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单词 choke
释义 choke verbadverb | verb + choke | preposition | phrases adverb➤almost, nearly几乎/差点儿窒息verb + choke➤make sb使某人窒息◆the fumes from the fire made her choke.火冒出的烟呛得她难以呼吸。preposition➤on被⋯噎住◆my son nearly choked on one of those nuts.我儿子差点儿让一颗坚果给噎住。phrases➤choke (sb) to death憋死(某人)◆he choked to death when a fish bone got stuck in his throat.他因一根鱼刺卡住喉咙窒息而死。 choke [transitive, often passive] to block or fill a passage or space so that it is difficult for anything to move through it阻塞,塞满,堵塞(通道或空间)◆the pond was choked with rotten leaves.池塘里塞满了腐烂的叶子。 choke [intransitive, transitive] to be unable to breathe because the passage to your lungs is blocked or you cannot get enough air; to make sb unable to breathe哽噎;(使)窒息◆he was choking on a piece of toast.他被一块烤面包噎得透不过气来。◆she almost choked to death in the thick fumes.她几乎被浓烟呛死。◆the device contains small parts which could easily choke a child.这个装置有小零件,很容易使儿童窒息。 choke [transitive] to make sb unable to breathe by blocking or squeezing their throat(堵住或掐住喉咙)使停止呼吸,使窒息◆thick clouds of dust choked him.灰尘弥漫让他感到窒息。choke¹/tʃəʊk ||; tʃok/verb1. [i,t] choke (on sth) to be or to make sb unable to breathe because sth is stopping air getting into the lungs (使)窒息: ◇she was choking on a fish bone. 她的喉咙给一根鱼骨哽住了。◇the smoke choked us. 浓烟呛人。 ☞look at strangle. 参看strangle。 2. [t] (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) choke sth (up) (with sth) to fill a passage, space, etc, so that nothing can pass through 堵塞;阻塞: ◇the roads to the coast were choked with traffic. 通往海边的几条路挤满了车辆。 choke sth back to hide or control a strong emotion 按捺住强烈的感情: ◇to choke back tears/anger 强忍住眼泪╱怒火 choke²/tʃəʊk ||; tʃok/noun[c] 1. the device in a car, etc that controls the amount of air going into the engine. if you pull out the choke it makes it easier to start the car. (汽车等的)阻塞门,阻风门 2. an act or the sound of sb choking 窒息;窒息时发出的声音: ◇a tiny choke of laughter escaped her. 她发出一阵轻轻的窒息般笑声。 chokesee ⇨ breathe 8,9☞ choke¹☞ choke²




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