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单词 before
释义 before¹/bɪˈfɔ:(r) ||; bɪˈfɔr/prep conj 1. earlier than sb/sth; earlier than the time that (时间方面)先于,早于: ◇you can call me any time before 10 o'clock. 10点钟前你可以随时打电话给我。◇the week before last 上上星期◇they should be here before long (= soon). 他们不久就该到达。◇turn the lights off before you leave. 离开前要关灯。 2. in front of sb/sth (in an order) (次序方面)先于,前于: ◇‘h’ comes before ‘n’ in the alphabet. 按英语字母的次序,h 在 n 之前。◇a very difficult task lies before us. 有项十分艰巨的任务摆在我们面前。◇a company that puts profit before safety (= thinks profit is more important than safety) 一家重视利润甚于安全的公司 3. (formal 正式) in a position in front of sb/sth (位置方面)在前面: ◇they knelt before the altar. 他们跪在圣坛前。◇you will appear before the judge tomorrow. 你明天将在法官面前应讯。 4. rather than 宁愿;宁可: ◇i'd die before i apologized to him! 我宁愿死也不向他道歉! before²/bɪˈfɔ:(r) ||; bɪˈfɔr/adv at an earlier time; already 以前;已经: ◇i think we've met somewhere before. 我想我们以前在什么地方见过面。◇it was fine yesterday but it rained the day before. 昨天天晴,但前天下雨。 before1 before you do something or before something happens2 before a particular time or date3 before now4 someone or something that existed before or that you had before5 before someone or something else in a list, line, series etc6 a time, day, month etc that comes before another one7 to happen or exist before someone or something else8 to do something before someone else does itrelated wordsoppositeafter,the time before now 现在之前的时间 past,see alsoearly,first,prepare,1. before you do something or before something happens 做某事或某事发生之前 before /bɪˈfɔːʳ/ [preposition/conjunction] before you do something or before an event happens 在…之前,在…以前 the family left france just before the war. 这家人在战争刚要爆发之前离开了法国。 think carefully before you give your final answer. 请仔细考虑后再作最后答复。 before i had a chance to say anything, david walked away. 我还来不及说什么,戴维已经走开了。before doing something before joining ibm, frank worked for toshiba. 在加入国际商业机器公司以前,弗兰克在东芝公司工作。 you should check the oil before beginning a long car journey. 开车长途旅行之前你应该先检查一下油量。before that we spent two years in thailand, and before that we lived in china. 我们在泰国待了两年,在这以前我们在中国生活。 i was a waiter for six months, and before that i worked in a supermarket. 我当过六个月的侍应生,这以前我在一家超级市场工作过。a week/two days/five years etc before i was born just eleven months before my brother. 我就比弟弟早出生11个月。 beforehand also ahead of time american /bɪˈfɔːʳhænd, əˌhed əv ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] if you do something beforehand or ahead of time, you do it before you do something else, especially to make the situation easier 事先,事前,预先 let me know ahead of time if you need a ride to the airport. 如果你要人开车送你去机场,请预先告诉我。 we had agreed beforehand not to tell anyone else about our plans. 我们事前同意不把计划告诉别人。 first /fɜːʳst/ [adverb] before you do something else 首先 add the onions and garlic first, then the mushrooms. 先加洋葱和大蒜,然后加蘑菇。 ‘shall we go for some lunch?’ ‘yeah, great, let me just make a quick call first.’ “我们去吃饭吧?”“好,太好了!让我先很快打个电话。” in advance /ɪn ədˈvɑːnsǁ-ˈvæns/ [adverb] if you do something in advance, you do it before another event happens, especially so that you are prepared 预先;提前 pasta salad is a dish that you can easily prepare in advance. 通心粉沙拉是一道很方便的、可预先准备好的菜式。 i wish you'd told me in advance that you were going to be late. 我觉得你该事先告诉我你要晚到。in advance of your passport application should be submitted well in advance of your departure. 你应该在出发前提早递交护照申办表。three days/six months/a year etc in advance preparations for the president's visit had been made several months in advance. 为总统访问而作的准备工作几个月前就开始了。 pre- /priː/ [prefix] pre-war/pre-christmas/pre-roman etc before the war, christmas etc 战前/圣诞前/前罗马等 life in pre-war britain was simpler and less fast-paced. 战前英国的生活较单纯,节奏也较缓慢。 as usual, the government seems to have forgotten most of its pre-election promises. 一如以往,政府似乎忘记了其在竞选前所作的承诺了。 prior to /ˈpraɪəʳ tuː/ [preposition] formal before, especially before a particular event or date 【正式】在…以前 i spoke with sarah prior to the meeting. 我在开会前和萨拉说过话。prior to doing something the doctor should have told you about the possible side effects prior to starting you on the medication. 医生在进行治疗前,应先告诉你这种药物可能会带来的副作用。 on the eve of/in the run-up to /ɒn ði ˈiːv ɒv, ɪn ðə ˈrʌn ʌp tuː/ [preposition] the time before an important event 在…前夕[指重大事件的前夕] on the eve of the election, some of the candidates were showing signs of strain. 大选前夕部分候选人表现得很紧张。 no-one claimed responsibility for the bombing, which occurred on the eve of the prime minister's visit. 爆炸发生在首相访问前夕,但没有人声明对事件负责。 another round of tv debates will be held in the run-up to the referendum. 在举行全民投票之前将有另一轮电视辩论会。 advance /ədˈvɑːnsǁədˈvæns/ [adjective only before noun] given or done before the time that a particular event takes place or before the time that something is expected to happen 预先的;提前的 aid workers say the village had no advance warning of the floods. 救援人员说这个村子事前没有收到有关洪水的警告。 advance bookings for the concert start today. 这场音乐会今天开始预售门票。 airport visas may be obtained if forty-eight hours advance notice has been provided. 如果提前48小时通知,就可拿到机场签证。 prior /ˈpraɪəʳ/ [adjective only before noun] formal taking place before something else happens or before someone is allowed to do something 【正式】在前的;预先的 the airline says that some flights may be cancelled without prior warning. 这家航空公司说部分航班有可能不经预先通知就被取消。 the phone company is required to give you prior notice before disconnecting your service. 电话公司在停止提供服务之前按规定应该事先通知你。 the tenant must get the prior consent of the landlord before doing any redecorating in the flat. 房客在重新装修住房前必须事先征得房东的同意。2. before a particular time or date 在某一时间或日期前 before /bɪˈfɔːʳ/ [preposition] call me back before 5.30. 今天下午5点半以前请给我回个电话。 you should go, before john gets back. 在约翰回来之前,你该走了。just before our daughter was born just before christmas. 我们的女儿就在圣诞节前夕出生的。 by /baɪ/ [preposition] by 6 o'clock/friday/next winter etc at some time before 6 o'clock, friday etc, and certainly not later than this 6点钟前/星期五前/下一个冬季之前等 i'll be home by 6.30, i promise. 我保证6点半前回家。 by 9.00, most of the guests had arrived. 到9点时大部分客人都到了。 please try to have this done by friday. 请尽量在星期五之前把它做好。 no later than also by something at the latest /nəʊ ˈleɪtəʳ ðən, baɪ something ət ðə ˈleɪtə̇st/ [preposition] before or at a particular time but definitely not after it - used especially to tell someone the time by which they must have done something 不迟于[尤用于告诉某人必须做完某事的期限] i want your essays back no later than wednesday, nine o'clock. 我希望你们能在周三9点前把这篇文章交回来给我。 jenny should be back by monday at the latest. 珍妮最迟星期一会回来。 entry forms for the competition should arrive no later than friday, november 1st. 参赛表格不得迟于11月1日星期五递交。 the dinner party will be over by ten-thirty at the very latest. 晚宴聚会最迟10点半结束。3. before now 现在之前 before /bɪˈfɔːʳ/ [adverb] before now or before the time you are talking about 以前;过去 i had never seen such an ugly baby before. 我以前从未见过这么丑的婴儿。 wendell had never been on a plane before. 温德尔以前从未乘过飞机。the day/week/year etc before sheila and i became friends in 1995, although we had actually met several years before. 1995年希拉与我成了朋友,虽然这以前好几年我们已经见过面。 ago /əˈgəʊ/ [adverb] five minutes/two weeks/20 years etc ago five minutes, two weeks, twenty years etc before now 五分钟/两周/20年等前 george went out half an hour ago. can i have him call you back? 乔治半小时前出去了,我让他给你回电话好吗? lucy's aunt died a few months ago. 露西的姑妈几个月前去世了。a long time ago ‘when did you live in germany?’ ‘oh, it was a long time ago.’ “你什么时候在德国生活过?”“噢,很久以前了。”ages ago spoken a very long time ago 【口】很久以前 pauline wrote to me once, but that was ages ago. 保利娜给我写过一次信,但那是很久以前了。 earlier /ˈɜːʳliəʳ/ [adverb] at some time, date, year etc before now or before the time you are talking about 这之前,刚才,早些时候 didn't i give you the key earlier? 我刚才不是给你钥匙了吗?earlier in the day/year etc i saw barbara earlier in the day - she looked pretty upset. 今天早些时候我看见芭芭拉,她好像很不开心。20 years earlier/10 minutes earlier/moments earlier etc three years earlier, miller had been happily married, with a good job. 三年前米勒幸福地结了婚,有一份很好的工作。 previously /ˈpriːviəsli/ [adverb] before a time or event in the past 以前;先前 hastings previously worked for a software company in richmond. 黑斯廷斯以前在里士满的一家软件公司工作过。 the bombing is being blamed on a previously unknown group of terrorists. 一群以前不知名的恐怖分子被指为造成这次爆炸的罪魁祸首。two days/three weeks/six months etc previously she had met atwood at a conference a few weeks previously. 在几周前的一次会议上她遇到了阿特伍德。 formerly /ˈfɔːʳməʳli/ [adverb] formal during a period in the past but not now 【正式】以前,从前,过去 milligan, 43, was formerly a deputy foreign minister. 43岁的米利根是前外交部副部长。 peru was formerly ruled by the spanish. 秘鲁以前受西班牙统治。 watkins was formerly editor of the express, a local weekly newspaper. 沃特金斯以前当过《快报》的编辑,那是当地的一份周报。4. someone or something that existed before or that you had before 以前存在过或你曾拥有过的某人或某物 previous /ˈpriːviəs/ [adjective only before noun] the previous person or thing is the one that existed just before now or before the time you are talking about 刚才的;以前的,先前的 the car's previous owner didn't take very good care of it. 原先的车主没有小心地保养这辆车。 please ignore my previous instructions. 请不要理会我先前的指令。 last /lɑːstǁlæst/ [adjective only before noun] the last thing or person is the one that you had just before now, or the one that existed just before now 上一个;最近的 the last apartment we lived in was much smaller than this one. 我们上一套房子比这套小得多。 beth broke up with her last boyfriend because he drank too much. 贝丝和她的前一个男友分手是因为他喝酒太多。 ex- /eks/ [prefix] ex-wife/ex-boyfriend/ex-soldier etc someone who used to be someone's wife, used to be a soldier etc, but is not any more 前妻/前男友/前军人等 her dad's an ex-policeman. 她爸爸以前是警察。 lydia is still friends with her ex-husband. 莉迪娅与前夫仍是朋友。 old /əʊld/ [adjective only before noun] somebody's old job/car/girlfriend/boss etc the job, car etc that someone had before the one they have now 某人以前的工作/车子/女友/老板等 the new stadium is much bigger than the old one. 新体育场比起以前的那个要大得多了。 i saw phil with one of my old girlfriends. 我看到菲尔和我以前的一个女友在一起。 we all liked the old teacher better. 我们都更喜欢以前的那位老师。 the one before /ðə ˌwʌn bɪˈfɔːʳ/ [pronoun] the person or thing that existed before the one you have just mentioned [在刚刚提及的人或物的]前一个 i didn't enjoy spielberg's last film but i thought the one before was all right. 我不喜欢斯皮尔伯格最近的一部影片,但这之前的那一部很不错。 each year, the convention is a little larger than the one before. 这个会议每年都比前一次的规模大一些。 former /ˈfɔːʳməʳ/ [adjective only before noun] formal use this especially to talk about someone who used to have a particular job or position but does not any more 【正式】以前的,从前的 her former husband now lives in houston. 她前夫现住在休斯敦。 weinberger was an advisor to former president ronald reagan. 温伯格是前总统罗纳德·里根的顾问。 predecessor /ˈpriːdɪsesəʳ, ˈpriːdəsesəʳǁˈpre-/ [countable noun] formal someone's predecessor is the person who had the same job before them 【正式】前任,前辈 vandenberg has been a more active director than his predecessor. 范登堡比起他的前任来是个更主动积极的主管。 sally's predecessor had warned her about nick, one of the company vice-presidents. 萨莉的前任告诫她要当心尼克,他是公司的副总裁之一。 precursor /prɪˈkɜːʳsəʳ/ [countable noun] formal someone whose ideas or style are later used by another more famous person, or an organization, movement or machine that later develops into one that is more important 【正式】先锋,先驱;前身 precursor of/to the abacus was the precursor of the modern electronic calculator. 算盘是现代电子计算器的前身。 the office of strategic services was the precursor of the cia. 战略情报局是中央情报局的前身。 forerunner /ˈfɔːˌrʌnəʳ/ [countable noun] the first person, organization, machine etc that existed before the one that exists now and that the one that exists now is based on 前身,先驱,先导 forerunner of the p-50 is a forerunner of today's supersonic jet. p-50型飞机是现今超音速喷气式飞机的先导。 hansen played in the american basketball league, a forerunner of the nba. 汉森在全美篮球联盟打球,那是美国职业篮球协会的前身。5. before someone or something else in a list, line, series etc 在名单或序列中位于某人或某物之前 before /bɪˈfɔːʳ/ [preposition] before something or someone else in a list, series, or set [名单或次序上]在…之前,较…为先 i think you were before me in line, weren't you? 我想你是排在我前面的,对吗? islington station is one stop before finsbury park on the victoria line. 伊斯灵顿在维多利亚铁路线上是芬斯伯里公园的前一站。 come before/precede /ˌkʌm bɪˈfɔːʳ, prɪˈsiːd/ [verb phrase/transitive verb] to happen or exist before something or someone else 先于,在…之前 churchill was a much stronger leader than the man who came before him. 作为领导人,丘吉尔要比他的前任强得多。 a planning session at eleven-thirty will precede the noon lunch discussion. 11点半先进行计划会议,接下来是午餐讨论会。be preceded by something witnesses say the fire was preceded by a loud explosion. 证人都说先是一下巨大的爆炸声,然后就起了这场大火。 in most cases the illness is preceded by vomiting and chills. 在大部分情况下,发病前会出现呕吐和发冷。 in front of/ahead of /ɪn ˈfrʌnt ɒv, əˈhed ɒv/ [preposition] before another person in a group of people who are waiting to do something 在前面,先于 the man in front of me looked very familiar. 我前面那个男子看上去很眼熟。 there were about fifty people ahead of us waiting for tickets. 我们前面约有50人在等着买票。 previous /ˈpriːviəs/ [adjective only before noun] coming before the one that you are dealing with now 前面的 the previous chapter examined how children learn language. 在前面一章里我们探讨了儿童是如何学习语言的。 each number in the series 2 - 4 - 8 - 16 is twice as large as the previous number. 在2-4-8-16这一列数字中,每个数都是前一个数的两倍。 earlier /ˈɜːʳliəʳ/ [adjective only before noun] coming at some time before the one you have just mentioned - use this especially about something that is very different from what is happening now 早先的,早期的 he used a lot more color in his earlier paintings. 他在自己早期的绘画中运用了大量的色彩。 the play lacks the wit and energy of jergen's earlier work. 这部戏剧缺乏杰根早期作品中的智趣与活力。 the one before /ðə ˌwʌn bɪˈfɔːʳ/ [pronoun] the thing that comes before another in a series 前一个 when you're in prison, every day feels just like the one before. 坐牢时,每天的感觉都和前一天没有两样。 preceding /prɪˈsiːdɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] formal coming before the thing you have just mentioned, or the part of a book where you are now 【正式】前面的 the preceding chapters have described several key events in recent french history. 前面几章描述了法国近代史上的几个重大事件。 in the preceding section of the poem, whitman is talking about how important it is to live in the present. 在这首诗的前一段中,惠特曼讲到了活在当下的重要性。 above /əˈbʌv/ [adjective only before noun] written use this to talk about a person or thing that was mentioned earlier 【书面】上述的,上面提到的 write to the above address for more information. 请写信至上述地址索取更多资料。 the above diagram shows a diesel car engine. 上图显示的是一部汽车柴油机。the above [singular noun] the people or things mentioned earlier 上面提到的[人或事] contact any of the above for more details. 如需更详细资料可与上述任何一位人士联系。 above [adverb] none of the organizations mentioned above answered our inquiries. 上面提到的机构没有一家回复我们的查询。6. a time, day, month etc that comes before another one 早于另一个时间、日子、月份等的时间、日子、月份 previous /ˈpriːviəs/ [adjective only before noun] the company recorded a 50% increase in profits over the previous year. 这家公司录得的利润比去年增长了50%。 kirsty's baby had been born the previous october, while she was still in england. 柯丝蒂的孩子是前一年的10月生的,当时她还在英格兰。 yesterday morning/afternoon/evening etc /ˌjestəʳdi ˈmɔːʳnɪŋ/ [adverb] the morning, afternoon, or evening of the day before today 昨天上午/下午/晚上等 my sister and i went shopping yesterday lunchtime. 我和妹妹昨天午饭时间去购物了。 we met yesterday morning to discuss plans for the conference. 昨天上午我们见面讨论了会议的计划。 last week/year/monday etc /ˌlɑːst ˈwiːkǁˌlæst-/ [adjective only before noun] the week, year etc before this one 上周/去年/上周一等 i spoke to neil and sandra last weekend. 上周末我和尼尔及桑德拉讲过话。 we still haven't paid last month's rent. 我们还未付上月的房租。 the day/week/month/year before /ðə ˌdeɪ, ˌwiːk, ˌmʌnθ, ˌjɪəʳ bɪˈfɔːʳ/ [adverb/preposition] the day, week, month, year before the one in the past that you have just mentioned 前一天/前一个星期/前一个月/前一年 the day before the exam, i felt worried and unprepared. 考试的前一天我感到很担心,觉得没有准备好。 last week she was in paris, and the week before she was in rome. 上周她在巴黎,再上一周她在罗马。 preceding /prɪˈsiːdɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] formal the preceding months, years etc are the ones just before the time in the past that you are talking about 【正式】在此之前的 the company made more profit in that one month than it made in the whole of the preceding year. 公司在那一个月里所获的利润比之前一整年里所获的利润还要多。 he had been arrested at least fifteen times in the preceding five years. 过去5年里他至少被逮捕过15次。7. to happen or exist before someone or something else 比别人或其他事发生或存在得要早 come before /ˌkʌm bɪˈfɔːʳ/ [verb phrase not in progressive or passive] the paragraph says basically the same thing as the one that came before. 这一段落叙述的内容与前一段大致相同。come before something the salad usually comes before the main course. 沙拉一般要比主菜先上桌。 in the greek alphabet, the letter delta comes before the letter epsilon. 在希腊字母表中,字母δ在ε之前。 precede /prɪˈsiːd/ [transitive verb] formal to come just before something else in a pattern or series 【正式】[在图案或序列中]位于…之前 in english, the subject precedes the verb. 英语中主语在动词之前。 on vehicle licence plates in the uk, the numbers are preceded by a single letter. 英国汽车车牌的数字前面有一个英文字母。 predate /priːˈdeɪt/ [transitive verb] if one historical event or object predates another, it happened or existed before it [历史事件或物品]早于 many economic systems predate capitalism. 有许多经济制度先于资本主义制度出现。predate something by 10/50/200 etc years the steam engine predates the internal combustion engine by at least 100 years. 蒸汽机比起内燃机至少早问世100年。 lead up to /ˌliːd ˈʌp tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb not in passive] if an event leads up to another event, it comes before it and often causes it to happen 导致,引起 monroe still refuses to talk about the events which led up to his resignation. 门罗依然拒绝谈论导致他辞职的事件。 the book describes some of the events leading up to the first world war. 该书叙述了导致第一次世界大战的一些事件。 come first /ˌkʌm ˈfɜːʳst/ [verb phrase] if one of two events comes first, it happens before the other event [两件事中的一件事]首先发生 the rains came first, then the storms. 先是下雨,接着是暴风雨。 be a prelude to something /biː ə ˈpreljuːd tə something/ [verb phrase] formal or written if an event is a prelude to a more important event, it happens just before it and often makes people expect it 【正式或书面】是[重要事情]的前奏 the air-strike was just a prelude to the invasion. 空袭只是大举入侵的序幕。 the revolution of 1789 was a prelude to a more just and equal society. 1789年的那场大革命为建立一个更公正平等的社会揭开序幕。8. to do something before someone else does it 在他人之前做某事 do something first /ˌduː something ˈfɜːʳst/ [verb phrase] if you do something, go somewhere, see something etc first, you do it before someone else 首先做某事;第一个做某事 it's mine - i saw it first. 那是我的,是我第一个看见的。 who wants to go first? 谁要先去? sandy finished the puzzle first. 桑迪第一个解出了字谜。 be the first/be first /biː ðə ˈfɜːʳst, biː ˈfɜːʳst/ [verb phrase] to be the first person to do a particular thing 是[做某事的]第一个人 many people have copied her style, but she was definitely the first. 许多人模仿她的风格,但她绝对是第一个。be the first/first to do something of the four of us, my sister was the first to get married. 我们四个中姐姐是第一个结婚的。 beat somebody to it /ˌbiːt somebody ˈtuː ɪt/ [verb phrase] informal to get or do something before another person who is trying to do the same thing 【非正式】比某人抢先一步 i was going to have that last piece of pie but somebody beat me to it. 我想吃最后一块馅饼,但有人捷足先登了。 when charlie finally got down there to buy the car, he discovered that someone else had beaten him to it. 查利最后赶去买那辆车时,却发现有人抢先一步把它买了。 ahead of /əˈhed ɒv/ [preposition] if you arrive somewhere or finish something ahead of someone, you arrive there or finish it before them 比…早 carrie got to the pub ahead of us. 卡丽比我们先到酒吧。 cole finished the race ahead of jewison. 科尔比朱伊森先赛完全程。 be ahead of your time /biː əˌhed əv jɔːʳ ˈtaɪm/ [verb phrase] if someone is ahead of their time they do something before other people do it, especially by having new ideas before anyone else [思想等]走在时代之前 as an architect, sir john soan was ahead of his time. 作为一名建筑师,约翰·索恩爵士超越了他那个时代。way ahead of your time ashton's educational theories were way ahead of their time. 阿什顿的教育理论远远超越了他们那个时代。☞ before¹☞ before²☞ before³




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