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单词 compare
释义 compare verbadverb | verb + compare | preposition | phrases adverb➤favourably/favorably, well比得上;比⋯强◆the city compares favourably / favorably with other parts of brazil.这个城市比巴西的其他地方好。➤unfavourably/unfavorably比不上➤closely仔细地比较➤accurately, directly, systematically准确/直接/系统地比较➤easily很容易比较➤constantly经常比较verb + compare➤cannot, do not不能相比◆these mountains do not compare with (= are not nearly as high, impressive, etc. as) the himalayas.这些山不能与喜马拉雅山相比。preposition➤with及得上⋯◆few things compare with (= are as good as) the joy of walking on a bright spring morning.没有什么比在阳光明媚的春日早晨散步更惬意。phrases➤compare and contrast比较与对比▸➤be nothing compared to sb/sth比起⋯算不了什么◆i've had some difficulties but they were nothing compared to yours (= they were not nearly as bad as yours).我遇到一些困难,但是比起你的这些就算不了什么。➤nothing compares to sb/sth (= nothing is as good as sb/sth) 没有什么可以与⋯媲美➤be often compared to sb/sth常被比作⋯◆the golfer tiger woods is often compared to jack nicklaus.人们常把高尔夫球手“老虎”伍兹与杰克・尼高斯相提并论。compare verb 1➤we compared the two reports carefully.我们仔细比较了两份报告。➤our results compare favourably with theirs.我们的结果比他们的要好。➤they compared his work to that of ♦︎ contrast ♦︎ juxtapose ♦︎ balance sth against sth ♦︎ match sth against sththese words all mean to examine people or things to see how they are similar and/or how they are different.这些词均表示比较、对比。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to compare / contrast / juxtapose a and / with b◆to compare / contrast sth favourably / unfavourably with sth■ compare [transitive] to examine people or things in order to see how they are similar and how they are different比较,对比(以示异同)◆it is interesting to compare their situation and ours.把他们的状况与我们的对比很有意思。◆we compared the two reports carefully.我们仔细比较了两份报告。◆my own problems seem insignificant compared with other people's.与别人的问题相比,我自己的问题显得微不足道。◆standards in health care have improved enormously compared to 40 years ago.与 40 年前相比,卫生保健水平得到了极大的提高。ⓘ some people prefer only to use with, not to with compare in this meaning; however, both with and to are in fact very frequently used. compare sth to sth is always used when the meaning is 'to show or suggest that two people or things are similar'.表达此义时,有些人只用 compare with,而不用 compare to ;但实际上 with 和 to 都很常用。compare sth to sth 总是或多或少强调两者的相似之处◆the critics compared his work to that of hemingway.评论界将他的作品和海明威的相提并论。■ contrast [transitive] (rather formal) to compare two things in order to show the differences between them对比,对照(以显出差异)◆it is interesting to contrast the british legal system with the american one.把英美两国的司法体系进行对比很有意思。◆the poem contrasts youth and age.这首诗对比了青春与暮年。◆compare and contrast the two main characters in the play.比较这部剧中两个主要人物的异同。 ➡ see also contrast → difference , contrast → opposite noun ■ juxtapose /dʒʌkstəpəʊz; name dʒʌkstəpoʊz/ [transitive, usually passive] (formal) to put people or things together, especially in order to show a difference or a new relationship between them(尤指为显出差异或表明关系而)把⋯并置,把⋯并列◆in the exhibition, abstract paintings are juxtaposed with shocking photographs.展览会上,抽象画与令人震惊的照片并列展出。ⓘ juxtapose is often used with adverbs such as crudely, sharply, starkly and dramatically, and with phrases like to good/great/maximum effect. * juxtapose 常与 crudely、sharply、starkly、dramatically 等副词和 to good/great/maximum effect 等短语连用。■ balance sth against sth -->phrasal verb (rather formal) to compare the relative importance of two contrasting things比较(两个相对的事物);权衡重要性◆the cost of obtaining legal advice needs to be balanced against its benefits.法律咨询带来的好处得和需要付出的费用权衡一下。■ match sth against sth -->phrasal verbto compare things in order to find two that are the same or similar拿⋯与⋯比较,对照(以找出相同或相似的配对)◆new information is matched against existing data in the computer.新的资料和电脑中已有的数据作了比较。ⓘ match sth against sth is often used to talk about comparing items of information such as words with a large collection or database of information on a computer or in the mind. * match sth against sth 常指将字词等信息项与计算机或大脑中的信息集或数据库 (database) 进行比较。compare verb 2➤we compared the two reports carefully.我们仔细比较了两份报告。➤our results compare favourably with theirs.我们的结果比他们的要好。➤they compared his work to that of ♦︎ match ♦︎ rival ♦︎ equal ♦︎ be on a par with sb/sththese words all mean to be as good as sb/sth else.这些词均表示相匹敌、不相上下。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to match / rival / equal sth in / for sth◆to compare with / match / rival / be on a par with sth in terms of sth◆to compare with / match / equal sb's achievements◆to match / rival / equal the performance of sth◆to match / equal a feat / record◆to be matched / rivalled / equalled only by sth■ compare [intransitive] to be as good as sb/sth else; to be similar to sb/sth else, either better or worse比得上;与⋯类似;差不多(好或差)◆few trees can compare with our native rowan for ease of cultivation.很少有树种在易于种植方面比得上我们本土的花楸。◆how do these results compare with last year's (= are they better or worse)?这些结果和去年的相比如何?◆this roman gold doesn't compare to (is not as good as) a recent find by a local farmer, which is worth millions.这块古罗马金牌和最近一个本地农民发现的那块无法相比,后者价值数百万。◆this government's record compares favourably with (= is better than) that of our predecessors.这届政府要好于上届。◆the profit of £23 million compares (= contrasts) with a £32 million loss in the previous financial year.2 300 万英镑的利润与上一财政年度 3 200 万英镑的损失形成对照。 ➡ see also comparable → equivalent adj. ■ match [transitive] to be as good, interesting or successful as sb/sth else; to make sth the same or better than sth else与⋯相匹敌;和⋯不相上下;使等同于;使优于◆the teams were evenly matched (= of a similar standard).各队水平旗鼓相当。◆the two firms are quite closely matched in terms of size and profitability.这两家公司在规模和盈利方面不相上下。◆the firm was unable to match the salaries offered by their rivals.这家公司无法支付他们的竞争对手支付的工资。 ➡ see also match → peer noun ■ rival (-ll-, name -l-) [transitive] to be as good or impressive as sb/sth else与⋯相匹敌;比得上◆you will find scenery to rival anything you can see in the alps.你能看到的景色可与你在阿尔卑斯山所见的相媲美。◆golf cannot rival football for excitement.高尔夫球不像足球那样刺激。■ equal (-ll-, name -l-) [transitive] to be as good as sth else; to do sth to the same standard as sb else比得上;敌得过◆half-year profits equalled the best expectations.半年利润与最佳预期相当。◆with his last jump he equalled the world record.他的最后一跳平了世界纪录。 ➡ see also equal → peer noun ■ be on a par with sb/sth -->idiom (rather informal) to be as good, bad, important, etc. as sb/sth else与⋯同样好(或坏、重要等);不相上下◆profits should be on a par with last year.利润应与去年差不多。◆it's quite impressive, but it's not on a par with the stadiums we have back home.它很壮观,但是不能和我们故乡的体育场相比。 compare [transitive] to examine people or things in order to see how they are similar and how they are different比较,对比(以示异同)◆it is interesting to compare their situation and ours.把他们的状况与我们的对比很有意思。◆we compared the two reports carefully.我们仔细比较了两份报告。◆my own problems seem insignificant compared with other people's.与别人的问题相比,我自己的问题显得微不足道。◆standards in health care have improved enormously compared to 40 years ago.与 40 年前相比,卫生保健水平得到了极大的提高。ⓘ some people prefer only to use with, not to with compare in this meaning; however, both with and to are in fact very frequently used. compare sth to sth is always used when the meaning is 'to show or suggest that two people or things are similar'.表达此义时,有些人只用 compare with,而不用 compare to ;但实际上 with 和 to 都很常用。compare sth to sth 总是或多或少强调两者的相似之处◆the critics compared his work to that of hemingway.评论界将他的作品和海明威的相提并论。 compare [intransitive] to be as good as sb/sth else; to be similar to sb/sth else, either better or worse比得上;与⋯类似;差不多(好或差)◆few trees can compare with our native rowan for ease of cultivation.很少有树种在易于种植方面比得上我们本土的花楸。◆how do these results compare with last year's (= are they better or worse)?这些结果和去年的相比如何?◆this roman gold doesn't compare to (is not as good as) a recent find by a local farmer, which is worth millions.这块古罗马金牌和最近一个本地农民发现的那块无法相比,后者价值数百万。◆this government's record compares favourably with (= is better than) that of our predecessors.这届政府要好于上届。◆the profit of £23 million compares (= contrasts) with a £32 million loss in the previous financial year.2 300 万英镑的利润与上一财政年度 3 200 万英镑的损失形成对照。 ➡ see also comparable → equivalent adj. compare/kəmˈpeə(r) ||; kəmˈpɛr/verb1. [t] compare a and b;compare a with/to b to consider people or things in order to see how similar or how different they are 比较: ◇i'm quite a patient person, compared with him. 跟他相比,我还是个很有耐心的人。◇ compared to the place where i grew up, this town is exciting. 跟我成长的地方相比,这个镇的生活很多姿多彩。◇when the police compared the two letters, they realized that they had been written by the same person. 警方比较了这两封信,发现是同一人所写。 2. [t] compare a to b to say that sb/sth is similar to sb/sth else (表示事物与事物或人与人相似)把…比作: ◇when it was built, people compared the stadium to a spaceship. 体育馆落成的时候,人们把它比作一艘宇宙飞船。 3. [i] compare (with/to sb/sth) to be as good as sb/sth 比得上(某人或某事物): ◇her last film was brilliant but this one simply doesn't compare. 她上一部影片拍得极好,这一部却望尘莫及。◇there is nothing to compare with the taste of bread fresh from the oven. 刚出炉的面包味美绝伦。 compare notes (with sb) to discuss your opinions, ideas, experiences, etc with sb else (跟别人)交换意见、经验等: ◇at the beginning of term we met and compared notes about the holidays. 学期初我们见了面,彼此交流了度假的经历。 compare1 to compare things2 when one thing is being compared with anotherrelated wordssee alsodifferent,same,1. to compare things 比较事物 compare /kəmˈpeəʳ/ [transitive verb] to think about two or more things or people, in order to see how similar or different they are 比较,对照 you should compare at least three or four computers before buying one. 购买之前,你应当至少比较一下三四台电脑。compare something/somebody with i hate the way you always compare me with your ex-boyfriend. 我讨厌你老是把我同你前男友比。 if you compare rents in london with those in new york, you'll find they are about the same. 如果你将伦敦和纽约的租金相比较,你会发现两者不相上下。 you can't compare charlie parker with john coltrane. they were completely different musicians. 你无法比较查利·帕克和约翰·克特兰。他们是完全不同的音乐家。 liken /ˈlaɪkən/ [transitive verb usually in passive] to describe someone or something as being similar to someone or something else, especially in order to make it easier to understand 把·…比作[尤为了便于理解] liken somebody/something to critics have likened the new city hall building to a barn. 批评家把新建的市政厅比作谷仓。 morris has often been likened to bobby kennedy. 莫里斯常常被人比作博比·肯尼迪。 he likened today's stockmarket to that of the 1920s. 他将现在的股市比作20世纪20年代的样子。 make a comparison /ˌmeɪk ə kəmˈpærə̇sən/ [verb phrase] to compare two or more situations or ideas, people etc 比较 make a comparison between the article makes a comparison between the novels ‘anna karenina’ and ‘madame bovary’. 这篇文章比较了《安娜·卡列尼娜》和《包法利夫人》两部小说。 draw an analogy /ˌdrɔː ən əˈnælədʒi/ [verb phrase] to compare two similar situations or ideas in order to explain or prove something about one of them 作类比[以对两种相似情况或想法中的一种加以解释或证明] draw an analogy between he drew an analogy between mathematics and language. 他把数学和语言作类比。 joe drew an analogy between the soviet union of 1946 and germany of 1938. 乔将1946年的苏联和1938年的德国作类比。 draw a parallel /ˌdrɔː ə ˈpærəlel/ [verb phrase] to compare two different situations in order to show that they are similar in some ways 指出…两者之间的相同之处,在…之间作个比较 draw a parallel between/with one could draw a parallel between the professions of acting and politics. 可以将演戏和从政两种职业作个比较。 he was drawing parallels between events leading up to the last war and current political problems. 他在将导致上次战争的事件与当前的政治问题作比较。 you could draw parallels with the old samson and delilah story. 你可以拿参孙和大利拉的古老故事来作个比较。 contrast /kənˈtrɑːstǁ-ˈtræst/ [transitive verb] to compare two things, situations, ideas etc in order to show how they are different from each other 对比;对照[两个东西、情况、想法等的不同] the guide was contrasting the styles of monet and manet. 导游将莫奈和马奈的风格作了对比。contrast with in the film, the peaceful life of a monk is contrasted with the violent life of a murderer. 影片中,修道士的清静生活与凶犯的暴力生活形成对比。 it is interesting to contrast life in spain now with what it was like prior to 1975. 将西班牙现在的生活与1975年之前的对照很有意思。compare and contrast show the similarities and differences 比较…的异同 the book compares and contrasts the various methods used in language teaching. 这本书比较了语言教学中各种方法的异同。2. when one thing is being compared with another 一事物与另一事物比较 compared to/with /kəmˈpeəʳd tuː, wɪð/ [preposition] the british are good drivers compared to those in the rest of the eu. 与欧盟其他地方的驾车者相比,英国人算是好司机了。 statistics show that there has been a 20% reduction in burglary compared with last year. 数据显示与去年相比,盗窃案减少了20%。 women visit their doctors six times a year compared to the three or so visits that men make. 与男性每年看病三次左右相比,女性每年要看六次病。 in comparison/by comparison /ɪn kəmˈpærə̇sən, baɪ kəmˈpærə̇sən/ [adverb] as shown when compared with another situation, idea, person etc 相比之下 my car is so slow that it makes a bicycle look fast in comparison. 我的车子那么慢,相比之下,倒还是骑自行车看上去快些!in comparison/by comparison with we employ far fewer staff in comparison with similar-sized companies. 与同等规模的公司相比,我们雇用的员工人数要少得多。pale in/by comparison to look worse or much less important in comparison 相形见绌 forecasters say this year's drought could make that of 1991 pale by comparison. 天气预报员说今年的干旱比1991年更厉害。 the yankees’ problems pale by comparison with those of the dodgers. 与道奇队的麻烦相比,洋基队的问题好比小巫见大巫。 in contrast/by contrast /ɪn ˈkɒntrɑːst, baɪ ˈkɒntrɑːstǁ -ˈkɑːntræst/ [adverb] use this to talk about the difference between the things, situations, people etc that you are comparing 对比之下[以表明事物、情况、人等的不同] i read a lot as a child, but my daughter, by contrast, just seems interested in television. 我小时候读了许多书,我女儿相比之下仿佛只对电视感兴趣。in contrast to in contrast to the hot days, the nights are bitterly cold. 白天很热,而夜晚却非常冷。 beside /bɪˈsaɪd/ [preposition] use this to say that something seems more or less impressive, important etc when compared to something else 和…相比[某物不怎么样、较次要等] tom's efforts seemed so weak beside martin's. 汤姆的努力与马丁相比似乎不算什么。 delhi is so old that many european cities actually look young beside it. 德里非常古老,相比之下,许多欧洲城市就显得年轻了。 as against /æz əˈgenst/ [preposition] use this when you are comparing two pieces of information, facts, etc in order to show how they are different 和…相对比[以表明两项资料、事实等的不同] last year there were 443 industrial accidents as against 257 in 1985. 与1985年的257起工伤事故比起来,去年的工伤事故达443起。 with only 57 inhabitants per square mile, as against a world average of over 70, the country is far from overcrowded. 这个国家每平方英里只有57个居民,与世界的平均密度70多相比,远远称不上人口过于密集。 in proportion to /ɪn prəˈpɔːʳʃən tuː/ [preposition] use this to say that something does not seem correct, suitable, impressive etc compared with the things that surround it 和…相比[以表明与周围的事物比起来似乎不正确、不合适、不重要等] ricky's head is small in proportion to the rest of his body. 与身体其他部分相比,里基的头很小。 i've always thought that my problems were very minor in proportion to those of many other people. 我一直认为,与其他许多人相比,我的问题很小。 relative /ˈrelətɪv/ [adjective usually before noun] having a particular quality when compared with something else 相对的;比较的 kim lived a life of relative ease and privilege. 金过着相对安逸、优越的生活。relative strength/weakness the relative strength of the dollar against the mexican peso 美元于墨西哥比索的相对坚挺relative advantages (and disadvantages) she was terrified of flying. the relative advantages of air travel didn't tempt her at all. 她害怕飞行,坐飞机旅行的相对优点根本就吸引不了她。relative merits what is good about them compared with each other 相对优点 the two men stood at the bar discussing the relative merits of various sports cars. 两个男人站在吧台处,谈论着各种赛车的相对优点。it is all relative it can not be judged on its own, but must be compared with others 一切都是相对的 it's all relative, isn't it? someone who is poor in this country might be considered well off in another. 一切都是相对的,不是吗?这个国家的穷人在另一个国家也许会被认为是富有呢。 relatively [adverb] once you've mastered the basic strokes of squash, the rest is relatively simple. 一旦你掌握了壁球的基本打法,其他的就相对简单了。 comparative /kəmˈpærətɪv/ [adjective only before noun] comparative happiness/comfort/safety etc happiness, comfort, safety etc that is fairly satisfactory when compared to another 相对的幸福/舒适/安全等 after a lifetime of poverty, his last few years were spent in comparative comfort. 他大半辈子贫困,但晚年还是过得比较舒适的。 fresh fruit and vegetables have become a comparative rarity in the region. 新鲜水果和蔬菜在该地区已经变得相对稀罕。 during the bombings, families sheltered in the comparative safety of the underground rail stations. 轰炸时期,各家各户躲在相对安全的地铁车站内。 comparatively [adverb] we were absolutely broke in those days. now we're comparatively well off. 那些日子,我们穷得一文不名。现在,我们相对而言富裕了些。 than /ðən; strong ðæn/ [preposition/conjunction] more/less/bigger etc than geographically, canada is bigger than the us. 从地理上看,加拿大比美国大。 my sister earns a lot more than i do. 我姐姐比我赚得多许多。 com·pare /kəm`pɛr; kəmˈpeə/v 1. [t] to examine two or more things in order to find out how they are similar or different 比较:◇compare these wines and tell us what you think. 比较一下这些酒,告诉我们你的想法。◇compare sth with/to sth the report compares pollution levels in london with those in other cities. 这份报告比较了伦敦和其他城市的污染程度。 2. [i,t] to say that something or someone is like someone or something else 比较[两者的]相似之处:◇compare sb/sth to sb/sth he has been compared to john f. kennedy. 人们把他比作约翰·f·甘乃迪。 3. compared to/with used to say how two people or things are different 与…相比[用以比较两者的不同之处]:◇you're slim compared to her! 与她相比,你算是比较苗条的!◇the company has made a profit of £24m, compared with £12m last year. 公司现已赢利 2400 万英镑,而去年只有 1200 万。 4. [i] to be as good as someone or something else 与…一样好:◇+ with nothing compares with the taste of good home cooking. 没有东西比得上家庭烹饪的美味。 5. compare notes if people compare notes, they talk about something they have done in order to see if they share the same opinion about it 交流体会; 交换意见:◇i'll call you after the exams, and we can compare notes. 考试后我会打电话给你,我们可以交流一下心得。 ☞ compare




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