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单词 visit
释义 visit nounadjective | verb + visit | preposition adjective➤brief, fleeting, flying, quick, short短暂的访问;闪电式访问;快速的参观➤little短暂的拜访◆i think it's time we paid him a little visit.我觉得我们该去看看他了。➤extended, lengthy, long漫长的访问;长时间的参观▸➤eight-day, hour-long, weekend, etc.为期 8 天的访问、历时 1 个小时的参观、周末拜访等▸➤regular定期的拜访➤routine例行的拜访▸➤frequent, repeated频繁的拜访;反复的参观◆she enjoyed the frequent visits of her grandchildren.她喜欢孙辈常常来看望自己。➤infrequent, occasional, periodic, rare不经常的/偶尔的/间或的/少有的拜访▸➤annual, daily, twice-weekly, etc.每年一次、每天一次、一周两次等的拜访➤repeat重访➤recent近期的访问➤last, previous上次的/先前的访问▸➤forthcoming, impending, upcoming (name) 即将来临的访问;即将进行的访问◆the president has been briefed in preparation for his forthcoming visit to russia.已向总统简要汇报了他即将进行的访俄活动的准备情况。➤exchange, reciprocal, return互访;回访◆exchange visits between company and school have kept the project going.公司与学校之间的互访使得这一项目得以进行下去。◆they came here last week, and we'll pay them a return visit in the summer.他们上周来拜访,而我们将在夏天回访他们。➤surprise, unannounced, unexpected突然来访;事前未通知的拜访;意料之外的拜访➤planned, scheduled计划好的/预先安排的访问▸➤unwelcome不受欢迎的拜访▸➤casual非正式访问▸➤formal, ministerial, official, presidential, royal, state正式/部长级/官方/总统/王室/国事访问▸➤high-profile高调的访问▸➤family, private, social, unofficial探亲;私人拜访;社交拜访;私下的访问▸➤foreign, overseas (both especially bre) 出国访问▸➤personal亲自拜访◆following her letter of complaint, she received a personal visit from the store manager.她发出投诉信后,商店经理亲自登门拜访。➤home (bre) 家访◆you should receive a home visit from your midwife within a month.一个月之内助产士将去你家家访。➤hospital, prison到医院探病;探监➤dental, doctor's, emergency-room, medical, office (all name) 看牙医;看病;看急诊;就诊;去诊所看病▸➤first, initial初次拜访▸➤follow-up后续的拜访▸➤educational, study教育性质的/学习性质的参观▸➤fact-finding, research调查情况的/研究访问▸➤inspection视察▸➤on-site, site实地参观▸➤campus, school对校园的参观;对学校的参观;(学生的)校外参观▸➤memorable令人难忘的访问verb + visit➤conduct (formal) , go on, make, pay sb, take, undertake (formal, especially bre) 进行访问;去参观;拜访某人◆we used to go on school visits to museums and historical buildings.我们上学时常集体参观博物馆和历史建筑。◆how many doctors are still able to make home visits?有多少医生仍然能够上门出诊?◆pay us a visit next time you're in town.你下次进城时一定要来看我们。➤get, have, receive有客人;有客人来访;接待来访▸➤look forward to期待⋯的拜访◆i'd been looking forward to my friend's visit for some time.我盼着朋友来作客已经有一阵子了。➤arrange, organize, plan, schedule安排访问;组织参观;筹划参观▸➤postpone推迟访问▸➤cancel取消访问▸➤cut short缩短访问时间◆he was forced to cut short a visit to north america.他被迫缩短访问北美的行程。➤announce通知⋯的视察时间◆we received a letter announcing a visit from government inspectors.我们收到政府巡视员要来视察的函件。➤be (well) worth(非常)值得参观◆if you're staying in rome, ostia is well worth a visit.如果你在罗马逗留,奥斯蒂亚很值得一游。preposition➤during a/the visit, on a/the visit在拜访期间◆on one of her regular visits home, she told her parents she was engaged.一次定期探家时,她告诉父母自己订婚了。➤visit from⋯的来访◆we had a visit from somebody collecting for charity.有个筹集慈善捐款的人到我们这里来募捐。➤visit to去⋯的参观;对⋯的拜访◆a visit to the dentist去看牙医➤visit with (name) 与⋯闲谈◆he thought back to his visit with the doctor.他回想起他当时与医生拉家常的情形。visit verbadverb | verb + visit | preposition adverb➤frequently, often, regularly频繁/经常/定期拜访➤occasionally, sometimes偶尔拜访;有时探望➤rarely很少拜访➤personally亲自拜访➤online网上访问verb + visit➤come to, go to来拜访;去拜访◆my parents are coming to visit me next week.我父母下周要来看我。◆we've just been to visit my grandparents.我们刚刚去看望了我的祖父母。➤decide to, hope to, intend to, plan to, promise to, want to, wish to决定拜访;想要看望;打算拜访;计划访问;答应看望;希望拜访▸➤be expected to, be likely to预计将参观;可能拜访◆a million people are expected to visit the museum over the next 12 months.预计在未来的 12 个月中将有 100 万人参观这家博物馆。➤invite sb to, urge sb to邀请某人访问;催促某人去看望preposition➤with与⋯闲聊◆come and visit with me sometime.什么时候来我这儿唠唠。 visit nounvisit ♦︎ tour ♦︎ stay ♦︎ call ♦︎ stopoverthese are all words for an occasion or period of time when sb goes to see a person or place and spends time there.这些词均表示对某人的拜访、看望,或者对某地的参观、访问或逗留。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆on a visit / tour / call◆during sb's visit / tour / stay◆an overnight stay / stopover◆to go on a visit / tour◆to make a visit / stay / call◆to pay sb a visit / call◆to cut short a visit / tour / stay◆to cancel a visit / tour■ visit [countable] an occasion or period of time when you go to see a person or place and spend time there拜访;看望;访问;参观◆is this your first visit to new york?这是你第一次到访纽约吗?◆we had a visit from the police last night.昨晚警察到我们家里来了。◆enjoy your visit!祝你此行玩得痛快!◆if you have time, pay a visit to the local museum.你若有空,就去参观一下当地的博物馆吧。◆the prime minister is on an official visit to jamaica.首相在牙买加进行官式访问。 ➡ see also visit → stay verb 2 , visitor → tourist ■ tour [countable] an act of walking around, looking at and learning about a place, especially as a visitor or tourist(尤指以参观者或游客身分进行的)游览,参观,观光◆in the afternoon we went on a tour of the ruins.下午我们去参观了那个遗址。◆we were given a guided tour of the palace.我们由导游带领参观游览了那座宫殿。◆the minister continued with his tour of inspection (= an official visit to examine a place) of the prison.部长继续视察那座监狱。 ➡ see also tour → tour verb ■ stay [countable] a period of staying somewhere on a visit停留;逗留◆i enjoyed my stay in prague.我在布拉格逗留期间过得很开心。  ➡ see also stay → stay verb 2 ■ call [countable] a short visit to sb's home短暂拜访◆i'm afraid this isn't a social call.恐怕这不是一次社交拜访。◆the doctor's out on a call at the moment.医生这会儿正在出诊。ⓘ call is used especially about a short visit to sb's home made by a professional person, especially a doctor or nurse. it can also be used about friends visiting each other, but this now sounds rather old-fashioned. * call 尤指专业人士,尤其是医生或护士,到某人家里的短暂探访;也可指朋友间的相互拜访,不过这一用法现在听起来有点过时◆he decided to pay a call on his old friend.他决定去拜访他的老友。■ stopover /stɒpəʊvə(r); name stɑːpoʊvər/ [countable] a short stay somewhere between two parts of a journey中途停留◆we had a two-day stopover in fiji on the way to australia.我们去澳大利亚的途中在斐济停留了两天。  ➡ see also stop over → stay verb 2 visit verbvisit ♦︎ go to sth ♦︎ see ♦︎ attend ♦︎ call ♦︎ drop in/round/by ♦︎ pop in/round/over ♦︎ stop by sth ♦︎ look in on sb ♦︎ look sb upthese words all mean to go to see a person or place for a period of time.这些词均表示拜访、看望某人,或参观、访问某地。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to call / drop in / pop in / look in on sb◆to visit / see a / the doctor / dentist◆to go to the doctor's / dentist's◆to come / go to visit / see sb◆to come / go and visit / see sb◆to call / drop in / pop in / stop by to see sb◆to often visit / go to sth / see / drop in / pop in / stop by / look in◆to regularly visit / go to sth / see / attend / call / pop in◆to occasionally visit / go to sth / see / attend / call / drop in / look in■ visit [transitive] (rather formal) to travel to a place to see it or to spend some time with a person参观;访问;拜访;看望◆the president will be visiting six european capitals.总统将出访欧洲六国首都。◆i visited her in hospital.我到医院去看望她。■ go to sth -->phrasal verb(goes, went, gone) [no passive] to visit or spend time in a place for a particular purpose(为某目的)去(某处)◆i have to go to the doctor's for a check-up.我得去找医生做身体检查。◆do you go to church (= regularly attend church services)?你平常上教堂吗?◆i'm not prepared to go to prison for a crime i didn't commit.我可不愿意为自己没有犯的罪进监狱。◆they sometimes go to the pub after work.他们有时下班后去酒吧。■ see (saw, seen) [transitive] to visit sb拜访;看望;探视◆when was the last time you saw a dentist?你上次去看牙医是什么时候?◆come and see us again soon!早点再来看我们!◆he said he'd been to see his sister.他说自己去看望姐姐了。ⓘ in this meaning see is used especially in the expressions come/go and see sb and come/go to see sb.表达此义时 see 尤用于短语 come/go and see sb 和 come/go to see sb。■ attend [transitive] (formal) to go regularly to a place such as a church, school or hospital经常去,定期去(教堂、学校、医院等)◆the children attended the local school.孩子们在当地学校读书。◆the patients all attend the clinic monthly.病人都是每月去门诊一次。■ call [intransitive] (especially bre, rather formal) to visit sb at home for a short time短暂拜访◆we called but they were out.我们去拜访时他们不在家。◆i called round at the house to check how things were.我去了家访,想看看情况如何。■ drop in-->■ drop by-->■ drop round-->-->phrasal verb(-pp-) [no passive] (rather informal) to visit a person or place for a short time, especially when you are not expected顺便访问;顺便进入◆don't forget to drop in on harry.别忘了顺便去看看哈里。◆they dropped round for a drink.他们顺便去喝了杯酒。◆i'll drop by some time next week.下周有空时我会过来坐坐。◆i sometimes drop into the national gallery for an hour or so.有时候我顺便到国家美术馆待上约一个钟头。▸ drop-in adjective◆a drop-in advice centre开放式咨询中心■ pop in-->■ pop over ■ pop round -->phrasal verb(-pp-) (bre, informal) to visit a person or place for a short time, especially when you are not expected顺便访问;顺便进入◆i was just passing and thought i'd pop in.我正好路过,于是想顺便进去看看。■ stop by-->■ stop by sth -->phrasal verb(-pp-) [no passive] (rather informal) to visit a place for a short time顺路造访;过去坐坐◆he used to stop by every day.过去他每天都顺路过来坐坐。◆she stopped by the store at about five o'clock.大约 5 点钟的时候,她顺路进了那家商店。 ➡ see also stop → stay 1 , stop over → stay 2 ■ look in on sb phrasal verb (rather informal) to make a short visit to sb, especially sb who is old or ill短暂探访(尤指探访老人或病人)◆could you look in on dad some time?你什么时候能顺便去看望一下爸爸吗?■ look sb up -->phrasal verb [no passive] (informal) to visit or make contact with sb, especially when you normally live far away or have not seen them for a long time(尤指在久别之后)拜访,看望,接触◆i promised to look her up next time i was in england.我答应下次到英国一定去看望她。visit [transitive] to make an official visit somewhere, for example to carry out checks or give advice视察,巡视(对工作进行检查或督导)◆government inspectors are visiting all schools in the area next month.政府检察员下月巡视这个地区所有的学校。visit [intransitive, transitive] to stay somewhere for a short time(短暂地)作客,逗留◆we don't live here. we're just visiting.我们不住在这里,只是短期停留。◆next time you visit the states you'll have to come and see us.下次来美国你一定要来看我们。 ➡ see also visit → visit noun , visitor → tourist visit [countable] an occasion or period of time when you go to see a person or place and spend time there拜访;看望;访问;参观◆is this your first visit to new york?这是你第一次到访纽约吗?◆we had a visit from the police last night.昨晚警察到我们家里来了。◆enjoy your visit!祝你此行玩得痛快!◆if you have time, pay a visit to the local museum.你若有空,就去参观一下当地的博物馆吧。◆the prime minister is on an official visit to jamaica.首相在牙买加进行官式访问。 ➡ see also visit → stay verb 2 , visitor → tourist visit [transitive] (rather formal) to travel to a place to see it or to spend some time with a person参观;访问;拜访;看望◆the president will be visiting six european capitals.总统将出访欧洲六国首都。◆i visited her in hospital.我到医院去看望她。visit/ˈvɪzɪt ||; ˈvɪzɪt/verb [i,t] to go to see a person or place for a period of time 参观;游览;探访: ◇i don't live here. i'm just visiting. 我不是住在这里的,我只是到这里游览。◇we often visit relatives at the weekend. 我们通常在周末去探访亲戚。◇she's going to visit her son in hospital. 她将要去医院探望儿子。◇when you go to london you must visit the science museum. 到伦敦不可不到科学博物馆参观。  visit noun [c]: ◇the prime minister is on a visit to germany. 首相正在德国访问。◇we had a flying (= very short) visitfrom richard on sunday. 星期日理查德来我们这里作短暂逗留。◇i decided it was time to pay him a visit. 我认为该是去探望他的时候了。 visit1 to visit a person2 to visit someone for a short time3 to visit a place as a tourist4 to visit a place as part of your official duties5 to visit a person or place on the way to somewhere else6 someone who visits someone else7 an occasion when someone visits a place or personrelated wordssee alsotravel,holiday/vacation,stay (4-8),1. to visit a person 看望某人 visit /ˈvɪzɪt, ˈvɪzət/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to go and spend time with someone, especially in their home 看望,探望 i visit my grandparents at least once a month. 我至少每月去看祖父母一次。 paul visited her every day when she was in hospital. 她住院的时候,保罗每天去看她。 we won't be that far away - you'll be able to come and visit. 我们不会搬得很远,你们可以来看我们的。 go to see/go and see /ˌgəʊ tə ˈsiː, ˌgəʊ ən ˈsiː/ [verb phrase] spoken to visit someone 【口】去看[某人] i'm going to see my brother and his family tomorrow. 明天我要去看我弟弟一家。 better go and see your father tonight. 最好今晚去看你父亲。 why don't you go and see your mother? 你为什么不去看妈妈?go see american spoken you really should go see mattie some time. 你真该找个时间去看看马蒂。 go over/go around/go round /ˌgəʊ ˈəʊvəʳ, ˌgəʊ əˈraʊnd, ˌgəʊ ˈraʊnd/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to visit someone at their house, especially if they live close to you 走访[尤指去看望住在附近的某人] i saw your mum today, and i promised that we'd go round later. 今天我见到你妈妈,我答应我们稍后再去看她。go over/go around/go round to let's get a bottle of wine and go over to simon's place. 我们拿瓶酒,到西蒙家去吧。 come over/come around/come round /ˌkʌm ˈəʊvəʳ, ˌkʌm əˈraʊnd, ˌkʌm ˈraʊnd/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if someone comes over or comes round, they visit you at your house, especially if they live close to you [尤指住在附近的某人]来访 i'll come over at about 7 o'clock, 我7点钟左右过来。 why don't you come round later and we'll discuss it over dinner? 你等会儿过来,我们吃晚饭的时候谈谈这事好吗? pay a visit /ˌpeɪ ə ˈvɪzə̇t/ [verb phrase] to visit someone, especially for a particular reason 看望,拜访[尤指为了某原因] pay a visit to somebody your hand looks very swollen, i think you should pay a visit to the doctor. 你的手看上去非常肿,我认为你应该去看一下医生。pay somebody a visit isn't it time you paid your mother a visit? 现在你是不是该去看看你母亲? look up /ˌlʊk ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to visit someone that you have not seen for a long time, while you are spending some time in the area where they live 看望,拜访[久没见面而居住在你所到之地的某人] look somebody up i'll give you my address so you can look me up whenever you're in london. 我会把我的地址给你,那么你无论什么时候到伦敦都可以来看我。look up somebody i looked up a few old friends while i was in birmingham. 我去伯明翰的时候看望了几个老朋友。 descend on/upon /dɪˈsend ɒn, əˌpɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] if a lot of people, especially members of your family, descend on you, all of them suddenly visit you at the same time [尤家人]突然访问,突然造访 sorry for just descending on you like this, pam -- we had nowhere else to stay. 帕姆,很抱歉这样突然就来了—我们没别的地方可住。 the following week all my family descended upon me. 接下来的一周里,家里人都突然来看我。2. to visit someone for a short time 短时间拜访某人 call on/call in on /ˈkɔːl ɒn, ˌkɔːl ˈɪn ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] especially british to visit someone for a short time 【尤英】[短时间]访问,拜访,探望 why don't you call on matt on your way back from work and see how he is? 你下班回家路上去看一下马特,看看他现在怎样了,好吗? one of our salesmen would be delighted to call in on you in your own home. 我们的推销员会很乐意登门拜访。 drop in/drop by /ˌdrɒp ˈɪn, ˌdrɒp ˈbaɪǁˌdrɑːp-/ [intransitive phrasal verb] especially spoken to visit someone for a short time, especially when they are not expecting you 【尤口】看望[尤指对方没有料到的时候] lizzie said she'd drop in later to let us know what the arrangements are for tonight. 莉齐说她晚些时候会来一次,告诉我们今晚的安排。 kate dropped by this morning. 凯特今天上午来过了。drop in to see somebody i'll drop in to see you later. 稍后我去看你。 pop in /ˌpɒp ˈɪnǁpɑːp-/ [intransitive phrasal verb] british informal to visit someone for a very short time 【英,非正式】[很短时间地]探访,匆匆来访 i might be able to pop in for about half an hour. 我或许可以来坐半小时左右。 just pop by when you've got a minute and i'll show you our holiday photographs. 你有空的时候就过来一下,我给你看我们度假的照片。pop in to see somebody i popped in to see keith on my way home. 回家路上我去看了基思。 call round/call in /ˌkɔːl ˈraʊnd, ˌkɔːl ˈɪn/ [intransitive phrasal verb] british to visit someone who lives near you for a short time 【英】[短时间]拜访,看望[住在附近的人] fred calls round sometimes on his way to the sports centre. 弗雷德在去体育中心的路上有时会过来看看。 i'll call in tomorrow then, mum. 那我明天来看你,妈妈。3. to visit a place as a tourist 到某地旅游 visit /ˈvɪzɪt, ˈvɪzət/ [transitive verb] every year thousands of tourists visit turkey. 每年有成千上万名游客到土耳其游览。 we spent the day visiting temples and other historic buildings. 我们白天参观了寺庙以及其他历史建筑。 pay a visit /ˌpeɪ ə ˈvɪzə̇t/ [verb phrase] to visit a place, especially because you are near it 访问,参观[附近的某个地方] we were near edinburgh, so we decided to pay a visit. 我们在爱丁堡附近,于是决定去看看。pay a visit to we paid a quick visit to new york before flying home. 坐飞机回家之前,我们在纽约短暂停留。 go to see/go and see also go see american spoken /ˌgəʊ tə ˈsiː, ˌgəʊ ən ˈsiː , ˌgəʊ ˈsiː/ [verb phrase] to visit a well-known place or building while you are in a city or country 去参观,去看看[著名的地点或建筑] if you're in paris, you must go to see the pompidou centre. 你要是到了巴黎,一定要去参观蓬皮杜中心。 let's go and see the cathedral. 我们去看大教堂吧。 why don't we go see the statue of liberty? 我们为什么不去看自由女神像呢? see the sights /ˌsiː ðə ˈsaɪts/ [verb phrase] to visit a city or country and look at the famous and interesting places there 游览名胜风景,观光 i wanted to look round moscow and see the sights. 我想在莫斯科参观游览一番。see the sights of we're going on a bus tour today, to see the sights of copenhagen. 今天我们要坐车游览哥本哈根的风景名胜。 sightseeing /ˈsaɪtˌsiːɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] the activity of visiting and travelling around a place to look at the famous and interesting places there 观光,游览 after an afternoon's sightseeing we were all exhausted. 游览观光了一个下午,我们都筋疲力尽了。 we spent the days sightseeing and the evenings sitting in cosy bars drinking the local wine. 我们白天游览观光,晚上坐在舒适的酒吧里喝当地产的葡萄酒。go sightseeing why don't we go sightseeing tomorrow? 明天我们为什么不去游览一番呢? do /duː/ [transitive verb not in passive] spoken to visit a particular famous place while you are on holiday 【口】参观,游览 i think we ought to do st paul's while we're in london. 我想我们到了伦敦应该去圣保罗大教堂看看。 we did the eiffel tower yesterday. 昨天我们去了埃菲尔铁塔。4. to visit a place as part of your official duties 作为职责访问某地 visit /ˈvɪzɪt, ˈvɪzət/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in passive] the ambassador last visited hong kong in 1982. 大使上次访问香港是在1982年。 this afternoon the queen will visit great ormond street children's hospital. 今天下午,女王将视察大奥蒙德街儿童医院。 a police officer will be visiting next week to give the children a talk on crime prevention. 一位警官下周会来给孩子讲讲如何预防犯罪。 visiting [adjective only before noun] we all had to attend a reception for some visiting dignitaries. 我们都得参加一个为一些达官贵人举行的招待会。5. to visit a person or place on the way to somewhere else 去某地的路上拜访某人或参观某地 stop by also stop in american /ˌstɒp ˈbaɪ, ˌstɒp ˈɪnǁˌstɑːp-/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to visit a person for a short time while you are on your way to somewhere else 顺路拜访 i just stopped in to say goodbye before i go on vacation. 我就过来和你说声再见,我要去度假了。 stop by for a drink on your way home from work. 下班回家的路上你顺便来喝一杯吧。 look in on /ˌlʊk ˈɪn ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make a short visit to someone, while you are on your way somewhere, especially if they are ill or need help 顺路看望[尤指生病或需要帮助的人] i promised to look in on dad and see if he's feeling better. 我答应顺便去看望爸爸,看他是不是好些了。 tom will look in on you later to see if you need anything. 稍后汤姆会顺路来看看你是否需要什么。 call in british /come by american /ˌkɔːl ˈɪn, ˌkʌm ˈbaɪ/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to visit a person or place for a short time while you are on your way to somewhere else 顺路拜访 why don't you call in on your way up north? 往北去的时候何不顺路过来呢? come by on saturday and we'll have a drink together. 周六顺路过来,我们一起喝一杯。call in on somebody i called in on sally yesterday. 昨天我顺路去看望了萨莉。 stop off /ˌstɒp ˈɒfǁˌstɑːp-/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to make a short visit to a place during a journey [在旅行时]中途过访,中途逗留 we'll stop off and see you on our way back. 我们回来的时候顺路来看你。stop off in/at he stopped off in paris for a couple of days. 他顺路在巴黎停留了几天。 stop over /ˌstɒp ˈəʊvəʳǁˌstɑːp-/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to visit somewhere for a short time during a long journey, especially a plane flight 中途停留[尤指在乘飞机时] stop over in the flight to australia takes 28 hours but we stop over in singapore for a night. 去澳大利亚的飞机航程是28小时,但我们中途会在新加坡停留一晚。 stopover /ˈstɒpəʊvəʳǁˈstɑːp-/ [countable noun] the journey includes a two-day stopover in miami before flying on to mexico. 旅程包括在迈阿密逗留两天,然后再飞往墨西哥。6. someone who visits someone else 作访问的人 visitor /ˈvɪzɪtəʳ, ˈvɪzətəʳ/ [countable noun] we have nowhere for visitors to sleep at the moment as the spare room is being decorated. 目前客房正在装修,所以我们没有地方给客人入住。 colette offered her visitor a glass of wine. 科莉特给来客倒了杯酒。 i've been asked to show some important visitors round the department. 我被要求带一些重要的访客参观一下这个部门。 guest /gest/ [countable noun] someone who you have invited to visit you at your home [被邀请到家中的]客人 you're not supposed to do the dishes -- you're a guest. 你不应该洗碗一你是客人。 among the guests was the television presenter jo everton. 客人中有一位是电视节目主持人乔·埃弗顿。 she felt she had to stay in and entertain her guests. 她觉得自己得留在家里招待客人。have a guest we had a couple of guests for the weekend. 周末我们这儿来了几个客人。 caller /ˈkɔːləʳ/ [countable noun] especially british someone who you do not know who visits you at home for a short time 【尤英】[不认识而来家里的]来访者 i don't seem to have many callers these days. 最近来访的陌生人似乎不多。 when answering the door, always check the identity of callers. 去开门时一定要问清楚来访者的身份。 have company/visitors/guests /hæv ˈkʌmpəni, ˈvɪzə̇təʳz, ˈgests/ [verb phrase] if you have company, visitors etc someone is visiting you in your home [家里]有客人 i didn't realise you had company, i'll call back tomorrow. 我不知道你有客人,我明天再打电话来。 there's a surprise waiting for you at home - we have unexpected guests. 家里有惊喜等着你,我们有意想不到的客人。7. an occasion when someone visits a place or person 访问 visit /ˈvɪzɪt, ˈvɪzət/ [countable noun] we're all looking forward to your visit. 我们都盼望着你的到来。visit from the girls were quite excited because they were expecting a visit from their parents. 女孩们非常兴奋,因为她们正期待着父母来看望她们。visit to the senator's visit to the military academy at andover was a great success. 参议员对安多弗军事学院的访问极为成功。make/pay a visit to visit a person or place 访问 the president will make a brief visit to britain before returning home. 总统回国前将到英国进行简短的访问。! the queen will pay a state visit to china later this year. 今年晚些时候,女王将对中国进行国事访问。 flying visit /ˌflaɪ-ɪŋ ˈvɪzə̇t/ [countable noun] a very short visit, made especially when you are on your way to another place and you do not have much time [尤指顺路的]短暂逗留;闪电式访问 i'm afraid this is only a flying visit - we have to get to the station by three. 恐怕这次我们只能匆匆到访——我们3点之前要赶到车站。make a flying visit to we're making a flying visit to monte carlo on our way back. 回程时我们将在蒙特卡洛短暂停留。☞ visit¹☞ visit²




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