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单词 commission
释义 commission noun¹ 1asking sb to do a piece of work for you请人代办adjective | verb + commission adjective➤private, public私人/公共委托verb + commission➤accept, get, receive接受委托;收到委托◆the firm will accept commissions for most types of architectural work.该公司将承接大部份建筑工程项目的委托。◆during the 1940s he received commissions for several large religious paintings.在 20 世纪 40 年代,他接到委托画几幅大型的宗教画。➤give sb委托某人commission noun² 2official group asked to report on sth委员会adjective | verb + commission | preposition | phrases adjective➤international, national国际调查团;国家考察团▸➤independent独立委员会▸➤bipartisan, joint两党/联合委员会➤federal, government联邦/政府考察团▸➤judicial, official, parliamentary, presidential, royal, state司法调查团;官方考察团;议会调查委员会;总统委员会;王室考察团;州委员会▸➤permanent, standing常务委员会▸➤special特别委员会▸➤roving巡回调查团➤election, electoral选举委员会➤fact-finding, investigating, investigative实情调查委员会;调查委员会▸➤planning计划委员会➤truth (= to find out about human rights abuses) (人权)真相调查委员会verb + commission➤appoint, create, establish, set up任命/成立/组建/设立委员会◆the government has set up a joint commission to consider the problem.政府设立了联合委员会处理这个问题。➤chair, head, preside over主持委员会preposition➤commission for负责⋯的委员会◆the commission for racial equality种族平等委员会➤commission on关于⋯的调查团◆a commission on domestic violence家庭暴力调查委员会phrases➤a commission of inquiry (bre) 调查委员会commission noun³ 3money for selling sth/providing a service佣金adjective | verb + commission | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, high高额佣金▸➤small菲薄的佣金▸➤fixed固定的佣金verb + commission➤earn, get, receive挣得/得到/收到佣金▸➤pay付佣金▸➤charge收取佣金◆that bank charges a high commission for overseas withdrawals.那家银行对海外提款收取高额的费用。➤deduct扣除佣金preposition➤in commission以佣金的形式◆she earned $2 000 in commission last month.上个月她挣了 2,000 美元的佣金。➤on commission收取佣金◆most of the salespeople are on commission.大多数销售人员都抽取提成。➤commission for, commission on⋯的佣金◆they get a 10% commission on every encyclopedia they sell.每卖出一部百科全书,他们就得到 10% 的提成。phrases➤on a commission basis以佣金计算◆to work on a commission basis以收取佣金的方式工作commission verbadverb | preposition adverb➤specially特别委托◆specially commissioned works特别委托的作品➤newly, recently最新委托preposition➤from委托⋯◆the report was commissioned from scientists in five countries.这个报告是委托 5 个国家的科学家完成的。commission /kəmɪʃn/ noun (commerce 商业) [uncountable, countable] an amount of money that is paid to sb for selling goods or services and which usually increases with the quantity they sell 佣金;回扣◆you get a 10% commission on everything you sell. 你可以从你售出的每件商品中得到 10% 的佣金。◆they work on commission (= they are paid according to how much they sell) and so they try to sell you more. 他们做这份工作按销售额提成,因此他们要多卖点给你。  ➡  see note at price , salary ⨁ to earn / get / pay (a) commission挣/获得/支付佣金 2. [uncountable, countable] an amount of money that is charged by a bank, for example, for providing a particular service (银行的)手续费◆agents charge their clients 2% commission on the sale of a house. 代理商向客户收取 2% 的销售房子手续费。◆the two banks have similar commission rates. 两家银行的手续费接近。⨁ to charge / pay a commission收取/支付手续费 3. (often commission) [countable] a group of people who are officially asked to find out about a problem and suggest some actions in a report (调查)委员会◆the commission will investigate the number of jobs created. 委员会将调查所创造的职位数目。◆she is to head a commission to look into working conditions in the industry. 她将领导一个调查行业工作条件的委员会。◆a commission of enquiry 调查委员会⨁ to appoint / head / set up a commission任命/领导/设立调查委员会 ⨁ a commission investigates / reports on / studies sth调查委员会调查/报告/研究某事 4. (often commission) [countable] an official organization with a particular purpose that manages sth or makes sure that the law is obeyed 委员会◆the equal opportunities commission 平等机会委员会  ➡  european commission ⨁ to appoint / head / set up a commission任命/领导/设立委员会 ⨁ a commission investigates / reports on / studies sth委员会调查/报告/研究某事 5. [countable] a formal request to an artist or a writer, for example, to produce a piece of work 正式委托◆i received a commission to write an article. 我收到委托撰写一篇文章。⨁ to accept / be given / get / receive a commission接受/获得/得到/收到委托 ●in/out of commissionavailable/not available to be used 可/不可使用◆several planes are temporarily out of commission and undergoing safety checks. 有几架飞机暂时不能使用,正在进行安全检查。 equal employment opportunities commission ◇ equal opportunities commission ◇ overriding commission ◇ securities and exchange commission commission /kəmɪʃn/ verb [transitive] to officially ask sb to write, make or create sth or to do a task for you 正式委托(撰写、制作或创作、完成)◆the survey on consumer taste was commissioned by local stores. 消费者口味调查是由当地商店委托进行的。☞ commission☞ commission☞ price/charge/commission/cost/fee/rate commission [countable + singular or plural verb] an official group of people chosen to control sth or find out about sth, usually for a government(通常为政府管控或调查某事的)委员会◆sweden's environment commission has ruled against the dam project.瑞典的环境委员会已经否决那个大坝工程。◆the commission is expected to report its findings next month.该委员会预计下月公布其调查结果。note 辨析 committee, council or commission?these words can all refer to very similar groups of people with similar functions. the title they are given is often just the choice of the organization which sets up the group. committee is the most general word and can refer to a group which is part of a government, a company, or an organization such as a trade union, political party or university. it can be at a high level or just at a local level making routine decisions, but it usually works within a larger organization. a council is more often an independent group of experts whose role is to promote the arts, sport, academic research, etc.这些词所指的委员会职能很相近,用哪一个作名称只是出于成立机构的选择。committee 是最通用的词,可指政府、公司或工会、政党、大学等机构里的团体,其级别可以很高,也可以只是做日常决策的地方级别,但一般隶属较大的机构。council 多为独立的专家组,其任务是推动艺术、体育、学术研究等◆the medical research council医学研究委员会a commission is usually a group of important politicians or experts set up by a government or other political organization with responsibility for a particular area, such as trade or agriculture or to investigate a particular issue, such as a serious accident or a social problem. * commission 常指政府或其他政治组织成立的,由重要的政治人物或专家组成的小组,负责某一领域,如贸易或农业,或调查某一事件,如重大事故或社会问题◆the atomic energy commission-the united nations high commission for refugees (unhcr)原子能委员会 - 联合国难民署 commission /kəmɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable] an amount of money that is paid to sb for selling goods, which increases with the value of goods that are sold; an amount of money that is charged, for example by a bank, for providing a particular service佣金;回扣;(银行等的)手续费◆in this job you work on commission (= are paid according to the amount you sell).你做这份工作按销售额提成。◆you get a 10% commission on everything you sell.你可从你售出的每件商品中获得 10% 的佣金。◆one per cent commission is charged for cashing traveller's cheques.兑现旅行支票收取 1% 的手续费。 commission /kəmɪʃn/ [countable] a formal request to sb to do a piece of work for you, such as designing a building or doing a painting(正式的)委托工作(如请人做建筑设计或作画等)◆who won the commission to design the new town hall?谁赢得了设计新市政厅的委托工作?◆the work will be done by commission (= sb will be formally asked to do it).该工程将通过委托方式请人来做。commission¹/kəˈmɪʃn ||; kəˈmɪʃən/noun1. oftencommission [c] [with.sop] an official group of people who are asked to find out about sth 调查委员会;调查团: ◇a commission was appointed to investigate the causes of the accident. 成立了委员会来调查事故的起因。 2. [c,u] money that you get for selling sth 佣金: ◇agents get 10% commission on everything they sell. 代理商收取相当于货价一成的佣金。 3. [c,u] money that a bank, etc charges for providing a particular service (银行等提供服务收取的)回扣,佣金 4. [c] a formal request to an artist, writer, etc to produce a piece of work 委托(艺术家、作家等完成某项作品): ◇he received a commission to write a play for the festival. 他受托为这个会演撰写剧本。 commission²/kəˈmɪʃn ||; kəˈmɪʃən/verb [t] commission sb (to do sth);commission sth (from sb) to ask an artist, writer, etc to do a piece of work 委托(艺术家、作家等完成某项作品): ◇to commission an architect to design a building 委托建筑师设计一幢大楼 commissionsee ⇨ earn 9 ⇨ work 12☞ commission¹☞ commission²




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