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单词 accrue
释义 accrue /əkruː/ verb (accruing, accrued, accrued) (accounting 会计) 1. [intransitive] to increase over a period of time (逐渐)增长,增加◆interest accrues from the first of the month. 利息由每月第一日起逐渐累计增加。 2. [transitive] to allow an amount of money or debts to grow over a period of time 使(金钱、债务)累积◆the firm had accrued debts of over $10 m. 这公司的债务累计超过 1000 万元。 syn accumulate 3. [intransitive] (about a payment or a benefit) to be received by sb over a period of time (某人)获得(款项或利益)◆economic benefits accruing to the country from tourism 国家源于旅游的经济利益。  ➡  accrual ☞ accrue accrue /əkruː/ [intransitive] (formal) to increase in amount over a period of time(逐渐)增长,增加◆interest will accrue if you keep your money in a savings account.如果把钱存入储蓄账户,就会自然生息。◆there are economic benefits accruing to the country from tourism.旅游业逐渐为该国带来经济效益。ⓘ accrue is often used when talking about money, and the increase is usually a good thing. * accrue 常用于指金钱增长,而这种增长通常是好事◆interest / benefits / profits will accrue.利息/奖金/利润会逐渐增长。 accrue /əkruː/ [transitive] (formal) to allow a sum of money or debts to grow over a period of time积累(金钱或债务)◆the money was placed in a special account to accrue interest.那笔钱放在一个专门账户下生息。◆the firm had accrued debts of over $6m.该公司已积欠了 600 多万元的债务。accrue/əˈkru: ||; əˈkru/verb (formal 正式) 1. [i] accrue (to sb) (from sth) to increase over a period of time 积累;自然增长: ◇interest accruing to savers from their bank accounts 银行账户为储户积累的利息 2. [t] to allow a sum of money or debts to grow over a period of time 使(金钱或债务)积累或自然增长 [syn] accumulate 同义词为 accumulate




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