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单词 fix
释义 fix noun¹ 1solution to a problem解决方法adjective | verb + fix adjective➤quick快速的解决方法◆there is no quick fix to the breakdown in negotiations between the two companies.这两家公司谈判失败,对此并没有什么即时解决的办法。➤easy, simple容易的/简单的解决办法◆there are no quick or easy fixes.没有即时、简单易行的解决办法。➤short-term, temporary权宜之计;暂时的解决办法➤long-term, permanent长期的/永久的解决办法▸➤technical, technological技术补救方法▸➤bug(程序)缺陷补丁◆the new software incorporates many bug fixes and product improvements.这个新软件里有很多程序缺陷补丁和产品改进。verb + fix➤find找到解决方法➤make进行补救◆they made a quick fix of part of the problem.他们迅速对部份问题采取了补救措施。fix noun² 2amount of sth, esp. a drug用量(尤指毒品)adjective | verb + fix adjective➤daily, regular每日/固定用量◆my daily fix of coffee我每天喝咖啡的量➤next下一次用量◆he was like a heroin junkie needing his next fix.他就像一个吸食海洛因成瘾的人,吸了这次还想着下一次。➤caffeine咖啡因用量◆i need my caffeine fix!我需要喝杯咖啡!verb + fix➤have用剂量◆he gets withdrawal symptoms if he hasn't had his regular fix.如果他没有定期使用毒品,就会出现戒瘾症状。➤need需要用毒品▸➤get获得毒品fix noun³ 3difficult situation困境verb + fix➤be in处于困境◆i was in a fix.我那时处于困境。➤get in, get into陷入困境◆how did you get into such a fix?你怎么会陷入这种麻烦?➤get (sb) out of(让某人)走出困境◆i lent her the money to get her out of a fix.我借钱给她让她渡过难关。fix verb¹ 1 (especially bre) attach sth firmly固定adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤firmly, securely牢牢固定➤directly直接固定preposition➤onto, to固定在⋯上◆the handrail can be fixed directly to the wall.扶手可以直接固定在墙上。phrases➤fix sth in place, fix sth in position把⋯固定住◆fix the bars in position with the screws provided.用所提供的螺丝钉把横木固定好。fix verb² 2repair/correct sth修理/改正⋯adverb | phrases adverb➤easily容易修理➤quickly快速纠正◆a problem which can be fixed quickly可快速改正的问题phrases➤get sth fixed让别人给修理⋯◆we need to get the tv fixed.我们需要找人把电视修理一下。fix /fɪks/ verb 1. [transitive] to decide on a date, a time, an amount, etc. for sth 确定,决定(日期、时间、数量等)◆has the date of the next meeting been fixed? 下次会议的日期确定了吗?◆interest on the loan is fixed at 4.5% for the first three years (= will not change during that time). 4.5% 的贷款利率在头三年固定不变。 syn set  ➡  see note at arrange 2. [transitive] fix sth (up) to arrange or organize sth 安排;组织◆i'll fix up a meeting with the supplier. 我会安排与供应商开一次会议。◆how are you fixed (= do you have any plans) for thursday? 星期四你有甚么安排的? 3. [transitive] to repair or correct sth 修理;校准◆our engineers are trying to fix the problem. 我们的工程师正设法解决这个问题。 (economics 经济学) [transitive] fix prices to decide with other businesses that you will sell particular goods or services at the same prices and not compete with each other. this is illegal in many countries 操纵(价格)◆the companies were fined over $20 million for fixing toy prices. 这些公司因为操纵玩具价格而被罚款 2 000 多万元。  ➡  price-fixing (finance 金融) [intransitive, transitive] (usually be fixed) to decide on the official price of sth, especially gold, at a particular time of the day, based on supply and demand 确定(黄金)定盘价◆gold was fixed at $818.70 an ounce on wednesday afternoon in london. 周三下午伦敦的黄金定盘价为每盎司 818.70 美元。  ➡  fixing fix /fɪks/ noun [countable] 1. (informal) a solution to a problem, especially an easy or temporary one (尤指简单或暂时的)解决方法◆there is no quick fix for the steel industry. 钢铁工业的问题没有快速的解决方法。2. (it 信息技术) a small computer program that is used to repair a problem with a larger piece of software 修复程序◆a bug fix 漏洞修复◆you can download a temporary fix from their website. 你可以从他们的网站上下载一个临时修复程序。 (finance 金融) the official price of sth, especially gold, at a particular time of the day, based on supply and demand; the process of deciding this price (黄金)定盘价◆gold's lowest fix this week was below $854 per ounce. 本周黄金的最低定盘价低于每盎司 854 美元。  ➡  fixing ☞ fix☞ fixfix [transitive] (especially bre) to put sth firmly in a particular place so that it will not move使固定;安装◆start by fixing a post in the ground.首先把柱子固定在地上。◆he fixed the shelf to the wall.他把搁架固定在墙上。fix (especially name, spoken) to provide or prepare sth, especially food or drink提供,准备(尤指食物或饮料)◆go right on through. i'm just fixing the drinks.直接过来吧。我正在准备饮料。◆i'm just going to fix myself some breakfast.我正要给自己弄点儿早餐。fix [transitive] (rather informal) to correct a problem or mistake or make a situation better纠正(问题或错误);改善(境况)◆the company had a bad image that needed fixing.那家公司形象不佳,需要改善。◆don't imagine that the law can fix everything.别以为法律可以解决一切问题。 ➡ see also fix → solution noun fix [transitive, often passive] (informal, especially journalism尤用于新闻) to arrange the result of sth in a way that is not honest or fair(以不正当手段)操纵,控制◆i'm sure the match was fixed.我肯定这场比赛有人操纵。note 辨析 rig or fix?these words are very similar in meaning and sometimes you can use either:◆to rig / fix an electionboth are used especially in journalism, but rig is used especially in political and business contexts, and fix for talking about sport: the most frequent collocates of fix in this meaning are match and race * rig 和 fix 含义非常接近,有时可通用:to rig/fix an election (操纵选举)。两个词尤用于新闻报道中,但 rig 尤用于政治和商务语境,fix 则用于体育运动。fix 表达此义时最常与 match 和 race 搭配。fix [transitive] to repair sth修理;修补;修缮◆i had to take the car into the garage to get it fixed.我不得不把车开到汽车修理厂找人修好。◆we're not moving in until the heating's fixed.暖气修好后我们才搬进去。◆mommy, can you fix my toy?妈妈,你能修好我的玩具吗?note 辨析 repair or fix?in british english repair is the most general word; fix is slightly more informal and is used especially to talk about repairing machines or equipment. in american english fix is the most usual word, used to talk about repairing anything that is broken or damaged, and repair sounds rather formal.在英式英语中,repair 是表示“修理”之意的使用范围最广的词,fix 稍非正式,尤指修理机器或设备。在美式英语中,fix 是最常用的词,指修复任何遭破坏或损坏的东西,repair 则听起来相当正式。fix [transitive] to decide on a date or time for sth决定,确定(日期或时间)◆their departure was fixed for 14 august.他们定于 8 月 14 日起程。◆the dates have to be fixed well in advance.日期必须及早确定。ⓘ fix can also mean to arrange to do sth, especially at a particular time; this meaning is more informal, used especially in spoken english. * fix 也可表示安排做某事,尤指在特定的时间。此义项不太正式,尤用于口语中◆how are you fixed (= do you have any plans) for thursday?星期四你有什么安排吗?◆i've fixed up for you to see the doctor tomorrow.我已安排好你明天去看医生。fix [countable] (informal) a way of dealing with a problem, especially an easy or temporary one(尤指简单或暂时的)解决方法◆there is no quick fix for the steel industry.钢铁工业的问题没有即时解决的办法。◆this is nothing other than a short-term political fix.这只不过是政治上的权宜之计。  ➡ see also fix → correct verb fix¹/fɪks ||; fɪks/verb[t] 1. to put sth firmly in place so that it will not move 固定;安装: ◇can you fix this new handle to the door? 你可以把这新拉手安在门上吗? (figurative 比喻) ◇i found it difficult to keep my mind fixed on my work. 我发现难以集中心神干活儿。 2. to repair sth 修理: ◇the electrician's coming to fix the cooker. 电工就要来修理炉子。 [syn] repair 同义词为repair 3. fix sth (up) to decide or arrange sth 决定;安排: ◇we need to fix the price. 我们要定个价钱。◇have you fixed (up) a date for the party? 酒会的日期你定了没有? 4. fix sth (up) to get sth ready 将…准备好: ◇they're fixing up their spare room for the new baby. 他们在为新添的婴儿准备那个空房间。 5. (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) (informal 非正式) to arrange the result of sth in a way that is not honest or fair 以不正当的手段操纵结果: ◇fans of the losing team suspected that the match had been fixed. 输了的那队的球迷怀疑,这场比赛的胜负是事先安排好的。 6. fix sth (for sb) (especially us 尤为美) to prepare sth (especially food or drink) 准备(尤指食物或饮料): ◇can i fix you a drink/a drink for you? 我给你弄点喝的好不好? fix sb up (with sth)(informal 非正式) to arrange for sb to have sth 给某人安排(某事物): ◇i can fix you up with a place to stay. 我可以给你安排住的地方。 fix²/fɪks ||; fɪks/noun1. [c] a solution to a problem, especially one that is easy or temporary 解决问题的办法(尤指简易或暂时的办法): ◇there's no quick fix to this problem. 没有快速解决这个问题的办法。 2. [usu.sing] (informal 非正式) a difficult situation 为难的处境;困境: ◇i was in a real fix-- i'd locked the car keys inside the car. 真糟糕──我把汽车钥匙锁在汽车里了。 3. [usu.sing] (informal 非正式) a result that is dishonestly arranged 以不正当手段操纵的结果fixsee ⇨ attach 1 ⇨ cheat 4 ⇨ cook 1 ⇨ join 1 ⇨ limit 4 ⇨ repair 1     • • •• ⇨ be in a fix☞ fix¹☞ fix²




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