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单词 plea
释义 plea noun¹ 1request请求adjective | verb + plea | preposition adjective➤desperate, strong, urgent迫切的恳求;强烈的请求▸➤emotional, heartfelt, impassioned, passionate情绪激动的/衷心的/慷慨激昂的/热切的恳求◆she made an emotional plea for her daughter's killer to be caught.她情绪激动地恳求要抓获杀害她女儿的凶手。➤repeated再三提出的请求➤final最终请求◆a final plea for his life为他的生命的最后请求➤personal私人请求verb + plea➤make提出请求➤issue发出请求▸➤ignore对请求不予理睬preposition➤despite a/the plea不顾请求◆despite pleas from his mother, the gunman refused to give himself up.尽管他母亲再三恳求,这名持枪歹徒还是拒绝投案自首。➤plea by, plea from⋯提出的请求◆hospital visiting hours were extended in response to pleas from patients.应病人的请求,医院延长了探视时间。➤plea for恳求⋯◆the director of the charity made an impassioned plea for help.慈善机构的负责人强烈要求援助。plea noun² 2statement in court法庭陈述adjective | verb + plea | plea + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤guilty认罪答辩▸➤not guilty不服罪的抗辩➤insanity (name) 精神障碍申诉verb + plea➤enter作抗辩▸➤hear听取抗辩▸➤change改变抗辩▸➤accept接受辩护◆the prosecution accepted a plea of manslaughter.控方认可了过失杀人的辩护。➤support (especially bre) 支持抗辩◆these facts cannot support a plea of diminished responsibility.这些事实不支持减轻刑事责任抗辩。➤reject驳回抗辩plea + noun➤bargain, bargaining (usually plea-bargaining) 控辩交易◆they received suspended prison sentences after plea-bargaining by their lawyers.他们的律师达成控辩交易后,他们收到了缓刑的判决。➤agreement (name) 控辩协议◆the terms of the plea agreements weren't disclosed.控辩协议的条款没有披露。preposition➤plea for为⋯提出的申诉◆a senior judge heard a plea for damages on behalf of the accident victims.高级法官审理了为事故受害者提起的索要赔偿金的申诉。➤plea of⋯的申诉◆her lawyer entered a plea of guilty on her behalf.律师代表她承认控罪。phrases➤➤cop a plea (= admit in court to being guilty of a small crime in the hope of receiving less severe punishment for a more serious crime) (name, informal) 承认有罪以求轻判◆the feds said that if i didn't cop a plea, i'd get about 15 years.联邦官员说,如果我不认罪,可能会被判大约 15 年徒刑。plea /pliː/ [countable] (always followed by of 总是后接 of) (law法律) a reason given to a court for doing or not doing sth(向法庭提供的)理由,借口,辩解◆he was charged with murder, but got off on a plea of insanity.他被控犯了谋杀罪,但以精神失常为由逃过了惩罚。▸ plead verb [transitive] ◆they hired a top lawyer to plead their case.他们聘请了一名最好的律师帮他们陈述案情。plea /pliː/ [countable] (formal) an urgent emotional request恳求;吁求◆she made an impassioned plea for help.她恳切地求助。 ➡ see also plead → beg plea/pli: ||; pli/noun[c] 1. (formal 正式) a plea (for sth) an important and emotional request 恳求;请求;祈求: ◇a plea for help 请求帮助 2. a plea of sth a statement made by or for sb in a court of law (在法庭上某人或为某人所作的)答辩,抗辩: ◇a plea of guilty/not guilty 承认╱否认有罪 pleasee ⇨ ask 17 plea /pli; pliː/n [c] 1. when someone asks for something urgently and anxiously 恳求,请求:◇her mother ignored her pleas for help. 她母亲对她要求帮助的恳求置之不理。 2. law the answer that someone gives when they are asked if they are guilty or not guilty in a court of law 【法律】 答辩,抗辩




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