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单词 visionary
释义 visionary nounvisionary ♦︎ dreamer ♦︎ idealist ♦︎ romanticthese are all words for a person who has grand ideas and plans for the future that may or may not be realistic.这些词均表示有远见卓识的人或有梦想但不切实际的人。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a great visionary / dreamer / romantic◆a true visionary / romantic■ visionary /vɪʒənri; name vɪʒəneri/ [countable] (usually approving) a person who has the ability to think about or plan the future in an intelligent, imaginative way有眼力的人;有远见卓识的人◆the company needs visionaries to see opportunities.公司需要一些独具慧眼的人去发现机遇。 ➡ see also vision → inspiration ▸ visionary adjective◆a visionary leader有远见卓识的领导人■ dreamer [countable] (often disapproving) a person who has ideas or plans that are not practical or realistic; a person who does not pay attention to what is happening around them, but thinks about other things instead梦想家;空想家;不切实际的人;做白日梦的人◆my father was a romantic dreamer.我父亲是个浪漫的梦想家。◆he was a dreamer; i 'd give him a job to do, come back, and find he hadn't started it.他是个做白日梦的人。我给了他一项工作,可是我回来一看,他还没开始做呢。  ➡ see also dream → hope noun 2 ■ idealist [countable] a person who has a strong belief in perfect standards and tries to achieve them, even when this is not realistic理想主义者◆he's too much of an idealist for this government.对现任政府而言,他太过于理想主义了。▸ idealism noun [uncountable] ◆she was full of youthful idealism.她满脑子都是年轻人的理想主义。▸ idealistic adjective◆she's still young and idealistic.她还年轻并且耽于空想。■ romantic [countable] a person who is very imaginative and emotional, and who has ideas and hopes that may not be realistic浪漫的人;耽于幻想的人◆she's an incurable romantic.她是个摆脱不掉不切实际幻想的人。◆he was a romantic at heart and longed for adventure.他骨子里是个浪漫的人,渴望去历险。visionary /vɪʒənri; name vɪʒəneri/ [countable] (usually approving) a person who has the ability to think about or plan the future in an intelligent, imaginative way有眼力的人;有远见卓识的人◆the company needs visionaries to see opportunities.公司需要一些独具慧眼的人去发现机遇。 ➡ see also vision → inspiration ▸ visionary adjective◆a visionary leader有远见卓识的领导人visionaryadjective [only before noun] ◆visionary experiences神异体验visionaryadjective◆a visionary leader有远见卓识的领导人visionaryadjective [only before noun] ◆visionary experiences神异体验visionaryadjective◆a visionary leader有远见卓识的领导人visionary/ˈvɪʒənri ||; ˈvɪʒənˌɛrɪ/adj (plural -ies) having great plans for the future 有远见的: ◇a visionary leader 目光远大的领袖 visionary noun [c] (plural visionaries) vi·sion·a·ry /`vɪʒənˏɛrɪ; ˈvɪʒənəri/adjhaving great ideas of how the world can be in the future, especially how it can be improved 有眼光的,有远见的 visionaryn [c]




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