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单词 alive
释义 alive adjective¹ 1living活着verbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be, seem活着;好像活着▸➤remain, stay仍然活着◆lost and so far from other human life, he faced a desperate struggle to stay alive.他迷了路并且远离其他人,要活下去需要作拼死的抗争。➤escape, get out活着逃出/出去◆he considered himself lucky to escape alive.他觉得自己能活着逃出来很幸运。➤return生还◆they had little chance of returning alive.他们活着回来的机会很渺茫。➤keep sb维持某人的生命◆doctors fought to keep her alive.医生尽力挽救她的生命。➤be buried, be burned, be eaten被活埋;被活活烧死;被活着吃掉➤be found, be left被发现活着;幸存◆five people were found alive in the wreckage.残骸中发现 5 个人还活着。➤be captured, be taken被活捉adverb➤very much活得好好的◆the old rascal is still very much alive.这个老家伙仍然活得好好的。➤barely, only half只剩一口气;只剩半条命◆for four days he seemed barely alive.有 4 天的时间他好像奄奄一息。➤still仍然活着◆i wasn't sure if he was still alive.我不能肯定他是否还活着。phrases➤alive and kicking健康活跃◆my mother is still alive and kicking.我母亲还健在。➤alive and well好好地活着◆at any moment he may turn up alive and well.他随时都可能会安全无事地出现。➤dead or alive无论是死是活◆the police are desperate to catch this man dead or alive.警方不顾一切地想抓住这个人,无论他是死是活。➤lucky to be alive幸运地活下来◆it was a very narrow escape and we are lucky to be alive.我们死里逃生活下来算是幸运。➤more dead than alive身体极其虚弱◆poor child, she looks more dead than alive.可怜的孩子,她看上去虚弱极了。alive adjective² 2full of life充满生命力verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel, seem充满活力;感觉充满活力;好像充满活力◆i feel really alive in the country!在乡下我感到浑身是劲儿!➤come活跃起来◆the city comes alive at night.这座城市到了夜晚就热闹起来。➤bring sb/sth给⋯带来活力◆the wealth of detail in his book really brings it alive.丰富的细节描写使这本书“活”了起来。adverb➤really, truly, very极富活力;非常具有生气;很活跃▸➤fully充满生气▸➤intensely生气勃勃▸➤only half活得乏味◆she realized that she had only been half alive for the last four years.她意识到这 4 年来自己未体验到真正的生活。➤suddenly突然活跃起来◆his eyes were suddenly alive with excitement.他的眼睛突然兴奋地亮了起来。preposition➤with充满(活跃的⋯)◆the hall was alive with the sound of voices.大厅里人声鼎沸。alive adjective³ 3continuing to exist继续存在verbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be继续存在▸➤remain仍然继续存在▸➤keep sth使⋯继续存在◆the people try to keep the old traditions alive.人们试图保留旧的传统。adverb➤very much非常盛行◆the old customs are still very much alive in this region.这些旧习俗在这一地区仍很盛行。phrases➤alive and well依然盛行◆the art of debate is alive and well in our schools.辩论术在我们的学校中依然盛行。alive adjective⁴ 4aware of sth意识到verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be注意到▸➤become开始注意到▸➤remain仍能意识到adverb➤very much非常关注preposition➤to对⋯注意◆he remained very much alive to the dangers.他依然对各种危险十分敏感。 alive adjectivealive ♦︎ living ♦︎ live ♦︎ animatethese words all describe sb/sth that has life.这些词均表示有生命的、活着的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a living / live animal / plant / bird◆a living / live organism / creature◆still alive / living■ alive [not before noun] having life; not dead活着;在世◆we don't know whether he's alive or dead.我们不知道他是死是活。◆she had to steal food just to stay alive.她只好偷东西吃才不至于饿死。◆doctors fought to keep the baby alive.医生努力维持着婴儿的生命。◆i was glad to hear you're alive and well.听说你健在,我很高兴。◆he was buried alive in the earthquake.他在地震中被活埋。opp dead → dead ■ living (rather formal) alive now活的;活着的◆she taught us to show respect for all living things.她教导我们尊重一切生命。◆many people say he is the finest living pianist.许多人说他是当世最杰出的钢琴家。 opp dead → dead note 辨析 alive or living? alive is never used before a noun. * alive 不用于名词前◆all alive things living can be used after be but is not usually used after other linking verbs. * living 可以用在 be 后面,但通常不用在其他连系动词后◆she stole just to stay living. ◆doctors fought to keep the baby living. ■ live /laɪv/ [usually before noun] living活的;活着的◆we saw a real live rattlesnake!我们看见了一条活生生的响尾蛇!◆the number of live births (= babies born alive) 活产婴儿数 opp dead → dead note 辨析 living or live? living is usually used to talk about people/animals in a wide context. * living 通常形容人或动物,多用于泛指◆the elephant is the biggest living land animal (= elephants in general, not one particular elephant).象是现今最大的陆生动物。◆the elephant is the biggest live land animal. ◆the finest living pianist (= out of all pianists alive today) 当世最杰出的钢琴家◆the finest live pianist live is usually used to talk about a person or animals in a particular situation, especially when it is important for reacting to the situation. * live 通常形容处于特定情境下的人或动物,尤指须对该情境作出反应◆i need to talk to a live person (= not a recorded message).我需要和真人对谈。◆i need to talk to a living person. ◆customs officials seized 400 live snakes packed in crates.海关人员查获了装在木箱里的 400 条活蛇。◆customs officials seized 400 living snakes. ■ animate /ænɪmət/ (formal) having life; moving or able to move by itself有生命的;有活动力的◆children quickly learn to distinguish between animate and inanimate motion.孩子们很快学会区分生物体和非生物体的运动。 opp inanimate ⓘ things that are inanimate are not alive in the way that people, animals and plants are. * inanimate 用来形容无生命、与人类或动植物的存在方式不同的物体◆a rock is an inanimate object.岩石是无生命物体。 alive [not before noun] having life; not dead活着;在世◆we don't know whether he's alive or dead.我们不知道他是死是活。◆she had to steal food just to stay alive.她只好偷东西吃才不至于饿死。◆doctors fought to keep the baby alive.医生努力维持着婴儿的生命。◆i was glad to hear you're alive and well.听说你健在,我很高兴。◆he was buried alive in the earthquake.他在地震中被活埋。opp dead → dead alive/əˈlaɪv ||; əˈlaɪv/adj1. not dead; living 活着;有生命: ◇the young woman was still alive when the ambulance reached the hospital. 救护车到达医院时,那个年轻女人还活着。◇the quick action of the doctors kept the child alive. 医生及时行动,保全了孩子的性命。 alive can only be used after a noun, but you can use living before a noun are her parents still alive? does she have any living relatives? alive 只能用于名词后,名词前可以用 living:are her parents still alive? 她父母亲仍然健在吗? does she have any living relatives? 她还有亲戚在世吗? 2. continuing to exist 继续存在;尚存: ◇many old traditions are very much alive in this area of the country. 在该国的这一地区,许多旧传统依然保留着。 3. full of life 充满生机;富有生气: ◇in the evening the town really comes alive. 到了晚上,城里就真的变得生气勃勃。 alive1 not dead2 to continue to be alive3 something that is alive4 something that is not living and never has been livingrelated wordsoppositedead,to not die in an accident, war etc 没在事故、战争等中死亡 survive,see alsolive,life,exist,die,1. not dead 没有死 alive /əˈlaɪv/ [adjective not before noun] not dead 活[着]的,在世的 still alive are all your grandparents still alive? 你的祖父母、外祖父母都还健在吗?keep somebody alive to prevent someone from dying by giving them food, medicine etc 使活着 paramedics fought for an hour by the roadside to keep him alive. 医护人员在路边奋力抢救了他一个小时。barely alive the police found them lying on the kitchen floor. mr wilkins was dead and his wife was barely alive. 警方发现他们倒在厨房的地板上,威尔金斯先生已经死亡,他的太太也已奄奄一息。alive and well alive and not injured or ill 安然无恙的 the children were found alive and well after being missing for several days. 孩子们失踪多天以后,被找到时安然无恙。see somebody alive she was the last person to see him alive. 她是最后一个见到他还活着的人。 living /ˈlɪvɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] still living now 活着的,仍然在世的 a brother in australia is mary's only living relative. 在澳大利亚的一个兄弟是玛丽唯一还在世的亲人。greatest living poet/composer/painter etc seamus heaney is ireland's greatest living poet. 谢默斯·希尼是爱尔兰在世的最伟大的诗人。 animate /ˈænɪmət, ˈænəmət/ [adjective] formal something that is animate is alive and able to move, and is therefore not an object 【正式】有生命的,活的 animate objects at this age, children are still unable to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects. 这个年龄的儿童还不能分辨有生命和无生命的物体。 life /laɪf/ [uncountable noun] the fact or state of being alive 生命 do you believe in life after death? 你相信人死后还有来生吗? unfortunately it's usually the worst experiences that remind us how precious life is. 遗憾的是,往往总是最不幸的经历才使我们想起生命是何等宝贵。fight/struggle for life she sat beside the hospital bed, holding his hand as he struggled for life. 当他在死亡边缘挣扎时,她坐在病床旁边,握着他的手。cling to life to struggle to stay alive 挣扎着活下去 an 18-year-old san josé man clung to life late wednesday after being shot in the head during a robbery. 星期三晚上,一名18岁的圣何塞青年因为在一起抢劫事件中头部中枪而奋力与死神搏斗。2. to continue to be alive 继续活下去 live /lɪv/ [intransitive verb] to continue to be alive 活;生存 the baby was born with a serious heart defect and not expected to live. 这个婴儿生下来心脏就有严重缺陷,没有存活的希望。live for two years/three months/a long time etc my father only lived for a few years after his heart attack. 我父亲心脏病发作之后只活了几年时间。 cats normally live for about twelve years. 猫一般能活12年左右。the will to live the desire to live 求生的意志 the will to live can be a vital factor in recovery. 求生的意志有时是康复的一个极重要因素。 stay alive /ˌsteɪ əˈlaɪv/ [verb phrase] to not die, even though you are in a dangerous situation [在危险中]活下来 the ship's crew eventually resorted to eating rats and even sawdust to stay alive. 船员们最后不得不靠吃老鼠乃至锯木屑活命。 krasner, who has cancer, vowed she would stay alive until her brother was set free. 身患癌症的克拉斯纳发誓一定要活到弟弟获释的那一天。 outlive /aʊtˈlɪv/ [transitive verb] to remain alive longer than someone else, especially a relative or friend who has died 比[某人,尤指已故亲戚或朋友]活得长 judith outlived two of her three children. 朱迪丝比她三个孩子中的两个活得长。outlive somebody by 10 years/six months etc women, on average, outlive men by 1.9 years. 女性平均比男性长寿1.9年。 survive /səʳˈvaɪv/ [transitive verb] to live longer than someone else, usually someone closely related to you - used especially in newspaper articles 比…活得长,比…长寿[常与亲人相比,尤用于报纸上的文章] survive somebody by 10 years/six months etc charles survived his wife by three months. 查尔斯比妻子多活了三个月。be survived by monroe is survived by his wife, regina, and two sons, stanley and john. 门罗没有他的妻子雷吉娜活得长,也没有他两个儿子斯坦利和约翰长寿。3. something that is alive 活的东西 living thing /ˌlɪvɪŋ ˈθɪŋ/ [countable noun] a human, animal, plant, or anything that is alive 有生命的东西,生物 an ocean is full of living things. 海洋里充满了各种生物。 the tree, at 368 feet, is considered the world's tallest living thing. 这棵368英尺高的树被认为是世界上最高的生物。 ecology is the study of how living things relate to their environment. 生态学是研究生物与环境之间相互关系的学科。 life form /ˈlaɪf fɔːʳm/ [countable noun] a living thing or one type of living thing - used in scientific or technical contexts 生物[用于科技方面] hobart is convinced that there are life forms on other planets. 霍巴特确信其他星球上也有生物存在。 some scientists estimate that at least one third of the life forms that exist in deep oceans have not yet been discovered. 有些科学家估计,深海中至少有三分之一的生物尚未被发现。 strange life forms in the galapagos islands 加拉帕戈斯群岛上的珍稀生物 organism /ˈɔːʳgənɪzəm/ [countable noun] a living thing, especially an extremely small one - used in scientific and technical contexts 生物;[尤指]微生物;有机体[用于科技方面] food poisoning is caused by a bacterial organism. 食物中毒是由细菌引起的。living organism genetic engineers manipulate living organisms such as cells or bacteria to create products which fight disease. 遗传工程学家利用细胞、细菌等生物有机体制造抗击疾病的产品。 life /laɪf/ [uncountable noun] any living things, for example people, animals, plants, or all of these things together 生命 oxygen is necessary to sustain life on earth. 氧气是维持地球上的生命所必需的。 the new evidence seemed to indicate that life existed on mars billions of years ago. 这些新的证据似乎表示,火星几十亿年前就有生命存在了。animal/plant life all the animals or plants in a place 动物/植物种类 many species of plant life continue to be eradicated in south american rain forests. 南美热带雨林的许多植物种类在不断消失。 wildlife /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ [uncountable noun] animals and plants growing in natural conditions 野生动植物 the sea of cortez is rich with wildlife. 科特斯海有丰富的野生动植物。 the organization was set up to protect wildlife across europe. 这个组织是为了保护欧洲的野生动植物而成立的。4. something that is not living and never has been living 现在和从前都没有生命的东西 inanimate /ɪnˈænɪmət, ɪnˈænəmət/ [adjective] inanimate object how can you get angry with a car? it's an inanimate object! 你怎么对汽车发火?它是个没有生命的物体! some languages categorise not only living things as masculine or feminine, but inanimate objects as well. 有些语言中不仅把有生命的物体分为阳性和阴性,无生命的物体也有如此分类。 a·live /ə`laɪv; əˈlaɪv/adj [not before noun 不用于名词前] 1. living and not dead 活着的:◇they didn't expect to find anyone alive after the explosion. 他们并没有指望爆炸后能找到生还者。 2. continuing to exist 继续存在的:◇keep sth alive ancient traditions that are kept alive in country villages 依然留存在乡村的古代习俗 3. if a place is alive, there is a lot of movement, activity, or excitement there 活跃的,充满生气的:◇+ with the stadium was alive with excitement. 运动场里充满了兴奋。◇come alive the streets come alive after ten o'clock. 十点以后,街道开始变得繁忙。 4. be alive and well to be healthy or successful 健康的; 成功的:◇the british novel is still alive and well in the 1990s. 英国小说在二十世纪九十年代依然盛行。 ☞ alive




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