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单词 miss
释义 miss verb¹ 1not hit/catch/reach sth未击中;未抓住;未达到adverb | preposition adverb➤completely完全错过▸➤barely, just, narrowly, nearly以毫厘之差错过◆the plane crashed, narrowly missing a hotel.飞机坠毁了,险些撞上一家旅馆。➤somehow不知怎的错过◆the bullet somehow missed his heart.不知为何子弹没有打中他的心脏。➤badly偏差很大地错过◆she attempted to hit the ball but missed badly.她试图击球但根本就没碰到球。preposition➤by以⋯之差错过◆the bullet missed his head by only a few inches.子弹飞过时离他的头部只有几英寸。miss verb² 2not hear/see/understand没听到;没看到;没理解adverb | verb + miss adverb➤completely完全没理解◆he completely missed the point of what i was saying.他完全没有领会我话里的意思。➤easily多半不懂verb + miss➤cannot不会错过◆the station is just down this road on the left. you can't miss it.沿这条路往前走,车站就在左边,你不会看不到。miss verb³ 3feel sad because sb is not with you思念adverb | phrases adverb➤badly, dearly, desperately, dreadfully (especially bre) , a lot, really, terribly, truly, very much想念得厉害;特别想念;非常想念;十分惦念◆your father misses you terribly.你父亲非常惦念你。◆i still miss her a lot.我仍然很想她。◆we really miss you!我们真是想你!phrases➤be greatly missed, be sadly missed, be sorely missed为人所感念不忘;被深切怀念;被万分想念◆anne will be sadly missed by all who knew her.所有认识安妮的人都会非常怀念她的。miss verb 1➤miss classes/meals错过上课/吃饭➤miss sb's name/the point没听清某人的名字;没听懂miss ♦︎ skip ♦︎ shirk ♦︎ skive ♦︎ goof offthese words all mean to fail to be or go somewhere, or to fail to do sth.这些词均表示错过、未做。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to skive / goof off◆to miss / skip a class / meal◆to miss / skip sth altogether■ miss [transitive] to fail to be or go somewhere; to fail to do sth that you usually do or should do错过;未做(常做或应做之事)◆she hasn't missed a game all year.她全年一场比赛都没错过。◆you missed a good party last night (= because you did not go).你昨晚错过了一场很好的聚会。◆you can't afford to miss meals (= not eat meals) when you're in training.你在接受训练,可不能不吃饭呀。◆you have to miss a turn (= to not play when it is your turn in a game).你得错过一轮比赛。◆you'd better hurry-you don't want to miss the bus.你最好抓紧时间,你不想赶不上公车吧?opp catch → get 5 ⓘ catch is the opposite of miss only when you are talking about getting or not getting a bus, train, plane, etc.只有表示赶上或赶不上公共汽车、火车、飞机等时,catch 才是 miss 的反义词◆to catch a game/a party/the school play/meals/your turn ■ skip (-pp-) [transitive, intransitive] (rather informal) to fail to do sth that you usually do or should do; to leave out sth that would normally be the next thing that you would do, read, etc.未做(常做或应做之事);跳过(正常的步骤等);略过◆i often skip breakfast altogether.我常常干脆不吃早饭。◆she decided to skip the afternoon's class.她决定下午的课不去上了。◆i skipped over the last part of the book.那本书的最后一部份我略过没读。◆i suggest we skip to the last item on the agenda.我建议我们跳到议程的最后一项。ⓘ skip is most often used to talk about deliberately missing meals (especially breakfast and lunch), school, a meeting, or part of a book such as a paragraph or chapter. * skip 最常表示故意不做、略过,常见的搭配词有 breakfast、lunch、school、meeting、paragraph 和 chapter。■ shirk /ʃɜːk; name ʃɜːrk/ [intransitive, transitive] to avoid doing sth that you should do, especially because you are too lazy逃避(工作);偷懒◆discipline in the company was strict and no one shirked.该公司纪律严明,无人偷懒。◆she never shirked her responsibilities.她从不逃避自己的职责。 ➡ see also get out of sth → evade ■ skive [intransitive, transitive] (bre, informal) to avoid work or school by staying away or leaving early躲避(工作);逃(学)◆'where's tom?' 'skiving as usual.'“汤姆去哪儿了?”“和往常一样,溜了。”◆i always skived off school when i could.我总是一有机会就逃学。■ goof off gu:f-->phrasal verb (name, informal) to spend time doing nothing, especially when you should be working闲荡;混日子;偷懒◆he spends most of his time at the office goofing off.他上班的大部份时间都在瞎混。miss verb 2➤miss classes/meals错过上课/吃饭➤miss sb's name/the point没听清某人的名字;没听懂miss ♦︎ overlookthese words both mean to fail to see or notice sth.这两个词均表示未见到、未注意到。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to miss / overlook a / an point / fact / detail / feature◆to be easy / hard / impossible to miss / overlook sth◆to completely / largely / often / frequently miss / overlook sth◆to be easily missed / overlooked■ miss [transitive] to fail to see, hear, notice or understand sth未见到;未听到;未觉察;不理解◆the hotel is the only white building on the road-you can't miss it.那家酒店是路边唯一的白色建筑,你不会看不见的。◆don't miss next week's issue!别错过下周那一期!◆your mother will know who's moved in-she doesn't miss much.你妈会知道谁搬进来了,很少有她注意不到的。◆when you painted your bedroom you missed a bit (= of the wall) under the window.你油漆卧室时漏掉了窗户下面的一小块墙壁。◆you're missing the point (= failing to understand the main part) of what i'm saying.你没明白我的意思。■ overlook /əʊvəlʊk; name oʊvərlʊk/ [transitive] (rather formal) to fail to see, notice or consider sth忽略;未注意到;未考虑到◆he seems to have overlooked one important fact.他好像忽略了一个重要的事实。◆that's a point which should not be overlooked.那一点不容忽视。ⓘ overlook is used especially to talk about people failing to consider a point, fact, possibility or idea, or particular details or features of sth. * overlook 尤表示未考虑到或忽略某因素,常见的搭配词有 point、fact、possibility、idea、detail 和 feature。miss [transitive] to not take the opportunity to do sth错过机会◆the sale prices were too good to miss.那次特价优惠真的不可错过。◆it was an opportunity not to be missed.机不可失,时不再来。miss [transitive] to fail to be or go somewhere; to fail to do sth that you usually do or should do错过;未做(常做或应做之事)◆she hasn't missed a game all year.她全年一场比赛都没错过。◆you missed a good party last night (= because you did not go).你昨晚错过了一场很好的聚会。◆you can't afford to miss meals (= not eat meals) when you're in training.你在接受训练,可不能不吃饭呀。◆you have to miss a turn (= to not play when it is your turn in a game).你得错过一轮比赛。◆you'd better hurry-you don't want to miss the bus.你最好抓紧时间,你不想赶不上公车吧?opp catch → get 5 ⓘ catch is the opposite of miss only when you are talking about getting or not getting a bus, train, plane, etc.只有表示赶上或赶不上公共汽车、火车、飞机等时,catch 才是 miss 的反义词◆to catch a game/a party/the school play/meals/your turn miss [transitive] to fail to see, hear, notice or understand sth未见到;未听到;未觉察;不理解◆the hotel is the only white building on the road-you can't miss it.那家酒店是路边唯一的白色建筑,你不会看不见的。◆don't miss next week's issue!别错过下周那一期!◆your mother will know who's moved in-she doesn't miss much.你妈会知道谁搬进来了,很少有她注意不到的。◆when you painted your bedroom you missed a bit (= of the wall) under the window.你油漆卧室时漏掉了窗户下面的一小块墙壁。◆you're missing the point (= failing to understand the main part) of what i'm saying.你没明白我的意思。miss¹/mɪs ||; mɪs/used as a title before the family name of a young woman or a woman who is not married (冠于年轻女子或未婚女子姓氏前的称呼)小姐 miss, mrs, ms and mr are all titles that we use in front of a person's family name, not his/her first name, unless it is included with the family name is there a miss (tamsin) hudson here?not miss tamsin ‘dear miss harris,’ the letter began. miss、mrs、ms、mr等称谓语都放在姓氏之前,而不放在教名之前,除非与姓氏一起使用:is there a miss (tamsin) hudson here? 有没有一位﹙坦辛˙﹚赫德森小姐住在这里?不说坦辛小姐' dear miss harris,' the letter began.信的开头说:“亲爱的哈里斯小姐。”miss²/mɪs ||; mɪs/verb1. [i,t] to fail to hit, catch, etc sth 未击中;未抓住: ◇she tried to catch the ball but she missed. 她想要接那球,但是没有接住。◇the bullet narrowly missed his heart. 子弹险些射中他的心脏。 2. [t] to not see, hear, understand, etc sb/sth 没有看到或听到;不理解: ◇the house is on the corner so you can't miss it. 那座房子就在街角,所以你不会看不到。◇they completely missed the point of what i was saying. 他们完全不明白我话中的意思。◇my mum will know there's something wrong. she doesn't miss much. 我妈妈会知道出了问题,她机警得很。 3. [t] to arrive too late for sth or to fail to go to or do sth 赶不上;未去某地或做某事: ◇hurry up or you'll miss the plane! 快点吧,不然你就赶不上飞机!◇of course i'm coming to your wedding. i wouldn't miss it for the world (= used to emphasize that you really want to do sth). 我当然会来参加你的婚礼。我无论如何不会缺席的。 4. [t] to feel sad because sb is not with you any more, or because you have not got or cannot do sth that you once had or did 想念;怀念;(因失去某物或再不能做某事而)感到遗憾: ◇i'll miss you terribly when you go away. 你离开以后,我会很想念你。◇what did you miss most when you lived abroad? 你在国外生活时最想念的是什么? 5. [t] to notice that sb/sth is not where he/she/it should be 发觉某物遗失或某人不在: ◇when did you first miss your handbag? 你在什么时候发觉遗失了手袋? 6. [t] to avoid sth unpleasant 避开(令人不快之事): ◇if we leave now, we'll miss the rush-hour traffic. 我们要是现在离去,就能避开车流的高峰时刻。 miss sb/sth out to not include sb/sth 不包括或略去(某人或某事物);遗漏: ◇you've missed out several important points in your report. 你的报告遗漏了几项要点。 miss out (on sth) to not have a chance to have or do sth 错过(机会): ◇you'll miss out on all the fun if you stay at home. 如果你呆在家中,便会错过所有好玩的事儿。 miss³/mɪs ||; mɪs/noun [c] a failure to hit, catch or reach sth 未击中或未抓住目标;失误: ◇after several misses he finally managed to hit the target. 几次失误之后,他终于击中目标。 give sth a miss (especially brit 尤为英) (informal 非正式) to decide not to do or have sth 决定不做某事或不要某物: ◇i think i'll give aerobics a miss tonight. 我想我今晚不去做健身操。 a near miss→near¹ missn 1. miss smith/jones etc used in front of the name of a girl or woman who is not married 史密斯小姐/琼斯小姐等[对少女或未婚妇女的称呼] 2. spoken used as a polite way of talking to a young woman when you do not know her name 【口】 小姐[用于礼貌地称呼不知其名的年轻女子]:◇excuse me miss, you've dropped your umbrella. 对不起,小姐,你的伞掉了。 3. bre spoken used by children when talking to a female teacher whether she is married or not 【英口】 老师[孩子对已婚或未婚女教师的称呼]:◇please miss, can i leave the room? 请问老师,我能离开房间吗? ☞ miss¹☞ miss²☞ miss




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