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单词 boss
释义 boss nounadjective➤big大老板▸➤company, crime, party, union公司老板;犯罪头目;政党领袖;工会领导boss /bɒs; name bɔːs/ noun [countable] 1.a person who is in charge of other people at work and tells them what to do 老板;上司◆i'll have to ask my boss about that. 这件事我要请示老板。◆her immediate boss (= the person who tells her what to do) is the marketing manager. 她的顶头上司是营销经理。◆i like being my own boss (= working for myself and making my own decisions). 我希望自己做老板(为自己工作,自己拿主意)。2. (informal) (often used in newspapers) the person in charge of a company (常用于报章)公司总经理,公司领导◆he's the new boss at j sainsbury. 他是桑斯博里的新领导。  ➡  honcho ☞ boss boss [countable] (informal, journalism新闻) a person in charge of a company or organization老板;主事者◆there's been criticism of bonuses paid to top oil company bosses.石油公司大老板们领取奖金的做法一直受到批评。note 辨析 chief or boss?both of these words are used especially in journalism to refer to the people in charge of organizations or public services.这两个词尤用于新闻报道,指机构或公用事业的负责人◆industry chiefs / bosses行业大老板 chief is used especially for the people in charge of government or public services. * chief 尤指政府或公用事业的负责人◆health service chiefs医疗保健服务负责人 boss is often used for the people in charge of particular companies and sports clubs. * boss 常指某个公司或体育俱乐部的负责人◆a record label boss / the sheffield united boss唱片公司老板;谢菲尔德联队老板 boss is more informal. * boss 较非正式。 boss [countable] (rather informal, especially spoken or journalism新闻) a person who is in charge of other people at work and tells them what to do老板;主管;工头;领班◆i'll ask my boss if i can have the day off.我要问一下老板我能不能请一天假。◆i like being my own boss (= working for myself and making my own decisions).我喜欢自己当老板,自己拿主意。◆who's the boss (= who's in control) in this house?这个家里谁说了算?ⓘ boss is usually used with a possessive pronoun, that is his, her, my, your, etc. people often use the boss in a fairly informal way to talk about the person who is in charge of them at work. the boss can also be used in a humorous way to talk about a person who is, or seems to be, in control in a particular situation or relationship. * boss 通常跟 his、her、my、your 等物主代词连用。the boss 是不太正式的用法,常用以指工作上的主管,亦可用作幽默语,指特定情形或关系里实际上或表面上的掌控者。boss¹/bɒs ||; bɑs/noun [c] (informal 非正式) a person whose job is to give orders to others at work; an employer; a manager 老板;经理;上司: ◇i'm going to ask the boss for a day off work. 我要向老板请一天假。◇ok. you're the boss (= you make the decisions). 算了,到底是你作主嘛。 boss²/bɒs ||; bɑs/verb [t] boss sb (about/around) to give orders to sb, especially in an annoying way 差遣(尤指令人感到烦厌): ◇i wish you'd stop bossing me around. 但愿你别再把我差来遣去。 bosssee ⇨ in charge of 2 ⇨ manager 1     • • •• ⇨ be the boss• ⇨ be your own boss• ⇨ you're the boss/she's the boss etc☞ boss¹☞ boss²




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