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单词 artillery
释义 artillery nounadjective | artillery + noun adjective➤field野战炮▸➤heavy重炮◆the enemy has enough heavy artillery to win the war.敌人有足够多的重炮赢得战争。➤anti-aircraft高射炮➤air-defence/air-defense防空炮➤rocket火箭炮➤long-range远程炮➤enemy敌人的大炮;敌方炮火artillery + noun➤attack, barrage, bombardment, fire, strike炮火袭击;炮火网;炮击;炮火➤system火炮系统▸➤piece, shell弹片;炮弹壳➤ammunition, cannon, gun, projectile, rocket, weapon火炮弹药;加农炮;大炮;炮弹;火箭弹;炮兵武器➤round炮弹▸➤battalion, battery, brigade, regiment, train, unit炮兵营;炮兵连;炮兵旅;炮兵团;炮兵辎重队;炮兵部队◆the soldiers of the artillery train had panicked.炮兵辎重队的士兵已惊慌失措。◆nuclear artillery units核炮部队➤commander, officer炮兵指挥官/军官 artillery /ɑːtɪləri; name ɑːrtɪləri/ [uncountable] large, heavy guns which are often moved on wheels火炮(常装有轮子)◆the town is under heavy artillery fire.该镇受到密集的炮火攻击。◆a stray artillery shell struck the hospital.一发火炮流弹击中了那家医院。artillery/ɑ:ˈtɪləri ||; ɑrˈtɪlərɪ/noun [u] large, heavy guns that are moved on wheels; the part of the army that uses them 大炮;炮兵 ar·til·le·ry /ɑr`tɪlərɪ; ɑːˈtɪləri/n [u]big guns, either on wheels or fixed in one place 炮,大炮




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