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单词 adapt
释义 adapt verb¹ 1change your way of behaving改变行为方式adverb | verb + adapt | preposition | phrases adverb➤successfully, well成功地/十分适应◆the children have adapted well to the heat.孩子们已经很适应炎热天气了。➤quickly迅速适应▸➤easily, readily轻松/很快适应◆the company can easily adapt to changing demand.这家公司能轻松地适应不断变化的需求。➤accordingly相应地变化以适应◆we need to assess the new situation and adapt accordingly.我们需要评估一下新形势以便作出相应的改变。verb + adapt➤be able to, can能够适应▸➤be unable to, cannot不能适应▸➤have to, must不得不/必须顺应▸➤need to需要适应▸➤learn to学会适应preposition➤to适应⋯phrases➤the ability to adapt适应能力◆some animals have a remarkable ability to adapt to changing environments.有些动物适应环境的能力很强。➤find it difficult to adapt, find it hard to adapt觉得难以适应◆a lot of companies have found it hard to adapt to the new system.许多公司感到很难适应新体制。adapt verb² 2change a thing改编;改写preposition | phrases preposition➤for为⋯改编◆to adapt a book for television将书改编为电视节目➤from改编自⋯◆the radio play had been adapted from a novel.这部广播剧是由小说改编而成的。phrases➤specially adapted特别改造◆the classroom has been specially adapted to take wheelchairs.这个教室作了特别改造,以使轮椅能够进出。adapt /ədæpt/ verb 1. [transitive] to change sth in order to make it suitable for a new use or situation 使适应;使适合◆the cars are produced in europe and specially adapted for the american market. 这些产于欧洲的轿车是专为美国市场制造的。 syn modify 2. [intransitive, transitive] to change your behaviour in order to deal more successfully with a new situation 适应(新情况)◆a large organization can be slow to adapt to change. 大型机构的适应能力差。 syn adjust ▸ adaptability /əˌdæptəbɪləti/ noun [uncountable] ▸ adaptable /ədæptəbl/ adjective◆successful businesses are highly adaptable to economic change. 成功的企业适应经济变化的能力非常强。☞ adapt adapt [transitive] to change sth in order to make it suitable for a new use or situation使适应,使适合(新用途或新情况)◆most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people.这些工具多数已经过特别改装,供残疾人使用。◆these styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.这些样式可以修改,以适应个人不同喜好。  ➡ see also modify → adjust , adaptable → flexible 1 adapt/əˈdæpt ||; əˈdæpt/verb1. [i,t] adapt (yourself) (to sth) to change your behaviour because the situation you are in has changed (因处境改变而)改变行为;适应;调适: ◇he was quick to adapt (himself) to the new system. 他很快适应新制度。 2. [t] adapt sth (for sth) to change sth so that you can use it in a different situation 改变某事物(以便在别的情况中运用): ◇the bus was adapted for disabled people. 那辆公共汽车已改装,供残疾人使用。◇the teacher adapts the coursebook to suit the needs of her students. 老师改写了教科书以适应她学生的需要。 adaptsee ⇨ change/not change 7 a·dapt /ə`dæpt; əˈdæpt/v 1. [i] to change your behaviour or ideas to fit a new situation 适应(新环境):◇+ to old people find it hard to adapt to life in a foreign country. 老人觉得很难适应国外的生活。 2. [t] to change something so that it is suitable for a new need or purpose 使适合,使改变:◇the car's engine had been adapted to take unleaded fuel. 汽车引擎经改装可使用无铅燃料。 3. [t] to change a book or play so that it can be made into a film or television programme 改编,改写 4. be well adapted to sth to be especially suitable for something 特别适应某事物:◇alpine flowers are well adapted to the cold winters. 高山花卉特别适应严寒的冬天。




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