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单词 in the wrong
释义 in the wrongidiomresponsible for an accident or mistake; arguing against sb who is right about sth, while you are wrong(在事故或错误中)有过错,应承担责任;(争论中)理亏◆the motorcyclist was clearly in the wrong.骑摩托车的人显然负有责任。◆you're just trying to put me in the wrong (= prove that i am to blame), aren't you?你就是想怪罪我,是不是?◆why do you keep on arguing when you must know you are in the wrong?你明知道自己不占理,怎么还吵个没完?ⓘ responsibility, blame or fault can be shared: sb/sth can be partly responsible/to blame/at fault. you cannot be ◆partly in the wrong in the wrong is used in situations where one person is wrong and the other is right. * responsibility、blame 或 fault 所指的责任可以是一部份的,可以说 be partly responsible/to blame/at fault (负有部份责任),不说 partly in the wrong。in the wrong 用于一人有错而另一人正确的情况。 opp in the right




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