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单词 beauty
释义 beauty noun¹ 1quality of being beautiful美丽adjective | verb + beauty | beauty + verb | beauty + noun adjective➤breathtaking, exquisite, great, majestic, outstanding, sheer, stunning惊人的美;出众的美◆an area of breathtaking beauty惊艳之处➤classical古典美◆the classical beauty of her face她脸部的那种古典美➤timeless, unspoiled永恒的美丽;原有的自然美◆the timeless beauty of this ancient landscape这幅古代风景画的永恒之美➤stark荒凉之美◆there is a stark beauty to the desert terrain.沙漠地貌自有一种荒凉之美。➤ethereal超凡的美丽◆they were captivated by the ethereal beauty of the music.他们被这超凡脱俗的美妙音乐迷住了。➤natural自然美➤feminine女性美◆her art challenges conventions of feminine beauty.她的艺术向传统的女性美发出挑战。➤aesthetic, physical雅致的美;形体美➤inner内在美◆the film argues that inner beauty, not physical appearance, is most important.这部电影的观点是:内在美,而不是外表美,才是最重要的。➤scenic风景美verb + beauty➤admire, appreciate, enjoy赞赏/欣赏/享受美丽◆they took a walk, enjoying the beauty of the landscape.他们去散步,欣赏美丽的风景。➤enhance使之更美➤preserve保持美丽➤mar破坏美丽◆advertising hoardings mar the beauty of the countryside.广告牌破坏了乡村之美。➤capture, convey捕捉/传达美丽◆the film-maker magnificently captures the beauty of the changing seasons.这部电影的制作者出色地抓住了四季变化之美。➤be awed by, be captivated by, be enchanted by, be entranced by, be mesmerized by, be transfixed by美得使人惊叹/着迷/沉醉/神魂颠倒/难以抗拒/发呆beauty + verb➤amaze sb, overwhelm sb美丽使某人惊异/折服◆the beauty of the city amazed her.这座城市的美景令她惊叹不已。➤last美持续▸➤fade美逐渐褪去◆her beauty faded as she got older.她的美貌随岁月的流逝而逐渐消逝。beauty + noun➤competition, contest, pageant (name) 选美比赛◆she was a contestant in the miss world beauty pageant.她曾参加过世界小姐选美大赛。➤contestant, queen选美参赛选手;选美比赛冠军▸➤parlour/parlor, salon美容院◆she works in a beauty salon.她在一家美容院工作。➤makeover, product, regime, regimen, routine, treatment美容化妆;美容产品;驻颜术;日常美容程序;美容护理➤rest, sleep美容休息/睡眠▸➤spot美人痣beauty noun² 2beautiful person or thing美人;美物adjective➤great大美人◆she was known as a great beauty in her time.她年轻时是出了名的大美人。➤blonde, dark-haired, etc.金发碧眼、黑头发等的美人◆he met a blonde beauty named cindy.他遇到一位金发碧眼的美女,叫辛迪。➤exotic异域美女◆an exotic beauty with raven hair头发乌亮的外国美女➤radiant光彩照人的美人◆she was still a radiant beauty.她依然光彩夺目,美丽动人。➤absolute, real十分美丽的东西◆my new car's a real beauty!我的新车实在是太漂亮了!➤little小美人◆isn't she a little beauty?难道她不是个小美人吗?beautynoun [uncountable] ◆she was a woman of great beauty.她是个大美人。beautynoun [uncountable] ◆the woods were designated an area of outstanding natural beauty.这片森林被划定为超级自然美景区。beautynoun [uncountable] ◆she was a woman of great beauty.她是个大美人。beautynoun [uncountable] ◆the woods were designated an area of outstanding natural beauty.这片森林被划定为超级自然美景区。beauty/ˈbju:ti ||; ˈbjutɪ/noun (plural beauties) 1. [u] the quality which gives pleasure to the senses; the state of being beautiful 美感;美: ◇i was amazed by the beauty of the mountains. 我目瞪口呆地望着那美丽的群山。◇music of great beauty 极其美妙的音乐 2. [c] a beautiful woman 美女;美人: ◇she grew up to be a beauty. 她长成个美人儿。 3. [c] a particularly good example of sth 典范;极好的样品: ◇look at this tomato -- it's a beauty! 瞧这蕃茄─长得好极了! beautysee ⇨ beautiful 7     • • •• ⇨ a woman of great beauty• ⇨ the beauty of beau·ty /`bjutɪ; ˈbjuːti/n 1. [u] the quality of being beautiful 美,美丽◇a woman of great beauty 大美人◇the beauty of the swiss alps 瑞士阿尔卑斯山的美景 2. also 又作 beaut [c] informal something that is very good 【非正式】 很好的东西:◇his new car's a beaut. 他的新车是个佳品。 3. beauty treatments, products etc are intended to make people look more beautiful, especially women 美容; 美容品:◇do you use beauty creams? 你用美容霜吗? 4. the beauty of a good quality that makes something especially suitable or useful …的优点,…的妙处:◇the beauty of this type of exercise is that you can do it anywhere. 这类运动的优点是哪儿都能做。 5. [c] old-fashioned a woman who is very beautiful 【过时】 美人 ☞ beauty




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