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单词 home³
释义 home³adj 1. connected with or belonging to your home or family 家庭的,家的:◇what's your home address? 你的住址是什么?◇i'm looking forward to some home cooking (=meals cooked by your family) over christmas. 我盼望圣诞节期间能吃到一些家常饭菜。 2. playing on your own sports team or field rather than an opponent's 主队的; 在主场进行的,主场的:◇the home team is ahead by four runs. 主队领先四分。→ opposite 反义词 away² 3. home truths unpleasant facts about someone or something 令人不快的事实 4. connected with your own particular country, not foreign countries 国内的,本国的:◇home affairs 国内事务




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