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单词 act
释义 act noun¹ 1thing that sb does所做之事adjective | verb + act | preposition | phrases adjective➤charitable, kind善举;仁慈的行为▸➤heroic, selfless英勇的/无私的行为◆a heroic act of bravery勇敢的英雄举动➤aggressive, barbaric, hostile, provocative, terrorist, violent攻击性行为;野蛮行为;敌对行动;挑衅行为;恐怖行动;暴力行为◆he was arrested on suspicion of planning terrorist acts.他因涉嫌策划恐怖行动而被捕。➤appalling, cowardly, despicable, heinous, horrific, immoral, outrageous, terrible, unspeakable骇人的/怯懦的/卑劣的/十恶不赦的/令人恐惧的/不道德的/耸人听闻的/可怕的/难以启齿的行为◆appalling acts of cruelty骇人的残暴行径◆horrific acts of violence令人心惊胆战的暴力行为➤criminal, delinquent, illegal, unlawful, wrongful犯罪/失职/非法/不法/错误行为▸➤careless, foolish, impulsive草率的/愚蠢的/冲动的行为▸➤conscious, deliberate, intentional, positive, voluntary, wilful/willful有意识的/蓄意的/故意的/积极的/自愿的/有意的行为◆the company says that the explosion was no accident but a deliberate act of sabotage.该公司说那起爆炸绝非事故,而是蓄意的阴谋破坏行为。➤private, public个人/公众行为◆a private act of revenge个人报复行为➤creative, dramatic, physical, political, symbolic创造性的举动;戏剧性的举动;身体的行为;政治行动;象征性的举动▸➤homosexual, sex, sexual同性恋行为;性行为➤random任意的行为◆random acts of violence恣意的暴力行为verb + act➤carry out, commit (law法律) , perform, perpetrate采取行动;犯罪;做出⋯行为;作恶◆images of african americans performing heroic acts做出英勇举动的非洲裔美国人形象◆charged with committing an act of gross indecency被控犯严重猥亵罪➤condemn谴责行为➤condone, justify宽恕行为;证明行为正当➤prevent阻止举动➤witness目击行为preposition➤in the act of (= while doing something) 在做⋯时▸➤act of⋯的行为◆for jane, the act of writing was always difficult.写东西对简来说一直都很难。phrases➤an act of faith, an act of love, an act of violence, an act of will, an act of worship出于信仰的行为;出于爱心的举动;暴力活动;有意的举动;祭拜活动▸➤a hard act to follow, a tough act to follow难以效仿的行为◆their contribution will prove a hard act to follow.他们的贡献将令后来者难望项背。➤catch sb in the act (of doing sth)当场抓获某人(做⋯)◆he was caught in the act of stealing.他行窃时被当场抓获。➤the simple act of doing sth, the very act of doing sth做⋯的行为本身◆the very act of writing out your plan clarifies what you need to do.把计划写出来就会使你清楚自己该做什么。act noun² 2law made by a government法令;条例verb + act | act + verb | preposition verb + act➤bring in, introduce, pass实施/推行/通过法令◆the act was passed by a majority of 175 votes to 143.此法令以 175 票对 143 票的多数票通过。➤amend修改法令▸➤repeal废除法令◆the old act has now been repealed.旧法令现已废除。➤breach, contravene, violate (especially name) 触犯/违背/违犯法律◆the company had violated the data security act of 2006.该公司违背了 2006 年的《数据安全法》。act + verb➤become law, come into force (bre) 法案成为法律;法令生效◆the new children's act will become law next year.新的《儿童法》将于明年生效。➤contain sth, say sth, state sth法令包含⋯/规定⋯/详述⋯◆the act contains regulations for financial institutions.该条例含有对金融机构的规定。➤apply to sth法令适用于⋯◆the 1995 act applies only to food and not to dietary supplements.这条 1995 年制订的法令只适用于食品,不适用于膳食补充剂。➤require sth法令要求⋯➤prohibit sth法令禁止⋯preposition➤under an/the act根据⋯法例◆he was charged under the firearms act.他被指控违反了《枪支管理条例》。act noun³ 3entertainment; entertainers娱乐表演;演员adjective | verb + act adjective➤class (used for sb who does sth well指做事出色的人) (informal) 精英人物◆their new player looks a class act.他们新来的球员看上去很优秀。➤solo单人节目的演员▸➤double双人节目演员◆comedy double act french and saunders双人喜剧演员弗伦奇和桑德斯➤live现场表演的演员◆their reputation as one of rock's most impressive live acts他们作为最具震撼力的现场表演摇滚乐组合的盛名➤main, support主角;配角◆the main act will come on at about ten o'clock.主角大约 10 点钟出场。➤opening开幕式表演▸➤cabaret, circus, comedy, dance, drag, music, musical, novelty, stage, stand-up, variety卡巴莱歌舞/马戏/喜剧/舞蹈/异性装/音乐/音乐剧/标新立异的/舞台/单口相声/综艺表演◆the club offers live music and cabaret acts.该俱乐部有音乐与卡巴莱歌舞的现场表演。◆the group is merely a novelty act (= an act that is only interesting because it is strange or unusual).这个流行乐团的表演只是在标新立异而已。➤hip-hop, pop, rock, etc.嘻哈音乐、流行音乐、摇滚音乐等的表演▸➤balancing, disappearing, juggling, vanishing (all figurative) 玩平衡;玩失踪;玩杂耍◆the cat had done a disappearing act.那只猫玩起了失踪。◆the un must perform a difficult balancing act between the two sides in the conflict.联合国必须在冲突双方之间艰难地维持平衡。verb + act➤do, perform演出;表演◆he does a little novelty act.他表演一小段标新立异的节目。➤rehearse, work on表演前彩排;致力于表演◆i have to work on my act.我必须专心表演。act noun⁴ 4division of a play(戏剧的)一幕adjective | preposition adjective➤opening开场▸➤final, last最后一幕;终场▸➤first, second, etc.第一幕、第二幕等preposition➤in (the) act在第⋯幕中◆the king is killed in the opening act.国王一开场就被杀害了。act noun⁵ 5insincere actions装样子verb + act➤put on装腔作势◆don't take any notice-she's just putting on an act!别理她 - 她是在装样子!act verb¹ 1do sth/behave做;行动adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤at once, immediately, promptly, quickly, swiftly马上/立即/迅即/敏捷地/快速行动◆the government must act promptly to change this law.政府必须立即采取行动改变这部法律。➤appropriately, correctly, legally, properly行事得体;正确行事;依法办事;做事得体▸➤dishonestly, illegally, improperly, inappropriately, unconstitutionally, unlawfully, wrongly不诚实地行事;非法行事;做事不当;行事不得体;不依宪法行事;不依法行事;错误行事◆the country's highest court ruled that police had acted unlawfully.该国的最高法院判定警方的行为不合法。➤rationally, reasonably, responsibly, sensibly, wisely理智行事;理性行事;负责地做事;明智地行动;聪明地做事◆all citizens have a duty to act responsibly and show respect to others.所有公民都有为自己的行为负责和尊重别人的责任。➤irrationally, irresponsibly, rashly, unreasonably不理智行事;不负责地做事;轻率行事;做事荒唐▸➤oddly, strangely, suspiciously行为古怪;举止怪异;行为可疑◆jenny has been acting rather strangely recently.珍妮近来的表现一直很古怪。➤bravely, heroically勇敢地行动;做事英勇▸➤decisively果断地行事◆the government was criticized for failing to act decisively.政府做事不果断,受到了批评。➤aggressively挑衅地行动➤independently, unilaterally独立行事;单方面行动▸➤effectively有效地行动▸➤in self-defence/self-defense自卫◆the jury accepted that he had acted in self-defence / self-defense.陪审团接受了他那样做是出于自卫的观点。➤accordingly采取相应的行动◆george knew about the letter and acted accordingly.乔治知道那封信的情况并采取了相应的行动。preposition➤against采取行动对付⋯◆the government needs to act against the sale of these dangerous toys.政府需要采取措施,禁止这些危险玩具的销售。➤for sb, on behalf of sb当某人的代理;代表某人◆his lawyers are continuing to act for him.他的几位律师继续代理他的事务。➤like表现像⋯一样;像⋯一样起作用◆stop acting like a spoiled child.不要表现得像个被宠坏的孩子一样。◆hormones in the brain that act like natural painkillers大脑中起天然止痛作用的激素➤on对⋯起作用◆alcohol acts quickly on the brain.酒精能迅速对大脑产生影响。➤out of出于⋯而行动◆i suspected that he was acting out of malice.我怀疑他这么做是不怀好意。phrases➤act as if做起事来好像⋯◆she was acting as if she owned the place.她的一举一动好像在说这是她的地盘似的。➤act in sb's best interests为了某人的最大利益而行事◆we are all acting in the best interests of the children.我们都是为了孩子的最大利益在做事。➤act in good faith出于善意做事◆his excuse was that he had acted in good faith.他辩解说他当时是出于好心。act verb² 2perform in a play, film/movie, etc.扮演;演出adverb➤brilliantly, well演得很精彩;演得好◆the play is well acted.这部剧演得很好。➤badly, poorly演得糟糕;演得差act /ækt/ noun [countable] 1. (usually act) a law that has been made by a parliament (议会制订的)法案,法令◆many companies could be in breach of the data protection act. 许多公司都可能违反数据保护法。  ➡  regulation ⨁ to amend / pass / repeal an act修改/通过/废除法案 (law 法律) something that sb does that is harmful to sb else (对他人有伤害的)行为◆the auditors had been warned of possible illegal acts within the company. 已经有人提醒审计员,公司内部可能存在非法行为。⨁ to commit a criminal/an illegal act犯罪;从事非法活动 ●be/get in on the act (especially bre) (name usually get into the act) (informal) to be/become involved in an activity that sb else has started, especially to get some benefit for yourself 参与;插一手●get your act together (informal) to behave in a more effective or responsible way 组织起来◆the eu needs to get its act together to enforce the new law. 欧盟必须组织起来实施这项新法律。  ➡  idiom at clean verbact /ækt/ verb [intransitive] to do sth for a particular purpose or to deal with a particular situation (为某目的)做◆we have acted in the shareholders' best interests. 我们为了股东的最佳利益行事。◆the management has realized its mistake and has acted quickly to avoid disaster. 管理层已认识到错误,并且很快采取措施避免灾难。◆ the broker acted honestly and in good faith (= believing he was doing the right thing). 经纪人做事诚实,令人信服。 ●act for sb/sth ●act on behalf of sb/ deal with sb's/sth's affairs for them 代理(某人或某事)◆accountants acting for a number of trusts 代理许多信托财产的会计师 (law 法律) to represent sb/sth in a court 代表(某人或某事出庭)●act as sthto perform a particular function; to do a particular job, especially one that requires special skills or is very responsible 担任◆ms nelson will continue to act as a consultant for six other companies. 内尔森女士将继续担任另外六家公司的顾问。●act on sth (also act upon sth, especially formal ) to do sth as a result of advice, information, instructions, etc. that you have received 根据(建议、信息、指示等)行事◆the board failed to act on the takeover offer. 董事会未根据这收购要约采取行动。☞ act☞ act act verbact ♦︎ do something ♦︎ take action ♦︎ take steps ♦︎ move ♦︎ make a, your, etc. movethese words all mean to deal with a situation in a particular way.这些词均表示行动、采取措施。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to act / take action / take steps / move / make your move against sb / sth◆to act / do something / take action / take steps / move to do sth◆to act / do something / take action / take steps / move / make your move immediately◆to act / do something / take action / move quickly■ act [intransitive] to do sth for a particular purpose or in order to deal with a situation行动;做事◆it is vital that we act to stop the destruction of the rainforests.至关重要的是,我们应该采取行动制止破坏雨林。◆the girl's life was saved because the doctors acted so promptly.多亏医生行动迅速,女孩的生命得救了。◆he claims he acted in self-defence.他声称自己是出于自卫。ⓘ act in this meaning is often followed by an adverb relating to speed or urgency. * act 表达此义时,常后接表示迅速或紧急之意的副词◆they acted at once / immediately / promptly / quickly / swiftly.他们立即采取了行动。 act is also often used when people are talking about whether sb should be blamed for doing sth that has had a negative effect. * act 也常用于谈及某人的行为造成负面结果而是否应该受到指责◆he acted in self-defence / in good faith.他是出于自卫/好意。■ do something -->phrase(does, did, done) (rather informal, especially spoken) to act with a particular purpose or in order to deal with a situation采取行动◆the company ought to do something about the poor service.这公司应对差劲的服务采取点儿措施。◆don't just stand there-do something.别光站在那儿,做点儿什么吧。■ take action -->phrase(took, taken) (especially journalism尤用于新闻) to act with a particular purpose or in order to deal with a situation行动;做事◆firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze from spreading.消防员立即采取行动阻止火势蔓延。■ take steps -->phrase(took, taken) (especially written) to do a series of things in order to achieve sth采取(一系列)措施◆we are taking steps to prevent pollution.我们正采取措施防止污染。ⓘ unlike other verbs in this group, take steps does not necessarily suggest that sth is very urgent.有别于这组词的其他动词,take steps 不一定指事情很紧急。■ move [intransitive] (especially journalism尤用于新闻) to act with a particular purpose or in order to deal with a situation行动;做事◆the police moved quickly to dispel the rumours.警察迅速采取行动来消除谣言。ⓘ move is usually followed by an adverb relating to speed or urgency such as swiftly or quickly. * move 通常后接表示迅速或紧急的副词,如 swiftly 或 quickly。■ make a, your, etc. move -->idiom(made, made) (especially written) to do the action that you intend to do or need to do in order to achieve sth采取行动;开始行动◆the rebels waited until nightfall before they made their move.叛乱者等到夜幕降临才开始行动。 act [intransitive] to do sth for a particular purpose or in order to deal with a situation行动;做事◆it is vital that we act to stop the destruction of the rainforests.至关重要的是,我们应该采取行动制止破坏雨林。◆the girl's life was saved because the doctors acted so promptly.多亏医生行动迅速,女孩的生命得救了。◆he claims he acted in self-defence.他声称自己是出于自卫。ⓘ act in this meaning is often followed by an adverb relating to speed or urgency. * act 表达此义时,常后接表示迅速或紧急之意的副词◆they acted at once / immediately / promptly / quickly / swiftly.他们立即采取了行动。 act is also often used when people are talking about whether sb should be blamed for doing sth that has had a negative effect. * act 也常用于谈及某人的行为造成负面结果而是否应该受到指责◆he acted in self-defence / in good faith.他是出于自卫/好意。 act [countable] a thing that sb does行为;行动◆an act of kindness / generosity / love / aggression / desperation善行;慷慨之举;爱的表示;挑衅;铤而走险◆you have committed a serious criminal act.你已经犯下严重罪行。◆the very act of writing out your plan clarifies what you need to do.将计划写下来,这样做能厘清你要做的事。◆he was caught in the act of stealing (= caught stealing).他偷窃时当场被抓。note 辨析 action or act?these two words have the same meaning but are used in different patterns. an act is usually followed by of and/or used with an adjective. action is not usually used with of but is often used with his, her, etc. 这两个词意义相同,但用于不同的句型。act 通常后接 of,并常与形容词连用。action 通常不与 of 连用,但常与 his、her 等词连用◆a heroic act of bravery英雄壮举◆a heroic action of bravery ◆his heroic actions / acts during the war他在战争中的英雄壮举 action often combines with take but act does not. * action 常与 take 搭配,act 则不能◆we shall take whatever acts are necessary. act [intransitive](especially of a drug, chemical or physical force) to have a physical effect on sth(药物、化学品或外力)有影响,起作用◆alcohol acts quickly on the brain.酒精可以对大脑迅速产生影响。◆it took a few minutes for the drug to act.几分钟后药物才起作用。 ➡ see also action → effect noun act [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to behave in a particular way表现;行事◆john's been acting very strangely lately.近来约翰的行为怪得很。◆stop acting like spoilt children!别像惯坏的孩子那样胡闹了!◆she was acting as if she'd seen a ghost.她表现得像是见到鬼一样。◆you acted very wisely in coming to me.你来找我很明智。ⓘ see the note about like, as if and as though at behave.有关 like、as if 和 as though 的注释见上面的分词条 behave。note 辨析 behave or act? behave is usually used to talk about sb's general behaviour, not a particular action. * behave 通常用于描述一般性的而非具体的行为◆you behaved very wisely in coming to me. behave is used to talk about how well, how sensibly or how normally sb has behaved, but not how fairly or legally. * behave 可以表示行为好坏、是否明智或正常,但不能表示行为是否公正或合法◆to behave well / impeccably / sensibly / suspiciously表现好;表现得无可挑剔/很明智/令人起疑◆to behave unfairly/illegally/unlawfully/wrongly act is used to talk about how sensibly, how normally, how fairly or how legally sb has behaved, but not how well. * act 可以表示行为是否明智、正常、公正或合法,但不能表示行为好坏◆to act wisely / out of character / fairly / unlawfully行事明智/不符合某人的性格/公正;行为不合法◆to act well/impeccably/badly/abominably act [countable] one of several short pieces of entertainment in a show一段表演◆the show includes clowns and other circus acts.演出包括小丑和其他马戏表演。 act [intransitive, transitive] to perform a part in a play or film扮演(戏剧或电影中的角色)◆most of the cast act well.这出戏大多数演员演得不错。◆he just can't act (= acts very badly).他根本不会演戏。◆the play was well acted.这出戏演得不错。◆she is acting the role of juliet.她在演朱丽叶这一角色。  ➡ see also acting → drama , actor → actor note 辨析 play or act?in this meaning, act can be used with an object ( act a part/role) as well as without ( he just can't act.); play can only be used with an object. it is more common to talk about a person playing rather than acting a role or part. people usually talk about acting a part when they are talking about sb pretending to be a particular type of person in everyday life.表达此义时,act 可以带宾语,如 act a part/role,也可以不带,如 he just can't act。play 必须带宾语。表示扮演某个角色较常用 play,而不用 act。表示在日常生活中装成某类人时通常用 act◆i found myself acting the part of the happy newly-married wife.我发现自己正假扮成一个幸福的新婚妻子。a play or film as a whole is acted, not played.谈论戏剧或电影的整体表演,用 act 而不用 play。◆the play/film was well played.  ➡ see also act → pretend act [singular] a way of behaving that is not sincere but is intended to have a particular effect on others(为取得某种效果而做的)假装◆don't take her seriously-it's all an act.别跟她认真,这全是假戏一场。 act [intransitive] (used with a noun or adjective complement与名词补语或形容词补语连用) to pretend by your behaviour to be a particular type of person假装(成某种人)◆he's been acting the devoted husband all day.他整天装出一副模范丈夫的样子。◆i decided to act dumb.我决定装哑。 ➡ see also act → play verb 3 act ( often常作 act) [countable] a law that has been passed by a parliament(议会通过的)法案,法令◆an act of parliament / congress议会/国会法案◆the higher education act 19651965 年颁布的高等教育法◆the act was passed by a majority of 175 votes to 143.本法案以 175 票对 143 票多数表决通过。act¹/ækt ||; ækt/verb1. [i] act (on sth) to do sth; to take action 做;行动: ◇the doctor knew he had to act quickly to save the child. 医生知道自己不得不马上采取行动救这孩子。◇i'm always giving my brother advice but he never acts on (= as a result of) it. 我老是给我弟弟提出忠告,但他从来不照我的话办。 2. [i] act as sth to perform a particular function 起某种作用;充当某种角色: ◇the man we met on the plane to tokyo was kind enough to act as our guide. 我们在前往东京的飞机上认识的那个男子真肯帮忙,他愿意充当我们的导游。◇the elephant's trunk acts as a nose, a hand and an arm. 象的长鼻起着鼻子、手和胳膊的作用。 3. [i] to behave in the way that is mentioned 以所述的方式表现: ◇stop acting like a child! 别像个孩子那样!◇although she was trying to act cool, i could see she was really upset. 虽然她想装出冷静的样子,但我看得出她其实很不高兴。◇he hasn't really hurt himself -- he's just acting! 他其实没有受伤,他只是装装样子!◇ali's acting strangely today -- what's wrong with him? 阿里今天的表现很古怪,他怎么啦? 4. [i,t] to perform in a play or film 扮演某个角色;演戏: ◇i acted in a play at school. 我在学校里演过戏。 ☞picture at sport 见sport插图act²/ækt ||; ækt/noun[c] 1. a thing that you do 所做之事;行动: ◇in a typical act of generosity they refused to accept any money. 他们真的是慷慨,不肯收钱。◇to commit a violent act 动粗;施暴 act and action can have the same meaning it was a brave act/action. act, not action can be followed by of it was an act of bravery. activity is used for something that is done regularly i like outdoor activities such as walking and gardening. act 和 action 可以用来表示相同的意思:it was a brave act/action. 这是英勇的行为。act 后面可以接 of,但 action 不可:it was an act of bravery. 这是英勇行为。activity 指经常做的事:i like outdoor activities such as walking and gardening. 我喜欢户外活动,例如散步和园艺。 2. oftenact one of the main divisions of a play or opera (戏剧的)一幕: ◇how many scenes are there in act 4? 第4幕有多少场? 3. a short piece of entertainment, especially as part of a show (尤指综合表演中的)小节目: ◇did you enjoy the clowns' act? 你喜欢那些小丑表演的节目吗? 4. oftenact a law made by a government 法律条例;法令: ◇the government passed an act forbidding the keeping of guns. 政府通过一项法令禁止私藏枪支。 5. behaviour that hides your true feelings 掩饰真实感情的行为: ◇she seems very happy but she's just putting on an act. 她看似很快乐,但只是装出来的。 a hard act to follow→hard¹be/get in on the act become involved in an activity that is becoming popular 参与或加入某项时髦的活动 get your act together to organize yourself so that you can do sth properly 妥作安排以便办好某事;使出劲来: ◇if he doesn't get his act together he's going to lose his job. 他不使劲就会失去工作。 in the act (of doing sth) while doing sth, especially sth wrong 正在做某事(尤指坏事)的时候;当场: ◇he was looking through the papers on her desk and she caught him in the act. 他正在翻阅她桌子上的文件的时候被她逮个正着了。 actsee ⇨ actor/actress 2 ⇨ behave 1 ⇨ do/not do 7,9 ⇨ law 1 ⇨ perform/performance 6     • • •• ⇨ get in on the act☞ act¹☞ act²




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