、计算器、椅子、烹调用具…基本上,全都需要。 the whole enchilada/shebang also the whole nine yards /ðə ˌhəʊl ˌentʃə̇ˈlɑːdə, ʃə̇ˈbæŋ, ðə ˌhəʊl naɪn ˈjɑːʳdz/ american spoken informal everything that you could possibly want, or expect to have 【美口,非正式】[你可能想要或会有的]全部东西;全部事情 he bought the computer, the printer, and the modem - the whole shebang. 他买了电脑、打印机和调制解调器—一整套东西。 it sounds like a great job offer -- benefits, retirement, the whole enchilada. 听上去这份工作不错—福利啦、退休金啦,什么都有。 the guy in immigration wanted to see the whole nine yards -- passport, birth certificate, driver's license. 移民局的那家伙什么都要看—护照、出生证、驾驶证。2. all of something 某物的全部 all /ɔːl/ [predeterminer/quantifier] all of something -- used especially with uncountable nouns 全部的,整个的,总的[尤与不可数名词连用] all the/this/that/my etc he spends all his money on beer and cigarettes. 他所有的钱都用在啤酒和香烟上。 i've seen all her movies. 我看过她的所有电影。 did you eat all that bread? 那面包你全吃了吗?all of the/this/that/my etc i enjoyed the book although i didn't understand all of it. 我很喜欢看这本书,尽管我不完全明白。it all where's my change? you didn't spend it all, did you? 我找回的零钱呢?你不会全花完了吧?all day/week/year etc the whole of a period of time 一整天/整个星期/一整年等 i spent all day cleaning the house. 我花了一整天时间打扫屋子。 whole /həʊl/ [adjective only before noun] all of something that is large, long, or has a lot of parts, for example a large area of land, a long period of time, or a large group of people [指很大、很长或由许多部分组成的东西]全部的,整个的,所有的 i didn't see her again for a whole year. 整整一年我都没有再见到过她。 ‘i want the whole area searched!’ said the chief of police. “整个地区都要搜查!”警长说道。 she was so frightened, her whole body was shaking. 她害怕得整个身子都在发抖。 nora had spent her whole life trying to find happiness. 诺拉一生都在寻找幸福。the whole of something all of a particular thing, time, or place 整个… she spent the whole of the journey complaining about her boyfriend. 她整个旅程都在抱怨她的男朋友。 the romans conquered almost the whole of western europe. 罗马人几乎征服了整个西欧。 entire /ɪnˈtaɪəʳ/ [adjective only before noun] all of something -- use this especially to show that you are annoyed or surprised by this 全部的,整个的[尤用于表示对此不高兴或感到惊讶] i wasted an entire day waiting at the airport. 我在机场等候,浪费了整整一天的时间。 we realized that our entire conversation had been recorded. 我们意识到我们之间的谈话从头到尾都被录下来了。 this function of the word processor allows you to correct the entire document before printing. 文字处理器的这一功能可以让你把整个文件修改好了再打印。 every (last) bit/inch/ounce/drop /ˌevri (lɑːstǁlæst) ˈbɪt, ˈɪntʃ, ˈaʊns, ˈdrɒpǁˈdrɑːp/ [quantifier] the whole of something -- use this to emphasize that someone uses all of something, or that something covers all of an area 每一点/每一英寸/每一盎司/每一滴[用于强调某人用完某物的全部或某物覆盖全部某个地方] every inch of my niece's wall is covered with posters of pop groups. 我侄女在墙上的每一块地方都贴了流行乐队的海报。 we had to use every last bit of our savings. 我们只得花掉所有的积蓄。 i watched him drain every last drop out of the bottle. 我看着他把瓶里的酒喝得一滴不剩。 from start to finish /frəm ˌstɑːʳt tə ˈfɪnɪʃ/ [adverb] including all of something such as an event, process, or piece of writing [指事情、过程或文章]从头至尾地 i've read the book three times from start to finish. 这本书我已从头至尾看了三遍。 the whole case was badly handled from start to finish. 整件事情从头到尾都处理得不好。 lock, stock, and barrel /ˌlɒk stɒk ənd ˈbærəlǁˌlɑːk stɑːk-/ spoken including every part of something -- use this about someone moving, buying or selling all of something 【口】全部,所有东西[用于指某人搬迁、买卖所有东西] he moved the whole company, lock, stock, and barrel, to mexico. 他把整个公司的全部家当都搬迁到了墨西哥。 the knolls have owned the town lock, stock, and barrel for 15 years. 诺尔家族控制全镇上下有15年了。3. affecting or including all of something 影响或包括每件事物的 total/complete /ˈtəʊtl, kəmˈplɪːt/ [adjective only before noun] affecting everything or every part of a situation 全面的,完全的 they want a total ban on cigarette advertising. 他们想全面禁止香烟广告。 my parents had complete control over my life. 我的父母完全控制着我的生活。 the satellite tv station is providing total coverage of the olympic games. 卫星电视台正在全面转播奥林匹克运动会。 blanket /ˈblæŋkɪt, ˈblæŋkət/ [adjective only before noun] blanket decision/statement/term etc one that affects every part of a situation 全面的决定/全面的声明/统称等 a blanket requirement was announced by education officials -- all schools had to cut their budgets by 25%. 教育部官员宣布了一项全面要求—所有学校都必须将预算缩减25%。 dementia is a blanket term for various types of psychiatric disorder. 痴呆是各种精神病症的统称。 overall /ˈəʊvərɔːl/ [adjective only before noun] including or involving all or almost all the parts of a situation 全面的,总的 even though some of the details are badly done, the overall effect of the painting is very dramatic. 尽管这幅画有些细节画得不太好,但整体效果令人印象深刻。 his attitude towards his job seemed consistent with his overall approach to life. 他的工作态度似乎符合他的整个生活态度。 conference members agreed on an overall approach to drug abuse that focuses on prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. 与会人士一致赞成在滥用药物问题上采取以预防、治疗和康复为重的全面措施。 overall /ˌəʊvərˈɔːl/ [adverb] one or two products didn't do so well, but overall we've had a highly successful year. 有一两个产品做得不是很好,但总的来说,我们这一年干得很出色。 global /ˈgləʊbəl/ [adjective usually before noun] involving all possible parts of an idea or system 全面的,整体的 we've done a global study on the company's weaknesses. 我们对公司的不足之处进行了全面审视。 simon & schuster said it no longer wanted the smaller company because it did not fit into its global strategy. 西蒙舒斯特公司说,他们不再需要这家小公司了,因为它和他们的全球策略不相符。 all-embracing /ˌɔːl ɪmˈbreɪsɪŋ◂/ [adjective usually before noun] all-embracing concept/statement/term etc one in which all features of a situation have been thought of and included the prison governor now has all-embracing powers to deal with any situation in the way he thinks fit. 狱长现在有全权,可以以他认为合适的方法去处理任何事情。 physicists are searching for one all-embracing theory that covers matter, energy, radiation, and gravity. 物理学家正在探索一个对于物质、能量、辐射和引力都适用的统一理论。




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