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单词 campaign
释义 campaign nounadjective | verb + campaign | campaign + verb | campaign + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, huge, major, massive重大的运动;大规模的运动▸➤lengthy, long, long-running, ongoing, sustained (especially bre) 长期的运动;持久的运动▸➤effective, successful有效的/成功的运动▸➤unsuccessful不成功的运动▸➤aggressive, determined, intensive, strong, vigorous咄咄逼人的/坚定的/紧锣密鼓的/强有力的/生气勃勃的宣传活动▸➤bitter, fierce, vicious艰苦的/激烈的/凶险的战役▸➤concerted, orchestrated共同筹划商定的/精心组织的活动◆a carefully orchestrated campaign against striking workers周密策划的对付罢工工人的行动➤joint联合行动▸➤official, public官方/公开活动▸➤international, local, national, nationwide, worldwide世界范围的运动;本地的运动;全国范围的运动▸➤one-man, one-woman, personal单枪匹马的活动◆she has fought a one-woman campaign for ten years about the lack of childcare provision in the town.她 10 年来孤军奋战,致力于改善该镇缺少儿童保育服务的状况。➤grass-roots群众运动◆they began a grass-roots campaign to encourage people to shop locally.他们开展群众运动,鼓励人们购买本地产品。➤congressional, election, electoral, gubernatorial, leadership, political, presidential, primary, re-election, referendum (especially bre) 国会竞选活动;竞选运动;州长竞选活动;推选领导班子的活动;政治运动;总统竞选活动;初选活动;争取连任的竞选活动;全民投票活动➤conservative, democratic, labour, republican, etc.保守党、民主党、工党、共和党等的竞选活动▸➤ad (informal) , advertising, branding, marketing, promotional, sales广告宣传活动;品牌推广活动;市场营销活动;促销活动;降价销售活动▸➤pr, propaganda, publicity, public relations公关活动;宣传活动▸➤media, poster, press, print, television, tv媒体宣传活动;海报宣传活动;新闻界宣传活动;出版宣传活动;电视宣传活动▸➤anti-corruption, anti-drug, anti-smoking, etc.反腐败、禁毒、反吸烟等运动▸➤protest抗议活动▸➤awareness增强⋯意识的活动◆a health awareness campaign to promote a healthy lifestyle为推广健康生活方式而进行的增强健康意识的活动➤lobbying游说活动▸➤fund-raising筹款活动➤letter-writing写联名信的活动◆local people started a petition and letter-writing campaign to keep the hospital open.为让医院不关门,当地民众发起请愿和写联名信的活动。➤literacy扫盲运动▸➤recruitment招募活动▸➤air, bombing, guerrilla, military空袭行动;爆炸行动;游击运动;军事行动◆the terrorists' bombing campaign恐怖分子的爆炸行动➤hate, terror, terrorist诋毁名誉的行为;恐怖活动▸➤dirty tricks, disinformation, smear, whispering采取舞弊手段的竞选活动;毁谤活动;造谣中伤活动◆her political opponents ran a whispering campaign against her.她的政敌对她发动了谣言攻势。verb + campaign➤begin, initiate, launch, mount, start, unveil发起活动;开展活动;推出活动;为活动揭幕◆the company launched a huge advertising campaign.该公司发起了一场声势浩大的广告宣传活动。➤conduct, execute, fight, run, undertake, wage进行活动;组织活动;发起运动◆people have criticized the way in which she conducted her election campaign.人们对她进行竞选活动的方式进行了批评。➤coordinate, manage, orchestrate, organize, plan协调/驾驭/精心策划/组织/计划活动▸➤lead, spearhead领导活动◆she led a successful campaign against the closure of the library.她成功地领导了反对关闭图书馆的活动。➤create, design创建/筹划活动◆we designed an internet marketing campaign.我们策划了一次因特网营销活动。➤join, support, take part in参加/支持/参与活动➤finance, fund, sponsor资助活动;为活动提供资金;赞助活动◆the anti-fur organization financed an ad campaign featuring celebrities.反皮草组织资助了一个以名人为主打内容的广告宣传活动。➤intensify, step up加强活动;将活动升级◆the government has intensified the military campaign against the rebels.政府加强了对叛乱者的军事攻势。campaign + verb➤begin, get underway, start运动开始进行◆the general election campaign gets underway today.大选活动今天开始进行。➤unfold活动展开▸➤be aimed at sb/sth, focus on sb/sth, target sb/sth活动旨在⋯/聚焦于⋯/以⋯为目标◆a concerted campaign aimed at educating young people about the dangers of drugs旨在教育年轻人毒品有害的联合行动➤aim to do sth, be designed to do sth活动的宗旨在于做⋯/目的在于做⋯◆the campaign aims to inform the public of the dangers of this disease.该活动旨在让公众了解这种疾病的危险。➤call for sth, demand sth活动要求⋯➤feature sb/sth活动展示⋯◆the campaign featured athletes talking about healthy lifestyles.该宣传活动以运动员谈论健康生活方式为主要内容。➤advertise sth, tout sth (especially name) 活动为⋯做广告/推销⋯▸➤fail, succeed活动失败/成功◆the campaign failed to achieve its objectives.这场运动未能达到其目的。campaign + noun➤aide, manager, staffer, strategist, team竞选助理/主管/参谋/策划人/班子▸➤strategy竞选策略➤headquarters竞选总部◆a news conference was held at the party's campaign headquarters.在该党竞选总部举行了新闻发布会。➤issue竞选活动的热点问题◆education has become an important campaign issue.教育已成为竞选活动的重要热点问题。➤promise竞选承诺◆the president kept his campaign promises.总统遵守了自己竞选时的承诺。➤slogan竞选口号➤ad, commercial (both especially name) 竞选广告◆a republican campaign ad alleged he was soft on crime.共和党的竞选广告称他对犯罪行为心慈手软。➤contributions, donations, finance, financing竞选捐赠;竞选捐款;竞选筹款◆regulations governing political campaign financing约束政治竞选筹款的规定➤contributor (especially name) 竞选活动捐助人▸➤trail巡回宣传◆election candidates on the campaign trail (= going around the country campaigning) 进行竞选巡毁宣传的候选人preposition➤during a/the campaign在活动期间◆they met regularly during the campaign.活动期间他们定期会面。➤campaign against反对⋯的运动◆a fierce campaign against hunting一场反对狩猎的激烈运动➤campaign by由⋯发起的运动◆the political campaign by the republicans由共和党人发起的政治运动➤campaign for为⋯的运动◆the campaign for racial equality争取种族平等的运动phrases➤a campaign of disobedience, misinformation, vilification, etc.不服从、信息误导、诽谤中伤等活动◆a campaign of intimidation was waged against people trying to vote.对试图投票者进行了一场恐吓活动。➤a plan of campaign (especially bre) 活动计划◆after sliding in the opinion polls, the party had to rethink its plan of campaign.在民意调查显示支持率下降后,该党不得不重新考虑竞选计划。campaign verbadverb | preposition adverb➤actively, aggressively, hard, heavily, strongly, tirelessly, vigorously积极地/干劲十足地/努力地/很投入地/坚决地/不知疲倦地/精力旺盛地参加运动◆we will campaign hard for an end to the ivory trade.我们将努力为终止象牙贸易而斗争。➤effectively, successfully有效地/成功地推动运动◆local people have successfully campaigned against the building.当地人成功阻止了兴建这一建筑。➤openly, publicly公开推动preposition➤against为反对⋯而开展运动◆local communities are campaigning against the dumping of toxic waste.当地社区正在进行反对倾倒有毒垃圾的运动。➤for为争取⋯而开展运动◆we have campaigned for better conditions.我们为争取改善条件开展了运动。➤on就⋯开展运动◆the group campaigns on a range of environmental issues.该团体就一系列的环境问题组织运动。➤on behalf of代表⋯开展运动◆we campaign on behalf of consumers.我们代表消费者发起运动。campaign /kæmpeɪn/ noun [countable] a series of planned activities to persuade people to buy or to do something (劝说人们购买某物或做某事的一系列有计划的)活动,运动◆they launched a campaign to block the merger. 他们发起了一场阻止兼并的运动。◆ we spent $15 million on an advertising campaign to raise awareness of the brand name. 我们花了 1 500 万元进行广告宣传活动以提高品牌知名度。⨁ to build / fund / launch a campaign创立/资助/发起一场运动 ⨁ an advertising / a cost-cutting / marketing campaign广告宣传/成本削减/营销活动 ⨁ a campaign aimed at sb / sth / designed to do sth针对某人/某事的活动 sales campaign campaign /kæmpeɪn/ verb [intransitive] campaign for/against sth to lead or take part in a series of planned activities designed to persuade sb to do sth 支持/反对某事的运动◆they were campaigning for better working conditions. 他们参加了改善工作条件的运动。☞ campaign☞ campaign campaign nouncampaign ♦︎ battle ♦︎ struggle ♦︎ drive ♦︎ war ♦︎ fight ♦︎ crusadethese are all words for an effort made to achieve or prevent sth.这些词均表示为达目的所作的奋斗或斗争。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a campaign / battle / struggle / drive / fight / crusade for sth◆a campaign / battle / struggle / drive / war / fight / crusade against sth◆a battle / struggle / war / fight between people◆a big / major campaign / battle / struggle / drive◆a successful campaign / battle / struggle / drive / fight◆a / an national / international campaign / battle / struggle / drive / crusade◆a personal / one-man / one-woman campaign / battle / struggle / war / crusade◆a bitter campaign / battle / struggle / fight◆a brave / desperate battle / struggle / fight◆a political campaign / battle / struggle◆to launch / embark on a campaign / battle / drive / crusade◆to lead / continue the campaign / battle / struggle / drive / war / fight / crusade◆to win / lose the battle / struggle / war / fight◆to give up the battle / struggle / fight◆the campaign / battle / war / fight is on.■ campaign /kæmpeɪn/ [countable] a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim(为社会、商业或政治目的而进行的)运动◆she led the campaign for parliamentary reform.她领导了要求改革议会的运动。◆we're launching an anti-smoking campaign in the new year.我们会在新年发起反对吸烟的运动。◆the advertising campaign was responsible for the massive rise in sales.广告宣传活动是销售额大幅增长的原因。 ➡ see also campaigner → activist ■ battle [countable] a competition or argument between people or groups of people trying to win power or control较量;争论;斗争◆she finally won the legal battle for compensation.她最终在这场要求赔偿的争讼中获胜。◆looking after a two-year-old needn't be a constant battle of wills (= when each side is very determined to win).照顾两岁的孩子未必是一场持久的意志较量。◆he had been conducting a personal battle of wits (= when each side uses their ability to think quickly to try and win) with the sales manager since his first day at work.他从第一天上班开始就一直在和销售经理斗智。■ struggle [countable] a competition or argument between people or groups of people trying to win power or control较量;争论;斗争◆he was a major player in the struggle for independence.在这场争取独立的斗争中,他是主要的参与者。◆it is an epic tale of the struggle between good and evil.这是一个关于善恶之争的史诗式故事。◆she will not give up her children without a struggle.她不会轻易放弃自己的孩子。 ➡ see also struggle → resist verb note 辨析 battle or struggle?in many cases you can use either word, but a struggle is always about things that seem absolutely necessary, such as life and death or freedom. a battle can also be about things that are not absolutely necessary, just desirable, or about the pleasure of winning.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用,但 struggle 总是指看起来绝对必要的斗争,如关于生死或自由。battle 还可指非必要的斗争,如仅仅是为了满足欲求或获得胜利的满足感◆the battle / struggle between good and evil / man and nature善与恶/人与自然之争◆a legal struggle for compensation ◆a struggle of wills/wits ■ drive [countable] an organized effort by a group of people to achieve sth(团体为达到某种目的而进行的)有组织的努力,运动◆he played a crucial role in the drive for greater efficiency.他在提高效率的运动中扮演了关键角色。◆she is leading the recruitment drive.她在领导征兵运动。note 辨析 campaign or drive?a campaign is usually aimed at getting other people to do sth; a drive may be an attempt by people to get themselves to do sth. * campaign 通常是旨在发动别人参加的运动; drive 则可能是让自己努力参与其中的运动◆from today, we're going on an economy drive (= we must spend less).从今天起,我们要开展节约运动。◆an economy campaign a campaign may be larger, more formal and more organized than a drive. * campaign 可以指比 drive 更大规模、更正式和更有组织的活动。■ war [uncountable, singular] an effort over a long period of time to get rid of or stop sth bad(为消灭或阻止有害事物的)长期斗争,顽强抵御◆the government has declared war on drug dealers.政府已经向贩毒分子宣战。◆we seem to be winning the war against crime.我们在打击犯罪方面似乎已经做出成绩。■ fight [singular] the work of trying to stop or prevent sth bad or achieve sth good; an act of competing, especially in a sport(抑恶或扬善的)斗争;(尤指体育)比赛,竞赛◆workers won their fight to stop compulsory redundancies.工人赢得了停止强制性裁员的斗争。◆the team put up a good fight (= they played well) but were finally beaten.这个队打得不错,但最后还是输了。■ crusade /kruːseɪd/ [countable] a long and determined effort to achieve sth that you believe to be right or to stop sth that you believe to be wrong(长期坚定不移的)斗争,运动◆we must continue the crusade against crime.我们必须继续打击犯罪。◆her moral crusade began in 1963.她那提倡道德的运动始于 1963 年。◆he led a crusade to give terminally ill people the right to die.他领导了一场给予末期病人死亡权利的运动。  ➡ see also crusader → activist note 辨析 war, fight or crusade?a war is about stopping things, like drugs and crime, that everyone agrees are bad. a fight can be about achieving justice for yourself. a crusade is often about persuading other people to share your beliefs about what is right and wrong. * war 指对公认的丑恶现象进行的斗争,如毒品和犯罪。 fight 可指为自己争取公正而进行的斗争。crusade 常指说服别人接受自己的是非观的运动。 campaign verbcampaign ♦︎ fight ♦︎ lobby ♦︎ work ♦︎ agitatethese words all mean to try hard to achieve sth, by asking or trying to persuade or influence people in power.这些词均表示努力请求、说服或影响当权者以实现目标。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to campaign / fight / lobby / work / agitate for sth◆to campaign / lobby / agitate against sth◆to campaign / fight / lobby on behalf of sb◆to campaign / fight / lobby / work / agitate to do sth◆to campaign / fight / lobby for changes◆to campaign / fight / agitate for reform◆a group campaigns / fights / lobbies / works◆to campaign / fight / lobby / work hard◆to campaign / lobby / work actively / vigorously◆to successfully campaign / fight / lobby for sth■ campaign [intransitive] to carry out a series of planned activities over a period of time in order to try to achieve sth, especially a political or social aim(出于政治或社会目的)参加运动,开展运动◆we have campaigned against whaling for the last 15 years.我们最近 15 年一直参加反对捕鲸的运动。◆the group campaigns on environmental issues.该团体从事环境方面的运动。◆they are campaigning to save the area from building development.他们正开展一场反对在这个地区进行房地产开发的运动。 ➡ see also campaigner → activist ■ fight (fought, fought) [intransitive, transitive] to try very hard to get or achieve sth努力争取;为⋯而斗争◆he's still fighting for compensation after the accident.他还在力争事故后的赔偿。◆campaigners fought to save the hospital from closure.参与运动的人努力争取不让医院关闭。◆she gradually fought her way to the top of the company.她努力奋斗,逐步跻身公司高层。note 辨析 campaign or fight? campaigning often involves such activities as making speeches, putting advertisements in newspapers and writing to members of the government. the aim is often to persuade people that a political or social change is needed or a practice needs to be stopped. you can fight for social or political change too, but this word is also used to talk about achieving justice for yourself, for example gaining the right to do sth. the emphasis with fight is on the determination sb shows to achieve sth. * campaign 常涉及发表演讲、在报纸上刊登广告、致信政府人员等活动,目的是使他人意识到进行某项政治或社会变革,或停止某种做法的必要性。fight 也可以指为了社会或政治变革而战,但亦指为争取个人公正待遇而斗争,如争取做某事的权利。 fight 强调某人达成目标的决心。■ lobby [intransitive, transitive] to try to influence a politician or the government and, for example, persuade them to support or oppose a change in the law游说(从政者或政府)◆teachers have lobbied hard against education cuts.教师极力游说反对削减教育经费。◆farmers will lobby congress for higher subsidies.农民将游说国会提高补贴。 ➡ see also lobby → party noun 1 ■ work [intransitive] to try hard to achieve sth, especially over a period of time and in a way that involves acting together with other people争取,力争(尤指和他人共同行动一段时间)◆she dedicated her life to working for peace.她为争取和平奉献了自己的一生。◆the police and public need to work together to combat crime.警民需要携手打击犯罪。■ agitate /ædʒɪteɪt/ [intransitive] (rather formal) to argue strongly for sth that you want, especially changes in the law or social conditions激烈争论,鼓动,煽动(尤指为了法律或社会状况的改变)◆some militant groups have been agitating for autonomy for the region.一些激进团体一直在煽动该地区自治。 ➡ see also agitation → trouble 1 campaign /kæmpeɪn/ [countable] a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim(为社会、商业或政治目的而进行的)运动◆she led the campaign for parliamentary reform.她领导了要求改革议会的运动。◆we're launching an anti-smoking campaign in the new year.我们会在新年发起反对吸烟的运动。◆the advertising campaign was responsible for the massive rise in sales.广告宣传活动是销售额大幅增长的原因。 ➡ see also campaigner → activist campaign [intransitive] to carry out a series of planned activities over a period of time in order to try to achieve sth, especially a political or social aim(出于政治或社会目的)参加运动,开展运动◆we have campaigned against whaling for the last 15 years.我们最近 15 年一直参加反对捕鲸的运动。◆the group campaigns on environmental issues.该团体从事环境方面的运动。◆they are campaigning to save the area from building development.他们正开展一场反对在这个地区进行房地产开发的运动。 ➡ see also campaigner → activist campaign [countable] a series of attacks or battles that are intended to achieve a particular military aim during a war战役◆the russian campaign ended with the german defeat at stalingrad.俄罗斯战役以德国在斯大林格勒战败宣告结束。◆the terrorists responded with a bombing campaign directed at business and commerce.恐怖分子的反应是针对企业和商业发动爆炸袭击。campaign¹/kæmˈpeɪn ||; kæmˈpen/noun[c] 1. a plan to do a number of things in order to achieve a special aim 一连串的行动;运动: ◇to launch an advertising/election campaign 发动一场广告╱竞选运动 2. a planned series of attacks in a war 战役 campaignsee ⇨ fight 7,9 ⇨ try 7 ⇨ vote 8     • • •• ⇨ smear campaign☞ campaign¹☞ campaign²




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